Sebanyak 906 item atau buku ditemukan

Manajemen Operasi Bagian Kedua

  • ISBN 13 : 9786021353028
  • Judul : Manajemen Operasi Bagian Kedua
  • Pengarang : Koesmawan A. Sobandi,  
  • Kategori : Management
  • Penerbit : Mitra Wacana Media
  • Klasifikasi : 658.5 SOB m
  • Call Number : 658.5 SOB m KOE m
  • Bahasa : Indonesia
  • Penaklikan : 1 jil, 24 cm.
  • Tahun : 2014
  • Halaman : 152
  • Halaman : 152
  • Ketersediaan :
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    (PNJ-002-00003834) Dipinjam sampai 02-10-2017 pada Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
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    (PNJ-002-00008430) Dipinjam sampai 27-05-2019 pada Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
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    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa

HRD Syariah - Teori & Implementasi

HRD Syariah untuk Kemaslahatan Dunia Akhirat Ekonomi syariah yang semakin berkembang pada seluruh lini bisnis kontemporer harus dibarengi dengan manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang amanah dan sejalan dengan nilai-nilai syariah. Sebagai pelaksana praktik ekonomi syariah, SDM Syariah haruslah memiliki tauhid yang mendalam, perilaku yang selaras dengan syariah, dan lebih dari itu: menjadi duta Islam sebagai rahmat bagi seluruh alam. Secara umum, SDM Syariah memiliki nilai-nilai universal yang selaras dengan business ethic dari seluruh penjuru dunia. SDM Syariah harus menjadi pribadi yang memiliki komitmen tinggi pada kejujuran (honesty), amanah, profesional, percaya diri, dan bisa diandalkan. Semua itu lahir dari prophetic value sebagai efek positif tauhid yang hanif dalam keyakinan Islam. Permasalahnya adalah, bagaimana mengatur SDM Syariah agar senantiasa memiliki jiwa amanah dan profesional. Untuk mencari jawabannya, silakan telaah lembar demi lembar buku ini. Anda akan mengetahui mengapa SDM Syariah merupakan solusi terbaik bagi setiap perusahaan untuk mencapai targetnya. Nilai lebih lain, Anda juga bisa mendapatkan gambaran bagaimana praktik HRD Syariah pada beberapa perusahaan yang telah malang-melintang dalam bisnis syariah. Selamat membaca!

HRD Syariah untuk Kemaslahatan Dunia Akhirat Ekonomi syariah yang semakin berkembang pada seluruh lini bisnis kontemporer harus dibarengi dengan manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang amanah dan sejalan dengan nilai-nilai syariah.

Daughters of Papua

Pum is a loyal old dog who can smell colors. Along with Kwee, a pig with attitude, and seven-year-old Leksi, they tell the story of Mabel. As a young girl of the Dani tribe in Papua, Dutch missionaries take her to the city under the pretense of adopting her. Mabel quickly adapts to being domestic help and is eager to learn, but her request to attend school is denied. When Mabel returns to village life years later, her daughter-in-law and granddaughter, Leksi, join her. The women work in the fields all day long, and Mabel sells the fruits and vegetables in the open market. Living in Papua is a battle between tradition and the new: for the Papuan people this means leaving the land and working in the gold mining operation on the Holy Mountain, home of the spirits of the Amungme people. The mining company takes the labor from many Papuans and only gives riches to very few. Mabel holds on to the traditional way of life, and dares to speak out against injustice during a fierce election.

Pum is a loyal old dog who can smell colors. Along with Kwee, a pig with attitude, and seven-year-old Leksi, they tell the story of Mabel.

Transculturating Cultural Memory in Native American Performance

Theatre practitioner and scholar, Eugenio Barba has spent much of his professional life questioning what is known and asking what is unknown. His instinct to look beyond his cultural norms propelled him and his students to obtain knowledge of other methods and practices; discoveries that would lead to the term, theatre anthropology. Utilizing aspects of Barba's theatre anthropology to examine transculturation of cultural memory in Native American performance, discovery of how performance has changed and evolved among Navajo Indians is analyzed. Barba's research provides a framework that enables analysis of Native American performance, and the effect of transculturation - melding methods and practices not familiar to Native culture.

Theatre practitioner and scholar, Eugenio Barba has spent much of his professional life questioning what is known and asking what is unknown.

Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management

An Evidence-Based Guide to Delivering High Performance

Managing staff performance is an effective mechanism for developing both staff and organizational growth. By clarifying an organization's objectives, translating these into clear individual goals and reviewing these goals regularly, performance management provides a well-structured and effective management tool. In the completely updated fifth edition of this classic text, Michael Armstrong considers the latest developments in this area, and how these can be applied to managing staff for increased performance. The new edition includes guidance on 360-degree feedback and the results of a far-reaching e-reward survey of performance management practices in 156 organizations. Ideal for practitioners and students alike, Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management is aligned to the CIPD standards for Performance Management and so is ideal for those working towards the intermediate and advanced level qualifications. It remains the most authoritative and engaging textbook on performance management and is accompanied by an extensive online resource, including PowerPoint slides for tutors, and a glossary, literature review, and exercises to help students to test their learning.

In the completely updated fifth edition of this classic text, Michael Armstrong considers the latest developments in this area, and how these can be applied to managing staff for increased performance.

Essentials of Strategic Management

The Quest for Competitive Advantage

Essentials of Strategic Management presents a conceptually strong treatment of strategic management principles and analytic approaches that features straight-to-the-point discussions, timely examples, and a writing style that captures the interest of students. The Fourth Edition of Essentials of Strategic Management is very much in step with the best academic thinking and contemporary management practice. The chapter content continues to be solidly main-stream and balanced, mirroring both the penetrating insight of academic thought and the pragmatism of real-world strategic management. The text serves as the theoretical foundation of a teaching approach incorporating a business strategy simulation.

The Fourth Edition of Essentials of Strategic Management is very much in step with the best academic thinking and contemporary management practice.

The Gender Communication Connection

The authors explore the many ways that gender and communication intersect and affect each other. Every chapter encourages a consideration of how gender attitudes and practices, past and current, influence personal notions of what it means not only to be female and male, but feminine and masculine. The second edition of this student friendly and accessible text is filled with contemporary examples, activities, and exercises to help students put theoretical concepts into practice.

The second edition of this student friendly and accessible text is filled with contemporary examples, activities, and exercises to help students put theoretical concepts into practice.

Teknik Analisis Manajemen SWOT

Untuk Menyusun KKP Diklatpim & Renstra

Membahas penyusunan kertas kerja dengan analisis SWOT

Rangkuti, Freddy 2001, Analisis SWOT Teknik Membedah Kasus Bisnis:
Reorientasi Konsep Perencanaan Strategis untuk Menghadapi Abad 21,
Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. Riduwan, MBA, M.Pd, 2007, Teknik dan
Metode Penelitian ...

Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik

Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik Ash-Sh fi' said, "After the Book of Allah, there is no book on the face of the earth sounder than the book of M lik." 'Al ' ad-D n Maghla y al- anaf said, "The first person to compile the a was M lik." Ibn ajar said, "The book of M lik is sound by all the criteria that are demanded as proofs in the mursal, munqa i' and other types of transmission." As-Suy followed Ibn ajar's judgement and said, "It is absolutely correct to say that the Muwa a' is sound ( a ) without exception." Al-Bukh r and Muslim transmitted most of its ad ths and included them in their a collections. The authors of the rest of the six books, the Im m of the ad th scholars, A mad ibn anbal, and others did the same. In addition, the Muwa a' contains a record of the practice ('amal) of the people of Mad nah of the first generations, a transmission of the ethos that permeated the city, and Im m M lik's painstaking clarification of the Sunna, the ad ths, the practice and legal judgements. Im m M lik ibn anas (93 AH/711 CE - 179 AH/795 CE) Imam M lik's full name is M lik ibn Anas ibn M lik ibn Ab ' mir al-A ba and he was related to Dh A ba, a sub-tribe of imyar. He was instructed in the learning and recitation of the Noble Qur' n by Im m N fi' ibn 'Abd ar-Ra m n ibn Ab Nu'aym, the Im m of the reciters of Mad na and one of the 'seven reciters'. Among the huge number of his teachers in ad th and fiqh were N fi', the mawl of 'Abdull h ibn 'Umar, and Ibn Shih b az-Zuhr . He sat to give fatw when he was seventeen years old after seventy Im ms had testified that he was worthy to give fatw and teach. His own students included Im m ash-Sh fi' and Im m Muhammad ibn al- asan ash-Shayb n the anaf mujtahid, as well as a great number of Im ms of ad th and fiqh, and thus he is known as Im m al-A'immah 'the Im m of the Im ms'. He is recognised to be the subject of the hadith from Ab Hurayra i: "The Messenger of Allah @ said, 'There will come a time when the people will beat the livers of their camels in search of knowledge and they will not find an ' lim with more knowledge than the ' lim of Mad na.'"

Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik Ash-Sh fi' said, "After the Book of Allah, there is no book on the face of the earth sounder than the book of M lik.