Sebanyak 126 item atau buku ditemukan

VB.NET for Developers

This book will smooth the transition to Visual Basic.NET and help developers understand the paradigm shift presented by the .NET Framework. Key differences between VB 6 and VB.NET will be highlighted in the code samples.

This book will smooth the transition to Visual Basic.NET and help developers understand the paradigm shift presented by the .NET Framework. Key differences between VB 6 and VB.NET will be highlighted in the code samples.

Civic Engagement in Higher Education

Concepts and Practices

Numerous studies have chronicled students lack of trust in large social institutions, declining interest in politics, and decreasing civic skills. This book is a comprehensive guide to developing high-quality civic engagement experiences for college students. The book defines civic engagement and explains why it is central to a college education. It describes the state of the art of education for civic engagement and provides guidelines for designing programs that encourage desired learning outcomes. In addition, the book guides leaders in organizing their institutions to create a campus-wide culture of civic engagement.

These experts cover topics including: Civic engagement in the first college year Engaging general education Interdisciplinary learning for civic engagement Capstone experiences and undergraduate research Enhancing intercultural competence ...

Komunikasi dan Komodifikasi

Mengkaji Media dan Budaya dalam Dinamika Globalisasi

Bagaimana dinamika masyarakat Indonesia mutakir bisa dipahami? Inilah salah satu karya terobosan penting dalam kajian media dan budaya Indonesia yang sedang berkembang pada milenium baru. Membaca buku ini, kita diajak untuk memahami tarik-tolak dan saling-pengaruh antara unsur-unsur kekuatan lokal dan tekanan global yang ikut bermain dan membentuk praktik budaya, gaya hidup, dan kesadaran kita khususnya generasi muda di tengah arus deras komodifikasi budaya dan media yang menjadi bagian penting dari denyut dan irama kehidupan kita sehari-hari "Komunikasi dan Komodifikasi, sebuah buku baru yang penting karya Idi Subandy Ibrahim dan Bachruddin Ali Akhmad, menggali ketidaksetaraan menyeluruh dari sistem global, suatu sistem yang di dalamnya bangsa-bangsa pasca-kolonial seperti Indonesia merupakan sasaran eksploitasu ekonomi dan pesan-pesan hegemonik mengenai gender dan masyarakat dari para konglomerat internasional dan bangsa-bangsa asing yang kuat. Mereka mengungkap mekanisme yang mengancam mengenai propoganda media dan ekspansi kepitalis global (bersama dengan agensi terbatas dari konsumen dan kemungkinan bentu-bentuk media alternatif). Lantas apakah lebih baik bagi Indonesia untuk sekedar memilih keluar dari sistem yang menindas ini atau berjuang keras untuk berdikari?" Jeremy Wallach,Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Cultural and Critical Studies, Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA. Editor buku (bersama Harris M. Berger & Paul D. Greene) Metal Rules the Globe: Heavy Metal Music Around the World (2011).

Membaca buku ini, kita diajak untuk memahami tarik-tolak dan saling-pengaruh antara unsur-unsur kekuatan lokal dan tekanan global yang ikut bermain dan membentuk praktik budaya, gaya hidup, dan kesadaran kita khususnya generasi muda di ...

Teori semantik

Kalau kita menerima empat kelompok contoh di atas sebagai bahasa (tulisan),
maka bahasa corak atau macam apa itu? Dalam kelompok A kita memakai
runtunan bunyi yang diaksarakan. Dan sampai naskah ini ditulis, belum ada satu

Handbook of Culture and Consumer Behavior

Research on the influence of culture on consumer decision-making and consumption behavior has witnessed tremendous growth in the last decade. With increasing globalization, managers are becoming increasingly aware that operating in multiple markets is crucial for firms' survival and growth. As the world's growth engine shifts from Europe and North America to Asia and Latin America, it has become apparent that an inward-looking and domestic focus strategy will not be sustainable in the long run. And success in foreign markets requires marketers to understand not just what consumers in these markets need but also how they think, behave, consume, and purchase. Numerous studies have documented cultural differences in values and beliefs, motivational orientations, emotions, self-regulation, and information-processing styles, and the effects of these cultural variations on consumer behavior such as brand evaluation, materialism, and impulsive consumption. In this volume, experts from a variety of disciplines and perspectives trace the historical development of culture research in consumer psychology and examine the theoretical underpinnings that account for these findings and the current state of the field. Collectively, the chapters provide a forum for researchers to engage in thoughtful debates and stimulating conversations and offer directions for future research.

