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Tropical Rain Forests of Southeast Asia

A Forest Ecologist's View

Although global environmental problems created by the disappearance of tropical rain forests are all too well known, the forests themselves--vast in size and rich in diversity--are the least understood of the world's ecosystems. This book presents one researcher's view of Southeast Asia's tropical rainforests, based on a quarter century of fieldwork in a wide range of forest types. Moving from the mangrove of the coastal belt, inland through freshwater and peat swamp forests, to the lowly dipterocarp forests of the heartlands, and up to the montane forests, the author's lively account contains a wealth of detailed observations that effectively communicate the complex natural structure of tropical rain forests while providing the reader with candid first impressions--mud, mosquitoes, and all.

In recent years, the problems of the tropical rain forests have become an almost
daily topic of convetsation. Nevertheless, it seems that the subsrance of the
problems involved is unclear. One reason for this is that the tropical rain forests
are still a fat-away world. It is the task of those of us who work in the tropical rain
forests to bring this disrant world closer ro home and thereby, in a very imporrant
sense, open up a better furure for the world. What exactly are the problems of the
rain ...