Sebanyak 27 item atau buku ditemukan

Coal Systems Analysis

This paper will provide an introduction to the concept of coal systems analysis
and the accompanying volume of papers will provide examples of how coal
systems analysis can be used to understand, characterize, and evaluate coal and
coal ...

Methods in Statistical Shape Analysis for Landmark-based Three-dimensional Data, with Applications to an Orthodontic Study

Because of some statistical issues that arise in the standard shape analysis setting, an alternative approach will also be applied. This approach, borrowed from computational topology, is called persistent homology. It will be applied to the existing shape analysis framework to detect clusters or subgroups of similarly-shaped objects.

Because of some statistical issues that arise in the standard shape analysis setting, an alternative approach will also be applied.

Kamus istilah akuntansi

Yang termasuk dalam Office Equipment ini antara lain: - meja-meja tulis k - mesin
tik - almari kantor - filling cabinet h - kursi-kursi y - mesin hitung - dll. ffice
Insurance = Asuransi Gedung serta Peralatan Kantor Biaya yang dikeluarkan
untuk ...

Orchard CMS

Up and Running

Use your C# skills to build your next website with Orchard, the popular content management system based on ASP.NET MVC. With step-by-step guidance, you’ll learn your way around the Orchard environment by constructing a complete, real-world site throughout the course of this book. You’ll create, manage, and display dynamic content with out-of-the-box functionality, and then build themes, modules, and widgets to customize the site. Author John Zablocki gets you started by showing you how to obtain and compile the Orchard source code, so you can more efficiently customize and manage the sites you create. Create or extend Orchard content types to manage dynamic content Use alternate templates to change the way Orchard displays content Design a theme to define your website’s look and feel Build custom modules when the Orchard Gallery doesn’t have extensions you need Create reusable content pieces by creating widgets Explore options for adding multi-language support to a site Learn hosting options for your Orchard sites, including the cloud Package your custom themes and modules to share in Orchard Gallery

With step-by-step guidance, you’ll learn your way around the Orchard environment by constructing a complete, real-world site throughout the course of this book.

Rahasia sukses bisnis etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia

Success secrets of the business of chinese people in Indonesia.

Success secrets of the business of chinese people in Indonesia.