Because ideal affect is primarily culturally shaped, one source of cultural
differences in consumer behavior may be cultural differences in ideal affect.
While actual affect shapes consumer behavior, these relationships may depend
at least in ...

Gays, Lesbians, and Consumer Behavior

Theory, Practice, and Research Issues in Marketing

Marketing practitioners have begun to target gays and lesbians as consumers, although little is known about their buying behavior, expectations in consumption, or of their treatment in the marketplace. Gays, Lesbians, and Consumer Behavior is the first attempt at presenting the roles, treatment, and expectations of gays and lesbians as consumers in the marketplace. It asserts that homosexuality often entails a fully elaborated lifestyle, many details of which revolve around, and reflect differences from, mainstream society. These findings are of practical value since consumers, businesses, channels of distribution, and media forms are all segmented, addressing a diversity of attitudes and behaviors and reaching consumers through targeted marketing. In Gays, Lesbians, and Consumer Behavior, Editor Daniel L. Wardlow brings together research which builds upon the theoretical and empirical bases of consumer behavior. Each chapter contributes to an understanding of consumption in the gay and lesbian subculture and raises a series of questions and ethical concerns to guide future research in this area. Chapters center on the four broad themes of consumption rituals, presentation through consumption, discrimination and tolerance, and application and accommodation. Specific topics covered include: ritualistic consumption in a sub-cultural context lesbian consumption of lesbian imagery discrimination issues in retail customer service and hotel reservations effects of homosexual imagery on advertising gift-giving behavior among homosexuals using marketing in HIV/AIDS prevention counseling market profiling and strategy suggestions accommodating gays and lesbians as consumers in the marketplace The research presented in Gays, Lesbians, and Consumer Behavior draws from a diverse collection of academic disciplines and fields of inquiry to present a glimpse at the consumption behavior of gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals, and at the marketing response to these different populations. As a pioneering effort, Gays, Lesbians, and Consumer Behavior’s scope is not comprehensive, but deliberately broad to allow researchers to delineate avenues for subsequent research. Many of the chapters are empirical or descriptive in nature and contain insights for academic and practitioner alike. Academics in marketing, psychology, sociology, consumer behavior, gay and lesbian studies, and cultural anthropology will find this a valuable addition to their reading material. Marketing, advertising, and retailing professionals will be able to put the information and findings to practical use as they aim to reach more consumers and broaden their audience.

Herresearch focuses on socialand cultural dimensionsof consumer behavior and
marketing, including assessment ofthe roleand influenceof culture, gender, class,
ethnicity, and crosscultural marketing, particularly in the context of tourism ...

Ringkasan Pelajaran & Soal Matematika SD Kelas 4, 5, & 6 Lengkap

Banyak siswa SD sulit belajar dan memahami pelajaran matematika. Sebenarnya, hal itu bisa disiasati dengan cara membuat ringkasan materi agar mudah mempelajarinya. Tujuan lainnya, tentu saja akan membuat siswa mudah menghafal dan memahami konsep dasar pelajaran matematika. Atas tujuan itu, buku ini dihadirkan untuk membantu meringkas pelajaran matematika yang diambil dari bahan pelajaran kelas 4, 5, dan 6 SD. Buku ini bisa dijadikan pegangan siswa karena disusun secara sistematis, ringkas, dan disertai contoh soal serta pembahasannya agar lebih mudah dipahami. Selain itu, buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan CD yang berisi soal sebagai ujicoba atau latihan ketika menghadapi ulangan harian. Rajin belajar dan berlatih mengerjakan soal adalah kunci utama menjadi jagoan matematika. -Tangga Pustaka-

STATISTIK. A. B. Data Data adalah sekumpulan informasi mengenai keadaan
tertentu yang bersifat benar dan nyata untuk dijadikan dasar atau landasan
membuat analisis atau kesimpulan. Misalnya, data nilai matematika siswa kelas

Managing Sport Finance

All good managers working in sport need to have a clear understanding of the principles of finance and accounting. Whether working in the private or public sectors, a firm grasp of the basic concepts and techniques of financial management is essential if a manager is to make effective decisions and to implement those decisions successfully. Managing Sport Finance is the first book to offer a comprehensive introduction to financial management and accounting specifically designed for managers working in sport.

Leasing Leasing is, ostensibly, a contract between two parties for a specified time
period of an asset, for example a car. Leasing is a good way ... Share issues The
final type of commercial finance option that we consider is share issues. This is ...