Sebanyak 31 item atau buku ditemukan

Information sources in information technology

Evaluates essential sources in information technology, including books, journals, microforms, online databases, CD-ROMs, & viewdata.

Evaluates essential sources in information technology, including books, journals, microforms, online databases, CD-ROMs, & viewdata.

Biotechniques for Air Pollution Control

Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Biotechniques for Air Pollution Control. Delft, The Netherlands, September 28-30, 2009

Energy and feedstock materials for the chemical industry show an increasing demand. With constraints related to availability and use of oil, the energy and chemical industry is subject to considerable changes. The need for the use of cheaper and widely available feedstocks, and the development of sustainable and environmentally friendly chemical processes is growing rapidly under both economical and public pressure. Therefore, waste gas treatment has gradually been integrated into the process design. Instead of discharging their waste gases into the atmosphere, industries increasingly attempt to become self-sufficient and recover compounds from their own wastestreams or use (upgraded) wastestreams of neighbouring industries as raw material. The proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Biotechniques for Air Pollution Control, held on 28-30 September 2009 in Delft, the Netherlands, give an overview of innovative biotechnology based processes for treatment of waste gasses. Various innovative research aspects of environmental chemistry, environmental engineering, and bioprocess technology are discussed.

Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Biotechniques for Air Pollution
Control. ... Yves Andrès GEPEA, UMR CNRS 6144, Ecole des Mines de Nantes,
Nantes Cedex, France ABSTRACT Air pollution is one of the major problems to ...


Analisis Isi dan Analisis Data Sekunder (sampel halaman gratis)

Melakukan penelitian tidak harus turun ke lapangan dengan mengunjungi lokasi penelitian tertentu. Penelitian lapangan, hampir selalu membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit, apalagi ketika kita menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Kita harus menggandakan kuesioner serta biaya akomodasi yang tidak sedikit, terlebih lagi bila responden sangat banyak. Buku ini memberikan sebuah alternatif bagi mahasiswa yang tertarik untuk mendalami metode penelitian kuantitatif. Banyak mahasiswa yang berangapan bahwa metode penelitian kuantitatif sulit dilakukan. Banyak mahasiswa yang menganggap bahwa metode kuantitatif lebih sulit karena harus menggunakan statistik, lebih mahal karena harus menggandakan kuesioner atau angket dan lebih lama karena respondennya yang sangat banyak. Anggapan ini hanyalah mitos belaka. Analisis isi (AI) dan analisis data sekunder (ADS) adalah sebuah solusi untuk menjawab “ketakutan” akan metode kuantitatif. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi atau analisis data sekunder, mahasiswa akan terbebas dari masalah waktu penelitian yang lama atau biaya penelitian yang relatif mahal. AI dan ADS adalah metode penelitian yang relatif lebih mudah karena tidak menggunakan “manusia” sebagai objek penelitiannya. AI dan ADS, menggunakan objek yang “tidak hidup”, dengan memanfaatkan sumber data yang sudah ada dan kita tinggal mengolah data tersebut. Kita dapat memanfaatkan majalah, koran, acara TV, buku-buku, syair lagu, cerita film sebagai objek penelitian. Objek-objek tersebut relatif mudah diperoleh, tidak ribet, berbeda dengan objek yang berbentuk manusia yang selalu berpindah tempat dan cepat berubah. Untuk itu, metode AI dan ADS dapat menjadi alternatif bagi mahasiswa dalam melakukan penelitian. Buku ini memberikan panduan singkat mengenai apa itu analisis isi serta analisis data sekunder? Bagaimana melakukannya? Disertai dengan contoh penelitian yang relevan. ----------------- Buku ajar ini memuat informasi tentang metode, prosedur dan teknik yang dapat diterapkan dalam penelitian kuantitatif. Penyajian bagan alir dan contoh-contoh dalam buku ini membantu untuk menjelaskan konsep yang rumit agar menjadi lebih mudah dimengerti oleh mahasiswa sebagai peneliti pemula. Prof. Edy Yuwono (Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto) Kehadiran buku ini berhasil memperkenalkan kembali analisis muatan sebagai metode pengumpulan data atau pengukuran variabel, yang tidak hanya penting sejalan keberaksaraan masyarakat, tetapi juga membantu meragamkan sumber data sekaligus temuan penelitian yang penting, yang dapat dijangkau dengan cara lebih efisien. Prof. Mudjia Rahardjo (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang)

Buku ini memberikan sebuah alternatif bagi mahasiswa yang tertarik untuk mendalami metode penelitian kuantitatif. Banyak mahasiswa yang berangapan bahwa metode penelitian kuantitatif sulit dilakukan.

