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Manfaat mempelajari dan menerapkan metode Hipnometafisika untuk mencapai tujuan hidup yang didambakan secara umum. Manusia memiliki potensi otak kiri dan otak kanan, pikiran sadar dan pikiran alam bawah sadar, gelombang otak beta, alpha, theta, dan delta. Atas dasar itu, seni komunikasi memengaruhi seseorang sehingga mengubah tingkat kesadarannya untuk tujuan positif. [Penerbit Deepublish, Deepublish, Komunikasi]

Manfaat mempelajari dan menerapkan metode Hipnometafisika untuk mencapai tujuan hidup yang didambakan secara umum.

Beautiful JavaScript

Leading Programmers Explain How They Think

JavaScript is arguably the most polarizing and misunderstood programming language in the world. Many have attempted to replace it as the language of the Web, but JavaScript has survived, evolved, and thrived. Why did a language created in such hurry succeed where others failed? This guide gives you a rare glimpse into JavaScript from people intimately familiar with it. Chapters contributed by domain experts such as Jacob Thornton, Ariya Hidayat, and Sara Chipps show what they love about their favorite language—whether it’s turning the most feared features into useful tools, or how JavaScript can be used for self-expression. Contributors include: Angus Croll Jonathan Barronville Sara Chipps Marijn Haverbeke Ariya Hidayat Daryl Koopersmith Anton Kovalyov Rebecca Murphey Daniel Pupius Graeme Roberts Jenn Schiffer Jacob Thornton Ben Vinegar Rick Waldron Nicholas Zakas

Why did a language created in such hurry succeed where others failed? This guide gives you a rare glimpse into JavaScript from people intimately familiar with it.

Enterprise Search

Is your organization rapidly accumulating more information than you know how to manage? This book helps you create an enterprise search solution based on more than just technology. Author Martin White shows you how to plan and implement a managed search environment that meets the needs of your business and your employees. Learn why it’s vital to have a dedicated staff manage your search technology and support your users. In one survey, 93% of executives said their organization is losing revenue because they’re not fully able to use the information they collect. With this book, business managers, IT managers, and information professionals can maximize the value of corporate information and data assets. Use 12 critical factors to gauge your organization’s search needs Learn how to make a business case for search Research your user requirements and evaluate your current search solution Create a support team with technical skills and organizational knowledge to manage your solution Set quality guidelines for organizational content and metadata Get an overview of open source and commercial search technology Choose an application based on your requirements, not for its features Make mobile and location-independent search part of your solution

This book helps you create an enterprise search solution based on more than just technology. Author Martin White shows you how to plan and implement a managed search environment that meets the needs of your business and your employees.