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Al-Fiqh Al-Islami According to the Hanafi Madhhab

Al-Fiqh Al-Islami is the first complete Hanafi Fiqh text book to be written in English. Meticulously referenced from a multitude of classical sources and having incorporated many current day issues, it promises to be the most comprehensive Hanafi Fiqh compendium available in English today.

Al-Fiqh Al-Islami is the first complete Hanafi Fiqh text book to be written in English.

SmartBook Access Card for Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach

SmartBookTM is the first and only adaptive reading experience designed to change the way students read and learn. It creates a personalized reading experience by highlighting the most impactful concepts a student needs to learn at that moment in time. As a student engages with SmartBook, the reading experience continuously adapts by highlighting content based on what the student knows and doesn’t know. This ensures that the focus is on the content he or she needs to learn, while simultaneously promoting long-term retention of material. Use SmartBook’s real-time reports to quickly identify the concepts that require more attention from individual students–or the entire class

SmartBookTM is the first and only adaptive reading experience designed to change the way students read and learn.

Package: Loose Leaf for Software Engineering with 1 Semester Connect Access Card

For almost three decades, Roger Pressman's " Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach" has been the world's leading textbook in software engineering. The new eighth edition represents a major restructuring and update of previous editions, solidifying the book's position as the most comprehensive guide to this important subject. The eighth edition of " Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach" has been designed to consolidate and restructure the content introduced over the past two editions of the book. The chapter structure will return to a more linear presentation of software engineering topics with a direct emphasis on the major activities that are part of a generic software process. Content will focus on widely used software engineering methods and will de-emphasize or completely eliminate discussion of secondary methods, tools and techniques. The intent is to provide a more targeted, prescriptive, and focused approach, while attempting to maintain SEPA's reputation as a comprehensive guide to software engineering. The 39 chapters of the eighth edition are organized into five parts - Process, Modeling, Quality Management, Managing Software Projects, and Advanced Topics. The book has been revised and restructured to improve pedagogical flow and emphasize new and important software engineering processes and practices.

The book has been revised and restructured to improve pedagogical flow and emphasize new and important software engineering processes and practices.

Database Management Menggunakan Microsoft Access 2003

Database atau basis data dapat dibayangkan ibarat sebuah lemari arsip. Arsip ini disusun secara teratur dan diberi pembeda antara satu arsip dengan arsip lainnya. Begitu juga dengan database. Anda perlu merancang suatu sistem database yang bisa memenuhi kebutuhan informasi untuk saat ini dan masa yang akan datang. Untuk merancanf sistem database Anda memerlukan software Database Management System (DBMS), seperti Microsoft SQL, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft Access, dan lain-lain. Buku Database Management Menggunakan Microsoft Access 2003 berisi panduan cara merancang suatu sistem database. Anda akan dipandu membuat sistem database dengan contoh kasus tentang Sistem Informasi Akademik. Pembahasan dimulai dari kegiatan perancangan secara teoritis dan konsep sampai dengan tahap implementasi pada Microsoft Access 2003. Buku ini disusun dalam bentuk tutorial dan dengan gaya bahasa dan penyampaian yang sesederhana mungkin dan dilengkapi dengan gambar-gambar agar mudah dimengerti bagi Anda yang baru mengenal tentang database serta aplikasinya. Pembahasan dalam buku ini: - Pengenalan Database - Memahami Konsep Database - Perencanaan Database Relasi - Pengenalan Microsoft Access 2003 - Membuat Database - Membuat dan Bekerja dengan Tabel - Teknik Filter dan Sort - Bekerja dengan Bantak Tabel - Membuat dan Bekerja dengan Query - Membuat dan Mengenal Form - Merancang Form Komunikatif - Mengenal dan Membuat Report - Merancang dan Memodifikasi Report - Merancang Menu Utama - Ringkasan Penyelesaian Kasus

Buku Database Management Menggunakan Microsoft Access 2003 berisi panduan cara merancang suatu sistem database. Anda akan dipandu membuat sistem database dengan contoh kasus tentang Sistem Informasi Akademik.