Sebanyak 32 item atau buku ditemukan

Management, Valuation, and Risk for Human Capital and Human Assets

Building the Foundation for a Multi-Disciplinary, Multi-Level Theory

Perspectives on Human Capital and Assets goes beyond the current literature by providing a platform for a broad scope of discussion regarding HC&A, and, more importantly, by encouraging a multidisciplinary fusion between diverse disciplines.

Thequestion then is the following: how does a firmknow they are using
theirhuman capital properly, or iftheyare getting the greatest value fromthis
intangible asset? To answer these questions, it poses the need for a firm's human
resources ...

The Role of Islam in the Legal System of Pakistan

Starting in 1947, this volume examines the way Pakistani judges have dealt with the controversial issue of Islam in the past 50 years. The book's focus on reported case-law offers a new perspective on the Islamisation of Pakistan's legal system in which Islam emerges as more than just a challenge to Western conceptions of human rights.

Starting in 1947, this volume examines the way Pakistani judges have dealt with the controversial issue of Islam in the past 50 years.

Setting Up a Linux Intranet Server Visual Black Book

By following the step-by-step instructions and the visual format with numerous screen shots, Linux users can easily learn installation, configuration, networking, administration, utilities, commands, and reconfiguring the hard drive for increased efficiency.

By following the step-by-step instructions and the visual format with numerous screen shots, Linux users can easily learn installation, configuration, networking, administration, utilities, commands, and reconfiguring the hard drive for ...

Audit lingkungan

Environmental auditing in Indonesia.

Environmental auditing in Indonesia.

Analisis hasil penelitian arkeologi, Trowulan, 18-23 Nopember 1991

analisis sumber tertulis masa klasik : proceedings

Inscriptions, tablets, and other antiquities as historical sources on cultural, socio-political, and economic conditions in Indonesia.

Sahe-tege (?), 8. Calagiyan (?), 9. Tahemku (Tahembu ?), 10. Sahimayan (?), 1 1
. Tapa-saha (cf. nama tegai Tapak-saha sebelah barat Satra) 12. Batu-gahing (?)
, 13. Pahupuk (?), 14. Tigad (cf. nama Tegal Tingkad sebelah utara Satra), 15.


The New Internet Protocol

The fast-selling first edition was based on the draft IPv6 standard and now the standard has been finalized. The protocol addresses a major problem that is facing the Internet--shrinking bandwidth. The Ipv6 standard provides for additional bandwidth by incorporating changes in the addressing structure (the Internet was running out of address space/domains) and allocating resources differently (to prevent disasters like exploding routing tables).

The Ipv6 standard provides for additional bandwidth by incorporating changes in the addressing structure (the Internet was running out of address space/domains) and allocating resources differently (to prevent disasters like exploding ...

Society of Individuals

Originally published in 1991 and now reissued by Continuum International, this book consists of three sections. The first, written in 1939, was either left out of Elias's most famous book, The Civilizing Process, or was written along with it. Part 2 was written between 1940 and 1960. Part 3 is from 1987. The entire book is a study of the unique relationship between the individual and society--Elias's best-known theme and the basis for the discipline of sociology.

Originally published in 1991 and now reissued by Continuum International, this book consists of three sections.

Pedoman akuntansi perbankan syariah Indonesia

PAPSI 2003

Pada awal perolehan aktiva berwujud yang memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai aktiva
tetap diakui berdasarkan biaya perolehan. b. Biaya perolehan aktiva tetap tanah
yang dibangun sendiri merupakan akumulasi seluruh biaya perolehan dan ...