Sebanyak 56 item atau buku ditemukan

Implementation of a Network Address Translation Mechanism Over IPv6

Network Address Translation (NAT) for IPv4 was developed primarily to curb overcrowding of the Internet due to dwindling global IP addresses; however, NAT provides several other benefits. NAT can be used to mask the internal IP addresses of an Intranet - IPv6, the emerging standard for Internet addressing, provides three times the number of bits for IP addressing. While IPv6 does not need NAT for connectivity, other NAT features such as address hiding are valuable. There is currently no NAT implementation for IPv6. The focus of this research was the design and development of a NAT implementation for IPv6. This implementation will be used within a multilevel testbed. In addition, the NAT implementation developed here can facilitate the Department of Defense (DoD) transition to IPv6 planned for 2008 by providing services currently not available for IPv6. A working implementation of NAT for IPv6 within the Linux kernel has been produced The NAT development created here has been tested for Support of the protocols of TCP, UDP and ICMP for IPv6.

Network Address Translation (NAT) for IPv4 was developed primarily to curb overcrowding of the Internet due to dwindling global IP addresses; however, NAT provides several other benefits.

Perjalanan Spiritual Menelisik Jejak Satrio Piningit

Jalan Setapak Menuju Nusantara Jaya

Misteri Satrio Piningit tak pernah pupus dari benak dan re- lung hati anak cucu leluhur Nusantara. Fenomena sejak masa ke- walian pasca kehancuran Majapahit ini sangat lekat terutama bagi anak cucu Jawa - Bali Dwipa. Perjalanan sejarah Nusantara telah menjadi saksi hidup tentang kemunculan Satrio Piningit di setiap perubahan masa yang telah diwasiatkan oleh para leluhur Nusan- tara ratusan tahun yang lalu. Raden Patah (Jimbun) adalah sosok Satrio Piningit dukungan para wali utamanya Sunan Bonang yang menandai berdirinya Kerajaan Demak setelah mampu mengha- puskan supremasi Kerajaan Majapahit. Sultan Hadiwijoyo (Joko Tingkir) murid Sunan Giri merupakan Satrio Piningit pada masa berdirinya Kerajaan Pajang yang mengakhiri era Kerajaan Demak. Panembahan Senopati (Sutowijoyo) murid Sunan Kalijaga juga merupakan Satrio Piningit pada masa berdirinya Kerajaan Mata- ram menggantikan eksistensi Pajang. Dari beberapa peristiwa bersejarah tersebut mengandung makna yang tersirat bahwa Sa- trio Piningit “sejati” selalu muncul pada pergantian “masa besar” Nusantara dimana senantiasa tidak meninggalkan peran seorang wali (aulia). Soekarno, Soeharto, Habibie, Gus Dur, Megawati dan SBY dapat pula dikatakan sosok Satrio Piningit pada masanya setelah Nusantara ini beralih menjadi NKRI. Fenomena yang sangat me- narik pada saat ini adalah : Akankah Satrio Piningit “sejati” yang dikenal dengan nama Satrio Pinandhito Sinisihan Wahyu muncul pada masa ini ? Mengingat dari situasi dan tanda-tanda alam yang terjadi mengindikasikan bahwa Nusantara akan memasuki “Era Baru” yaitu : Jaman Kalasuba (kejayaan). Buku ini berisikan ungkapan hasil “perjalanan spiritual” pe- nulis yang baru disadari kemudian ternyata telah masuk ke dalam pusaran misteri ini. Semoga membawa manfaat untuk segenap anak cucu leluhur Nusantara tercinta. Selamat membaca...

1989. Ramalan Jayabaya, Ranggawarsita dan Sabdo Palon. Semarang : Aneka
Ilmu. Hardiyanto, Sigit. 2006. Ramalan Ghaib Sabdo Palon Noyo Genggong.
Solo : Kuntul Press. Pranoto, Tjaroko Teguh. Semar, Ajaran Hidup, Tuntunan
Luhur, ...

The Making of the Modern British Home

The Suburban Semi and Family Life Between the Wars

This title is a social, economic, and business history of the rise of modern suburbia during the 1920s and 1930s, when over four million new (and mainly suburban semi-detached) houses were built in Britain and buying a house on mortgage became a realistic prospect for working-class families for the first time. It explores the impacts on (particularly working-class) family life, of migration from cramped inner-urban accommodation to new suburban council orowner-occupied estates. Using personal testimonies and autobiographies, the first generation of working-class suburban migrants tell their own stories about how their lives were transformed by this process.The Making of the Modern British Home also constitutes a general history of the development of interwar suburbia, including the housing development process, housing and estate design, marketing owner-occupation to a mass market, furnishing the new suburban home, making ends meet, suburban gardens, and social conflict on the new estates.

Wimpey was launched on the Stock Exchange in 1934, at which time it had a 38
Coad, Laing, 109—10. 39 Wellings, Dictionary, 165. Coad, Laing, 110; notes on
Laing's interwar developments by A. Parfitt, November 1979. 41 John Laing 86 ...