Sebanyak 139 item atau buku ditemukan

English Literature in the Age of Disguise

... that he has a head turn'd for bussiness, a genius to the war, either to the field or
to naval affairs; or that he is known to excell in any particular; that he is well read
in history, has studyed the intrest and temper of all the courts and governments ...

Indeks bibliografi skripsi Universitas Pajajaran

Fakultas Sastra, Fakultas Psikologi, Fakultas Hukum, Fakultas Ekonomi, Fakultas Sosial Politik, Fakultas Pertanian, Fakultas Publisistik 1957-1980

Scientific Basis of Water-resource Management

Field. Data: The. Interface. between. Hydrology. and. Geomorphology. LUNA B.
LEOPOLD University of California, Berkeley Geology, Determinism, and Risk
Assessment. 9. In l904 the California Miners' Association adopted in convention a

Analisis kebudayaan

Dalam kaitan inilah, saya ingin menarik kegiatan perancangan sebagai suatu
ritual di dalam peri kehidupan budaya suatu ... arti yang seluas-luasnya dan tidak
terbatas pada kegiatan yang dilakukan pada suatu upacara keagamaan saja.

Multivariate Analysis in Community Ecology

A full description of computer-based methods of analysis used to define and solve ecological problems. Multivariate techniques permit summary of complex sets of data and allow investigation of many problems which cannot be tackled experimentally because of practical restraints.

Direct gradient analysis is used to display the distribution of organisms along
gradients of important environmental factors. By contrast, ordination and
classification techniques generally start with the analysis of community data
alone and, only ...

Thinking globally, acting locally

the politics and ethics of the solar age

the politics and ethics of the solar age Hazel Henderson. Today our planetary
environment is threatened on a scale unprecedented in human history. We have
witnessed the extinction of various species and loss of genetic diversity, the ...