Sebanyak 1829 item atau buku ditemukan

Hukum ekonomi Islam (ekonomi syariah) di Indonesia

aplikasi & prospektifnya

Application and prospect of Islamic law in Indonesian economic system.

Application and prospect of Islamic law in Indonesian economic system.

Creative Web Writing

Among other aspects, the book covers collaborative storytelling, research online, interactivity and flexible text, as well as the nuts and bolts of styling for screen-reading. A number of innovative genres are examined, including autobiography, poetry, broadcasting, screenwriting and writing for children. The author also looks at e-ink, e-paper, e-books and e-publishing.

Among other aspects, the book covers collaborative storytelling, research online, interactivity and flexible text, as well as the nuts and bolts of styling for screen-reading.

Economics: The User's Guide

In his bestselling 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism, Cambridge economist Ha-Joon Chang brilliantly debunked many of the predominant myths of neoclassical economics. Now, in an entertaining and accessible primer, he explains how the global economy actually works-in real-world terms. Writing with irreverent wit, a deep knowledge of history, and a disregard for conventional economic pieties, Chang offers insights that will never be found in the textbooks. Unlike many economists, who present only one view of their discipline, Chang introduces a wide range of economic theories, from classical to Keynesian, revealing how each has its strengths and weaknesses, and why there is no one way to explain economic behavior. Instead, by ignoring the received wisdom and exposing the myriad forces that shape our financial world, Chang gives us the tools we need to understand our increasingly global and interconnected world often driven by economics. From the future of the Euro, inequality in China, or the condition of the American manufacturing industry here in the United States-Economics: The User's Guide is a concise and expertly crafted guide to economic fundamentals that offers a clear and accurate picture of the global economy and how and why it affects our daily lives.

From the future of the Euro, inequality in China, or the condition of the American manufacturing industry here in the United States-Economics: The User's Guide is a concise and expertly crafted guide to economic fundamentals that offers a ...

Kuasai Detail Akuntansi Perkantoran

Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa pencatatan akuntansi yang baik dapat mempermudah kita dalam membuat laporan keuangan usaha. Maka tidak heran kalau pada akhirnya Pebisnis Dunia menyepakati buku yang diterbitkkan oleh PUSTAKA ILMU SEMESTA . Usaha apa pun tanpa Akuntansi Laporan Keuangan, sama saja hasilnya nihil. Dalam buku ini, diulas dengan sangat jelas dan detail mengenai Akuntansi Perkantoran. -Lembar Langit Indonesia Group-

Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa pencatatan akuntansi yang baik dapat mempermudah kita dalam membuat laporan keuangan usaha.

Ups and downs in rural Javanese industry

the dynamics of work and life of small-scale garment manufacturers and their families

Sukamdi and Setiadi. (2003). "State-Created Socio-Cultural Poverty: Lesson from
Some Micro Studies" in A. Ananta (Ed.), The Indonesian Crisis: A Human
Development Perspective. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Sullivan, J.

Buku Pintar Kelapa Sawit

Banyaknya lahan yang dialihfungsikan menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit memperlihatkan permintaan kelapa sawit masih sangat tinggi. Buku ini mengupas segala hal tentang kelapa sawit, mulai sejarah, botani, pengurusan izin, kesesuaian lahan. pembukaan lahan, pembibitan, pemeliharaan, pemanenan, pengolahan pascapanen. pengendalian hama dan penyakit, serta analisis biaya pembangunan kebun. -AgroMedia-

... penjualan hasil kebun plasma kepada perusahaan inti berdasarkan harga
yang ditetapkan oleh tim penetapan harga TBS plasma. Perusahaan inti wajib
memotong hasil penjualan produksi kebun plasma untuk angsuran biaya
pembangunan kebun plasma. Besarnya jumlah angsuran ditetapkan dalam
program revitalisasi perkebunan. Pengawasan terhadap pengelolaan kebun
plasma oleh perusahaan inti dilakukan oleh koperasi, perbankan, dan instansi
dinas terkait. 60.

From Darkness to Light

Energy Security Assessment in Indonesia's Power Sector

This book aims to assess multidimensional aspects of energy security in the electricity sector. There are few academic literature that assess regulation and governance, availability, technology development and efficiency, environmental sustainability, and affordability dimension comprehensively. This book demonstrates how these dimensions are interconnected. The publication of this book comes at a timely moment when the Indonesian government needs to provide electricity access to more than 60 million people, to speed up electrification ratio outside Java, to reduce electricity subsidy, and to promote green power system. Moving from “darkness to light”, Indonesia needs to strengthen regulation and governance as a basis to elevate other dimensions to move forward.

... Sigit Hardjojudanto (Soeharto's first son) Tantyo Sudharmono (son of the vice
president) and possible friends of Soeharto's wife Bambang Trihatmodjo (
Soeharto's second son) and known crony Chinese businessmen Source: Wells (
2007), ...