Sebanyak 632 item atau buku ditemukan

Ecological anthropology

A Primer of Ecology

This book presents a concise but detailed exposition of the most common mathematical models in population and community ecology. It is intended to demystify ecological models and the mathematics behind them by deriving the models from first principles.

This book presents a concise but detailed exposition of the most common mathematical models in population and community ecology.

Ecology for Nonecologists

Written for anyone who works with chemicals or has a general interest in ecology, this book examines the interrelationship of life forms in our environment and provides straightforward explanations about the complicated interactions among nature and humans. Emphasizing basic concepts, definitions, and descriptions, the author presents illustrative problems in terms of commonly used ecological parameters to provide readers with enough information to make technical and personal decisions about ecology. Funneling the broad, multidisciplinary field of ecology, which incorporates aspects of biology, chemistry, physics, geology, meteorology, agriculture, forestry, and more into a single stream, the author provides those with backgrounds in only a handful, or even none, of these disciplines with an easy-to-read understanding of the functions and values of ecology and its interrelationships with other sciences, including ecology's direct impact on our lives. Organized into three parts, this book examines the fundamentals of ecology, the role of biodiversity, and the practical side of ecology. Readers will examine such topics as biogeochemical cycles, ecological pyramids, and the laws of population ecology. They will also examine species, terrestrial ecosystems, and aquatic systems. Each chapter ends with a Chapter Review Test.

Written for anyone who works with chemicals or has a general interest in ecology, this book examines the interrelationship of life forms in our environment and provides straightforward explanations about the complicated interactions among ...

Fern Ecology

Ferns are an integral part of the world's flora, appreciated for their beauty as ornamentals, problematic as invaders and endangered by human interference. They often dominate forest understories but also colonize open areas, invade waterways and survive in nutrient-poor wastelands and eroded pastures. Presented here is the first comprehensive summary of fern ecology, with worldwide examples from Siberia to the islands of Hawaii. Topics include a brief history of the ecological study of ferns, a global survey of fern biogeography, fern population dynamics, the role of ferns in ecosystem nutrient cycles, their adaptations to xeric environments and future directions in fern ecology. Fully illustrated concepts and processes provide a framework for future research and utilization of ferns for graduate students and professionals in ecology, conservation and land management.

Presented here is the first comprehensive summary of fern ecology, with worldwide examples from Siberia to the islands of Hawaii.


Pro dan kontra pembahasan Rancangan Undang-undang Keamanan Nasional telah memberikan perspektif baru bahwa penataan kebijakan keamanan nasional tidak semudah membalikkan telapak tangan. Ada berbagai permasalahan yang mengiringi hampir Sembilan tahun pembahasan rancangan undang-undang tersebut. Kekompleksan masalah yang dihadapi, selain pada konteks kerja sama dan pembagian kewenangan yang belum jelas antar aktor keamanan, hingga masalah intervensi peran dan fungsi yang dirasakan menonjolkan kewenangan yang lebih besar hanya salah satu aktor keamanan saja. Situasi ini mengundang penolakan pembahasan baik dari aktor keamanan Negara hingga masalah penghormatan pada Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) dan kebebasan sipil. Buku ini mencoba mengintegrasikan pemahaman pentingnya mengintegrasikan dan mengkomprehensif-kan kebijakan keamanan nasional dengan penghormatan pada HAM dan kebebasan sipil dalam bentuk uraian tulisan yang dalam derajat tertentu berupaya tetap pada konteks akademik sebagai bagian dari sumbang saran kalangan akademik universitas untuk mencoba mengurai kebuntuan atas pembahasan RUU Kamnas yang telah memasuki tahun kesembilan tersebut. Bahwa dilemma memperkuat Negara atau memperkuat masyarakat sipil yang berkembang dalam pro-kontra pembahasan RUU Kamnas selama ini dituangkan secara berimbang dalam bab demi bab dalam buku ini. setidaknya pada situasi tertentu, buku ini dapat menjadi rujukan bagi alternative pemikiran untuk menuntaskan pembahasan RUU Kamnas agar tercapai kesepakatan yang tetap mengacu pada kepentingan Negara tanpa harus melanggar kebebasan sipil dan HAM.

Keenam, ancaman yang berbaju lingkungan hidup, seperti pengrusakan
lingkungan hidup oleh Multinational Corporations (MNC) dengan menggunakan
teknologi yang tidak terdeteksi, serta keengganan negara-negara besar
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