Sebanyak 2421 item atau buku ditemukan

Managing Mission-Critical Domains and DNS

Manage your organization’s naming architecture effectively, from the administrative/policy side right through to the technical DNS and nameserver implementations. This practical book takes you through the basics—the anatomies of domain names and DNS requests—and covers DNS and domain issues from a variety of perspectives, including strategy, security, and intellectual property. Ideal for sysadmins, webmasters, IT consultants, and developers—anyone responsible for maintaining your organization's core DNS, or DNS for its downstream users or clients—this book provides strategic checklists and contains up-to-date case studies of DNS disasters.

This practical book takes you through the basics—the anatomies of domain names and DNS requests—and covers DNS and domain issues from a variety of perspectives, including strategy, security, and intellectual property.

JavaScript with Promises

If you're a developer moving to an environments that make heavy use of asynchronous APIs, such as Node, WinRT, or Chrome packaged apps, this book teaches you how to make use of promise constructs. JavaScript routinely supports asynchronous code, calling a function with no expectation of when a response might come back. Unfortunately, writing code in that style is difficult for humans, and promises are a key tool for bridging that gap. This book shows you how to use these tools, and also demonstrates techniques that enable you to use features like IndexedDB or WebRTC.

If you're a developer moving to an environments that make heavy use of asynchronous APIs, such as Node, WinRT, or Chrome packaged apps, this book teaches you how to make use of promise constructs.

The Oracle Pl/SQL Cd Bookshelf

7 Bestselling Books on Cd-Rom

Readers get the complete text of the following books on CD-ROM: "Oracle PL/SQL Programming, Advanced PL/SQL Programming, Oracle Web Applications, Oracle Built-in Packages, Oracle Developer's Workbook, Oracle PL/SQL Pocket Reference, Oracle Built-ins Pocket Reference", and "Oracle PL/SQL Programming: A Guide to Oracle 8i Features".