Sebanyak 79 item atau buku ditemukan

Seri aspek hukum dalam bisnis

persekutuan perdata, persekutuan firma, dan persekutuan komanditer

Sistem produksi

kumpulan makalah pada seminar nasional diselenggarakan oleh program studi teknik industri Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, 6 - 7 September 2000

... lebih tinggi dari batas yang diijinkan, Karsak [6] mempertimbangkan
perubahan teknologi dan inflasi, sedangkan Onishi [9] memodelkan kebijakan
rawat-ganti dengan peluang informasi status sistem yang tak lengkap akibat
sinyal yang dihasilkan saat diperiksa. ... Baru pada perioda pasca 1950
penelitian mengenai garansi mulai menjadi bahan penelitian berbagai disiplin
lain seperti: Ekonomi, Akuntansi, Manajemen, Pemasaran, Enjiniring, Penelitian
Operasional, dan Statistika.

Applications of Data Mining in Computer Security

Data mining is becoming a pervasive technology in activities as diverse as using historical data to predict the success of a marketing campaign, looking for patterns in financial transactions to discover illegal activities or analyzing genome sequences. From this perspective, it was just a matter of time for the discipline to reach the important area of computer security. Applications Of Data Mining In Computer Security presents a collection of research efforts on the use of data mining in computer security. Data mining has been loosely defined as the process of extracting information from large amounts of data. In the context of security, the information we are seeking is the knowledge of whether a security breach has been experienced, and if the answer is yes, who is the perpetrator. This information could be collected in the context of discovering intrusions that aim to breach the privacy of services, data in a computer system or alternatively, in the context of discovering evidence left in a computer system as part of criminal activity. Applications Of Data Mining In Computer Security concentrates heavily on the use of data mining in the area of intrusion detection. The reason for this is twofold. First, the volume of data dealing with both network and host activity is so large that it makes it an ideal candidate for using data mining techniques. Second, intrusion detection is an extremely critical activity. This book also addresses the application of data mining to computer forensics. This is a crucial area that seeks to address the needs of law enforcement in analyzing the digital evidence. Applications Of Data Mining In Computer Security is designed to meet the needs of a professional audience composed of researchers and practitioners in industry and graduate level students in computer science.

This book also addresses the application of data mining to computer forensics. This is a crucial area that seeks to address the needs of law enforcement in analyzing the digital evidence.

La jambe gauche de Joe Strummer. Une enquête inédite de Mc Cash

Mc Cash, s'il n'est plus flic, reste borgne et dévoré par une colère aussi vieille que son premier concert des Clash, à Belfast, avant les grèves de la faim de Bobby Sand et les victimes du Bloody Sunday... Plus de femme, pas d'avenir, des illusions perdues... Un ophtalmologue l'informe que s'il persiste à soigner par la destruction tout ce qui l'entoure, il sera vite et définitivement aveugle. Belle raison pour en finir d'une lumineuse balle dans la tête! L'étincelle pourtant viendra d'ailleurs. Une lettre lui révèle qu'il est le père d'Alice. La mère est morte et c'est à lui désormais qu'il revient de veiller sur la petite... À peine Mc Cash est-il arrivé dans le village de sa fille qu'il trouve une autre fillette noyée. Alice vient le voir. Elle est le témoin qui dérange. Mc Cash, lorsque tombent les morts, redécouvre la peur et l'espoir mêlés. Lui qui voulait mourir mesure de plein fouet la valeur d'une vie. Celle de son enfant...

Mc Cash, s'il n'est plus flic, reste borgne et dévoré par une colère aussi vieille que son premier concert des Clash, à Belfast, avant les grèves de la faim de Bobby Sand et les victimes du Bloody Sunday.

Pengelolaan Proyek Pertanian Lahan Kering dan Konservasi Tanah

laporan lokakarya

Training Diharapkan bahwa semua kegiatan training, baik dalam negeri maupun
luar negeri akan dibiayai oleh Bank Dunia. Pemerintah RI akan mengikuti
prosedure keuangan Bank Dunia. 2.4. Pekerjaan Konstruksi Semua pekerjaan ...


