Sebanyak 3 item atau buku ditemukan

Building Contractor's Exam Preparation Guide

Pass your state, county or city contractor's exam with confidence. This book includes sample questions and the correct answers from actual state, county, and city exams across the country.

Pass your state, county or city contractor's exam with confidence. This book includes sample questions and the correct answers from actual state, county, and city exams across the country.

Commercial Electrical Wiring

Commercial work uses more material and the work is usually smooth, long-lasting and more profitable than residential. This updated book has the explanations, examples, and tips to help you comply with the parts of the NEC that apply to commercial wiring in load calculations, sizing of electrical services, selecting and installing overcurrent protection and more. You'll also find how to read and understand symbols, plans, drawings and schematics common in commercial electrical work. If you want to increase your work volume and profits by moving into commercial electrical work, get this book.

This updated book has the explanations, examples, and tips to help you comply with the parts of the NEC that apply to commercial wiring in load calculations, sizing of electrical services, selecting and installing overcurrent protection and ...

Plumbing & HVAC Manhour Estimates

A Guide to Competitive Bidding

Tested and proven manhours for installing just about any plumbing fixture, pipe, or fitting. Also includes an extensive section on HVAC.

Tested and proven manhours for installing just about any plumbing fixture, pipe, or fitting. Also includes an extensive section on HVAC.