Docker Containers

From Start to Enterprise

The Practical Guide to Running Docker on Linux Systems or Cloud Environments Whether on your laptop or a remote cloud, Docker can transform how you create, test, deploy, and manage your most critical applications. In Doc ker Containers , Christopher Negus helps you master Docker containerization from the ground up. You'll start out running a few Docker container images in Ubuntu, Fedora, RHEL, CoreOS, or Project Atomic. By the time you've finished, you'll be deploying enterprise-quality, multi-container Kubernetes setups in modern Linux and cloud environments. Writing for system administrators, software developers, and technology enthusiasts, Negus touches on every aspect of working with Docker: setting up containerized applications, working with both individual and multiple containers, running containers in cloud environments, and developing containers. Teaching through realistic examples of desktop applications, system services, and games, Negus guides you through building and deploying your own Dockerized applications. As you build your expertise, you'll also learn indispensable Docker best practices for building and integrating containers, managing Docker on a day-to-day basis, and much more: * Understanding what Docker is and what you can do with it * Installing Docker on standard Linux or specialized container operating systems such as Atomic Host and CoreOS * Setting up a container runtime environment and private Docker Registry * Creating, running, and investigating Docker images and containers * Finding, pulling, saving, loading, and tagging container images * Pulling and pushing containers between local systems and Docker Registries * Integrating Docker containers with host networking and storage * Building containers with the docker build command and Dockerfile files * Minimizing space consumption and erasing unneeded containers * Accessing special host privileges from within a container * Orchestrating multiple containers into complex applications with Kubernetes * Using super privileged containers in cloud environments * Managing containers in the cloud with Cockpit * Getting started with Docker container development * Learning container build techniques from shared Dockerfiles This book is part of the Pearson Content Update Program. As the technology changes, sections of this book will be updated or new sections will be added. The updates will be delivered to you via a free Web Edition of this book, which can be accessed with any Internet connection.

Now, there's a complete, practical guide to doing just that:The Docker Book. ¿ World-renowned Linux author Christopher Negus has spent the past year helping Red Hat create pioneering documentation for Docker.

Postkolonial Pada Lakon Ludruk Jawa Timur

Struggle against Dutch colonialism as themes in ludruk plays from Jawa Timur.

Struggle against Dutch colonialism as themes in ludruk plays from Jawa Timur.

Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, A System of Patterns

[CM93] S. Chiba, T. Masuda: Designing an Extensible Distributed Language with
a Meta-Level Architecture, Proceedings of ECOOP '93, pp. 482–501, [ECOOP93]
[Coad92] P. Coad: Object-Oriented Patterns, Communications of the ACM, Vol.

Statistika Probabilitas

Teori & Aplikasi

Akuntansi Biaya

  • ISBN 13 : 9786027523920
  • Judul : Akuntansi Biaya
  • Pengarang : Bastian Bustami,  
  • Kategori : Accounting
  • Penerbit : Mitra Wacana Media
  • Klasifikasi : 657.42 BUS a
  • Call Number : 657.42 BUS a BAS a
  • Bahasa : Indonesia
  • Penaklikan : 1 jil 19x26 cm 358 hal
  • Tahun : 2013
  • Halaman : 350
  • Halaman : 350
  • Ketersediaan :
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
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    (PNJ-002-00002687) Dipinjam sampai 25-04-2017 pada Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
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    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa

Advanced ActionScript with Design Patterns

Today's ActionScript-based applications require increasingly sophisticated architectures and code. This book aids intermediate and advanced ActionScript developers in learning how to plan and build applications more effectively. You'll learn how to apply design patterns as solutions to common programming scenarios. Beyond a reference, Advanced ActionScript with Design Patterns is a practical guide complete with sample mini-applications illustrating each design pattern. Table of Contents: Part I - Successful Projects 1. How to Design Applications 2. Programming to Interfaces Part II - Patterns 3. MVC 4. Singleton 5. Factory (Abstract Factory and Factory Method) 6. Proxy 7. Iterator 8. Composite 9. Decorator 10. Command 11. Memento 12. State Part III - Advanced ActionScript Topics 13. Working with Events 14. Sending and Loading Data 15. E4X (XML) 16. Regular Expressions

Today's ActionScript-based applications require increasingly sophisticated architectures and code. This book aids intermediate and advanced ActionScript developers in learning how to plan and build applications more effectively.