Sebanyak 60 item atau buku ditemukan

Manajemen Resiko untuk Bank Perkreditan Rakyat dan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro

Kompetisi dalam industri perbankan, khususnya Bank Perkreditan Rakyat, cenderung semakin ketat di tengah tuntutan pemegang saham yang meningkat juga. Kondisi tersebut bisa memancing para bankir untuk bertindak agresif dan menurunkan standar penerapan manajemen risiko. Untuk menyikapi kondisi tersebut, maka bankir harus dibekali dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan manajemen risiko yang semakin tinggi sehingga target pertumbuhan bisnis dapat dicapai dengan koridor manajemen risiko yang memadai. Di sisi lain, transaksi bisnis Bank Perkreditan Rakyat juga semakin kompleks disertai dengan beragam produk yang tentunya memiliki tingkat risiko yang berbeda pula. Buku Manajemen Risiko ini disusun dengan tujuan agar para bankir yang bertugas di bidang manajemen risiko memiliki pengetahuan (knowledge), keterampilan (skill), dan sikap kerja (attitude) sesuai kebutuhan bank.

Kompetisi dalam industri perbankan, khususnya Bank Perkreditan Rakyat, cenderung semakin ketat di tengah tuntutan pemegang saham yang meningkat juga.

Customer loyalty

how to earn it, how to keep it

Your guide to building and sustaining the most critical partnership of all Both the front-line salesperson concerned with a single customer and the senior manager responsible for the organization-wide sales and marketing strategy will find Griffin's Profit Generator system a useful process for building a base of consistently profitable customers. -- Quality Digest Hold on to the best asset you've got! This pragmatic guide to achieving customer loyalty outlines a savvy seven-step process for turning prospects into customers and customers into loyal advocates. Presenting detailed case studies -- from a Florida picture framer and a Nebraska travel agent to Home Depot and Sharp Electronics -- author Jill Griffin shares her trademarked Profit Generator System, a step-by-step approach to pricing, value, positioning, and targeting designed to systematically move customers up the loyalty ladder. With real-world detail, she also shows how to win back inactive customers and develop a loyalty-driven corporate culture.

-- Quality Digest Hold on to the best asset you've got! This pragmatic guide to achieving customer loyalty outlines a savvy seven-step process for turning prospects into customers and customers into loyal advocates.

Kashmir Dispute

A Kashmiri perspective - Kashmiri struggle transformed in to Jihad, terrorism and a proxy war

Kashmir dispute has to be seen as human issue, and not as a territorial gain, or a strategic advantage. Like anyone else, I have no solution to this dispute that could be acceptable to all concerned, but I know what is not workable and what will not provide much desired peace and stability in the region: and that is division of the State or its accession to any country. Kashmir dispute should not be used to settle score of the past tragedies or past adventures, for example, to avenge problems of 1965, 1971, 1980s, proxy war or Kargil adventure. Also Kashmir should not be used as a battleground for competing political and religious ideologies, as it is happening on both sides of the divide. Jammu and Kashmir is a multi-religious and multi ethnic former Princely State. All citizens of Jammu and Kashmir - Pundits, Sikhs, Buddhists, Shias, Ismahilies, pro Pakistan, pro India and pro- independence, and others must have equal rights; and we must not target any community for their beliefs. We must put the past behind us and make a new start by inviting pundits and others who were uprooted from their homes because of political, communal and armed conflict back in to their homes and compensate their losses. We must build bridges of confidence and make sincere endeavours to eradicate extremism, violence, religious intolerance and hatred. However, if these war mongers and fanatics are not brought under control then my fear is that they will endanger peace, stability and future of the entire region. So time is running out, and those in position to take appropriate action, must act and act soon.

A Kashmiri Perspective - Kashmiri Struggle Transformed in to Jihad, Terrorism
and a Proxy War Dr Shabir Choudhry ... There is very thin line between a
freedom fighter and a terrorist, yet we actively supported the Kashmiri armed
struggle, ...

Panduan Lengkap HRD & GA

Dunia usaha merupakan sebuah proses saat setiap orang yang berada di dalamnya dituntut untuk belajar dari mulai hal terkecil hingga menjadi profesional. Profesional dalam dunia usaha berarti berani memulai untuk bekerja secara baik dan mematuhi segala ketentuan yang berlaku. Dalam buku ini akan memberikan gambaran kepada masyarakat yang ingin menjadi pengusaha atau bagi manajer yang menjabat sebagai General Affair (GA) untuk mengurus dokumen-dokumen perusahaan dan Human Resources (HR) untuk merencanakan, membangun, dan mengurus operasional kepersonaliaan perusahaan. Salam Penebar Swadaya Grup & RAS

Dunia usaha merupakan sebuah proses saat setiap orang yang berada di dalamnya dituntut untuk belajar dari mulai hal terkecil hingga menjadi profesional.

The Invaders - The Dark Age

Artemis Doom

Follow the journey of The Invaders; now a video game nonprofit organization but during The Dark Age a fledgling startup team of highly volatile members from around the world. Follow the journey of it's leader Artemis Doom as he survives his way through self-discovery, violence and love.

Follow the journey of it's leader Artemis Doom as he survives his way through self-discovery, violence and love.

Hukum Islam tentang waris, asuransi, dan pengadilan

Islamic law regarding inheritance and succession, insurance, and civil procedure concerning inheritance case of Muslim in Indonesia; collection of articles.

... Biro Direksi, Syariah Penelitian dan Bengembangan Bank Muamalat
Indonesia, dalam waktu tidak 87 Hukum Islam Tentang Waris, Asuransi dan