Sebanyak 4 item atau buku ditemukan

The new pocket dictionary of the Italian and English languages, corrected by A. Montucci and revised by P.N. Rabaudy

(in poetry) a smith, forger, inventai ', tabbri siamo noidelle miseria nostre, we are
the cause of our own misfortunes. Fabuleggiare, to recount, at compose fables.
Fabuloso, adj. fabulous. Faccenda,/.' bussine$s;ht faccen- da, to be in bussiness.

The New Pocket-dictionary of the Italian and English Languages by C. Graglia. With a Compendious Elementary Italian Grammar

Ballata, a donne , a ballad, qual ballata , tal sonata, to give like for like: fornir la
ballata, to make an end of' any bussines; guidar la bali lata, to have the
management of a thing. Ballatoio, т. a gallerv. Ballatore, and Ballerino, m. a. '

The New Pocket-dictionary of the Italian and English Languages by C. Graglia. With a Compendious Elementary Italian Grammar

Fabuleggiare, to recount, ór сот— pose /ables. Fabuloso, adj. fabulous.
Faccenda,f. bussiness; far Рассеи— da, t0 be in bussiness. Faccendiere, rn.. an
active man ‚ a busy body. Faccenduzza,f. small business. Faœente, adj. active,
busy,brisk ...

The New Pocket-dictionary of the Italian and English Languages

Fabuloso, aay. fabulous. Faccenda,/ bussiness;far faccen- da, to be in bussiness.
Faccendiere, m. an active man , a busy body. Faccenduzza,/". small business.
Faccente, adj. active, busy, brisk. Faccetta, / facet. Facchinaccio, m. a mean