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LSD, my problem child

reflections on sacred drugs, mysticism, and science

The distinguished Sandoz Laboratories biochemist who discovered LSD details the problems stemming from his research on hallucinogens and comments on mysticism and materialism as he illuminates the controversy regarding brain-mind relationships

The distinguished Sandoz Laboratories biochemist who discovered LSD details the problems stemming from his research on hallucinogens and comments on mysticism and materialism as he illuminates the controversy regarding brain-mind ...

My Harvey's and Irish Flaherty's of Philadelphia

... /Ля/ s/w has I-. «.-^y\Q\^ v~ ^rrw — — : — married be/ ore, mid marriage tettê
d&êdvëd . /7т/ he knows of no reason why the said marriage may not be lawfully
made. State of fbenneçlvania. Ш\ ss.^ sjys/m Personally appeared ftS/^sQL ^Ó^L.

Wisdom, You are My Sister

Studies in Honor of Roland E. Murphy, O. Carm., on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday

Such a usage of 'zn is unattested anywhere else in classical Hebrew. The verb
used for weighing something, even when used with the noun mo(')zenayim, "
scales," is always Sql (Jer 32:10; Ezek 5:1; Job 31:6), and the verb is never used
with ...

"Then My Living Will Not be in Vain"

A Rhetorical Study of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in the Mobilization for Collective Action Toward Nonviolent Means to Integration, 1954-1964

... :^uoubadh s^hBya XTAID 3lU« •S irbuusx 'asjroxD •/^96T '^l;la:»JOT0 ^sanprw
sqL "•TP?r uBufiurnoTH urxzj aawi s'6upi raiptn utvew 30 arroiaha,, •Y Si6*! '
uerpaiEOg •iS6T "3U1 'suos pue felTM mpf '^JQA *eN .JaTJ^iO •H hdasqc .

My family connections

California ; □-. c« .» Los Angele s □c. cit» cr th»» Pasadena □o S'- L' No . 315
Hose Lount Avenue - Wvi □□T...c,uM:.j^g»z___,!,ct,!r;tt.^jLg_yrgJ. 2o. d.
teofdeath ,..,„.- July I- • - jT '" IrronciCH »o.« i.q« L0Nr, ,„ T»e U S A- . ,r...n . 1 9 4.
S Q L --.

Reading backwards on my Knott heritage

Garnic and Ann started the "KNOTT FAMILY REUNION" in Northern Virginia in
1965 and it continued for 25 years. "1942" "MUaStl sql pal qioq oJti pui jno iWJng