Sebanyak 74 item atau buku ditemukan

Kumpulan peraturan pengendalian pencemaran air industri manufaktur

Collection of Indonesian government regulation and Minister of Environment decisions on sewage management of manufacturing industries to avoid water pollution.

Collection of Indonesian government regulation and Minister of Environment decisions on sewage management of manufacturing industries to avoid water pollution.

Life in the Hothouse

How a Living Planet Survives Climate Change

Why does the planet's warming produce stronger hurricanes, rising seas, and larger floods? The Earth is just doing what comes naturally. Just as humans produce sweat to cool off on a hot day, the planet produces hurricanes, floods, wetlands, and forests to cool itself off. This book incorporates the author's extensive knowledge of climate science, including the latest research in climate change, and the most current scientific theories, including Gaia theory, which holds that the Earth has some degree of climate control "built in." As the author points out, scientists have been documenting stronger hurricanes and larger floods for many years. There is a good reason for this, she notes. Hurricanes help cool the ocean surface and clear the air of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. From the perspective of Gaia theory, these responses are helping to slow the ongoing global warming, and there is hope, she writes. If we help sustain Earth's natural defense systems, including wetlands and forests, perhaps Mother Earth will no longer need to rely as much on the cooling effects of what we call "natural disasters", many of which carry a human fingerprint. At a minimum, she argues, these systems can help us survive the heat.

ith the birth of Gaia theory in the mid-1960s, a new worldview began to emerge in
Western science. Or rather, ancient ways reemerged, with a modern twist. In this
holistic view, life-forms combined, congealed, and otherwise clumped together ...

Total Quality Management in Human Service Organizations

The total quality management (TQM) paradigm presents a unique opportunity for human service professionals to break away from traditional management approaches. In this useful text, the authors provide a clear overview of the tenets of TQM, as well as illustrative and detailed case studies in an array of human service settings.

In this useful text, the authors provide a clear overview of the tenets of TQM, as well as illustrative and detailed case studies in an array of human service settings.

Semangat Membatu

Official Story Timnas U-19

25 Pemain, 5 Pelatih, 2 Staf medis, 2 Kit man, dan 1 Tekad .... Setelah kata sepakat kami sampaikan, tidak ada lagi konsentrasi yang terbagi selain hanya untuk sepak bola. Perjalanan panjang kami mulai dengan sebuah titik putih di tengah kehidupan kami. Titik putih yang menjadi tanda bahwa kami tak boleh sedikit pun menyerah kalah. Buku ini merupakan pengingat kisah-kisah yang kami jalani selama berkiprah di persepakbolaan nasional. Layaknya pertandingan sepak bola yang menghadirkan drama-drama dengan hasil yang tak tertebak, perjalanan kami pun diwarnai dengan berbagai macam cerita yang menguras emosi. Namun, seperti apa pun rintangannya, tekad kami sudah membulat: Sang Saka Merah Putih harus berkibar di Piala Dunia! [Mizan, Bentang, Pustaka, Inspirasi, Motivasi, Indonesia]

25 Pemain, 5 Pelatih, 2 Staf medis, 2 Kit man, dan 1 Tekad .

Mega Bank Soal Matematika SMP Kelas 1, 2, & 3

Soal-soal latihan dibutuhkan untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana penguasaan siswa terhadap suatu materi pelajaran. Dengan banyak mengerjakan soal-soal latihan, siswa juga akan lebih siap dalam menghadapi berbagai ujian di sekolah, seperti ulangan harian, ujian tengah semester, ujian akhir semester, ujian nasional, maupun ujian masuk SMA favorit. Buku ini menyajikan soal-soal latihan matematika yang dibutuhkan siswa. Soal-soal diambil dari soal-soal yang sering muncul dalam berbagai ujian di sekolah. Untuk memudahkan dalam pengerjaan soal, dalam buku ini disajikan pula materi pelajaran matematika yang diringkas berdasarkan poin-poin penting yang harus dikuasai siswa. Buku ini dilengkapi dengan paket soal ujian nasional sebagai latihan atau try out dalam menghadapi ujian nasional. -CMedia-

Ujian. Nasional. Matematika. 2. PetunjukUmum1. Isilah identitas Anda ke dalam
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