Sebanyak 39 item atau buku ditemukan

Sistem pengelolaan sumberdaya pertanian berwawasan lingkungan

Volume commemorating the 25th anniversary of Mataram University.

Sistem gogo rancah ini mempunyai keuntungan lebih antara lain sebagai 'berikut
: — pengolahan tanah dapat diangsur sebelum hujan turun sehingga panen
menjadi maju dan memungkinkan frekuensi tanam meningkat. — tidak
membutuhkan genangan air pada waktu pengolahan tanah dan awal
pertumbuhan padi. — - tidak memerlukan pesemaian. — dapat terhindar dari
serangan hama ganjur di daerah endemis dimana hama ini biasanya
menunjukkan peningkatan serangan ...

Koperasi di tengah arus liberalisasi ekonomi

Cooperative societies, economic conditions in Indonesia and international trade; articles.

Cooperative societies, economic conditions in Indonesia and international trade; articles.

Heavy Metal Pollution and Its Phytoremediation Through Wetland Plants

Industrialisation and urbanisation have led to the rapid deterioration in the water quality of rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Heavy metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems has become the most important point for discussion in recent years. The problem of heavy metal pollution is emerging as a matter of concern at local, regional and also at global scales. Heavy metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems pose serious threats to aquatic biodiversity, and drinking of contaminated water pose severe health hazards in humans. Therefore, the focus of attention has been shifted from mere monitoring of environmental conditions to the development of alternative means to solve the environmental problems at local and global levels. This new book discusses how economic aspects and side effects of conventional treatment technologies in aquatic ecosystems paved way to phytoremediation technology.

This new book discusses how economic aspects and side effects of conventional treatment technologies in aquatic ecosystems paved way to phytoremediation technology.

Pedoman komunikasi antar instansi terkait pembinaan penghayat kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

KETENTUAN PIDANA Pasal45 (1) Kecuali apabila ditentukan lain dalam
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, maka: ... Pasal 48 Petunjuk-
petunjuk pelaksanaan yang masih dianggap perlu untuk kelancaran
pelaksanaan Peraturan ...


Identities, Politics, and Theories

This book provides an accessible introduction to bisexuality studies, set within the context of contemporary social theory and research. Drawing on interviews conducted in the UK and Colombia, it maps out the territory, providing a means of understanding sexualities that are neither gay, nor lesbian, nor heterosexual.

This book provides an accessible introduction to bisexuality studies, set within the context of contemporary social theory and research.