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UML Components

A Simple Process for Specifying Component-based Software

Although originally conceived as a notation for object-oriented modeling, UML has great potential for component-based systems. UML Components applies UML to the world of component architecture, demonstrating how it can be used to specify components, their interactions, and their integration into cohesive systems. This book shows readers which elements of UML apply to server-side component-based development and how to use them most effectively. Following a simple step-by-step process, the authors walk through requirements definition, component identification, component interaction, component specification, and provisioning and assembly. Throughout, the focus is on the specification of the external characteristics of components and their inter-dependencies, rather than on internal implementation. Numerous UML diagrams illustrate component specifications, and a detailed case study demonstrates important concepts and techniques. System architects, designers, programmers, and testers interested in leveraging the advantages of UML will find this a concise, practical, and insightful guide. The authors address the two great challenges of designing and constructing enterprise-scale componen

This book shows readers which elements of UML apply to server-side component-based development and how to use them most effectively.