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Nighttime Digital Photography with Adobe Photoshop CS3

Nighttime photography often transforms otherwise mundane subject matter into spectacular images such as a warmly-lit subject positioned against a rich blue sky, or the red, yellow, and green swirls of an amusement park ride. Capturing these images can be challenging though. Nighttime Digital Photography with Adobe Photoshop CS3 explains why night photos turn out the way that they do, and shows how to avoid, correct, and take advantage of each low-light situation. The operation of cameras, computers, printers, and software is covered step-by-step with creative enhancement and other advanced techniques in Adobe Photoshop CS3.

Also thanks to Ben Long for his technical edits which challenged my knowledge
of Photoshop technique and ultimately lead to a better book. And a special thank
you to Vishal Khandpur at Adobe for his valuable assistance with the Beta
versions of Photoshop CS3. On my side of the project, thank you to everyone that
appeared in the book or helped out in some way. They include: Allie Bapteria,
Anthony Carucci, Dallas Carucci, Dakota Carucci, James Carucci, Jillian Carucci,
Kathleen ...