Sebanyak 20 item atau buku ditemukan

Pattern-oriented Analysis and Design

Composing Patterns to Design Software Systems

- Exploit the significant power of design patterns and make better design decisions with the proven POAD methodology - Improve software quality and reliability while reducing costs and maintenance efforts - Practical case studies and illustrative examples help the reader manage the complexity of software development

Composing Patterns to Design Software Systems Sherif M. Yacoub, Hany
Hussein Ammar. 6. UML. Support. for. Design. Patterns. In Chapter 5 we
discussed the design models used to support the POAD development process.
The models that ...

Reliability Engineering

Modern society depends heavily upon a host of systems of varying complexity to perform the services required. The importance of reliability assumes new dimensions, primarily because of the higher cost of these highly complex machines required by mankind and the implication of their failure. This is why all industrial organizations wish to equip their scientists, engineers, managers and administrators with a knowledge of reliability concepts and applications. Based on the author's 20 years experience as reliability educator, researcher and consultant, Reliability Engineering introduces the reader systematically to reliability evaluation, prediction, allocation and optimization. It also covers further topics, such as maintainability and availability, software reliability, economics of reliability, reliability management, reliability testing, etc. A reliability study of some typical systems has been included to introduce the reader to the practical aspects. The book is intended for graduate students of engineering schools and also professional engineers, managers and reliability administrators as it has a wide coverage of reliability concepts.

Author's 20 years of experience as Reliability Educator, Researcher and
Consultant made it abundantly clear that although every Industrial Organisation
desired to equip its Scientists, Engineers and Managers with the knowledge of
Reliability ...

Sejarah kebudayaan Indonesia: Arsitektur

History of Indonesian culture.

History of Indonesian culture.

An Introduction to Computational Physics

Thoroughly revised for its second edition, this advanced textbook provides an introduction to the basic methods of computational physics, and an overview of progress in several areas of scientific computing by relying on free software available from CERN. The book begins by dealing with basic computational tools and routines, covering approximating functions, differential equations, spectral analysis, and matrix operations. Important concepts are illustrated by relevant examples at each stage. The author also discusses more advanced topics, such as molecular dynamics, modeling continuous systems, Monte Carlo methods, genetic algorithm and programming, and numerical renormalization. It includes many more exercises. This can be used as a textbook for either undergraduate or first-year graduate courses on computational physics or scientific computation. It will also be a useful reference for anyone involved in computational research.

The book begins by dealing with basic computational tools and routines, covering approximating functions, differential equations, spectral analysis, and matrix operations.

Real-time data handling and process control--II

real-time data processing and related standards & common practices : introduction, present applications and relevance of standards, future requirements and trends, new technologies and system structures : proceedings of the second European symposium held in Versailles, France, 3-5 November, 1982

case in an equivalence class is representative of all other test cases in an
equivalence class. 5. ... Boehm, B. W., Software Engineering, IEEE Trans, on
Computers Vol.C-25 No. ... Myers, G. J., The Art of Software Testing (Wiley, 1978)
. 13.

Adobe After Effects CS5

"Whether you're working in broadcast and film or delivering work online and to mobile devices, Adobe After Effects CS5 software enables you to create groundbreaking motion graphics and blockbuster visual effects"--Publisher's website.

"Whether you're working in broadcast and film or delivering work online and to mobile devices, Adobe After Effects CS5 software enables you to create groundbreaking motion graphics and blockbuster visual effects"--Publisher's website.

Adobe After Effects CS5 Classroom in a Book

The Official Training Workbook from Adobe Systems

"Whether you're working in broadcast and film or delivering work online and to mobile devices, Adobe After Effects CS5 software enables you to create groundbreaking motion graphics and blockbuster visual effects"--Publisher's website.

"Whether you're working in broadcast and film or delivering work online and to mobile devices, Adobe After Effects CS5 software enables you to create groundbreaking motion graphics and blockbuster visual effects"--Publisher's website.

XAMPP 1.8 kompakt

Das Anwenderhandbuch

Wollten Sie nicht auch schon immer einmal Ihr eigener Web-Administrator sein, der für die Verwaltung einer Apache-Umgebung zuständig ist? Ober haben Sie nicht schon immer eine Umgebung gesucht, in der Sie in aller Ruhe Ihre Web-Seiten in einer realen Umgebung auf Herz und Nieren testen können? Wollten Sie nicht immer schon einmal eine neue Groupware-Umgebung, einen Online-Shop, ein Forum oder eine CRM-Lösung ohne Bauchschmerzen testen, ohne dabei Stunden für die Einrichtung einer entsprechenden Umgebung zu vergeuden? Oder wollten Sie nicht schon immer einmal PHP-Skripts programmieren und diese harten Praxistests unterziehen? Oder wollten Sie nicht schon immer Ihre MySQL-Kenntnisse auf Vordermann bringen? Wenn Sie eine dieser Fragen (vielleicht auch mehrere) mit Ja beantworten, dann sind Sie hier richtig. XAMPP ist eine Lösung, mit der Sie mit minimalem Aufwand eine typische Apache-MySQL-PHP-Umgebung aufsetzen, wie sie im Internet zu Tausenden anzutreffen ist. In “XAMPP 1.8 kompakt” lernen Sie die Umgebung und ihre verschiedenen Module kennen. Sie erfahren, wie Sie XAMPP in Betrieb nehmen, wie Sie die verschiedenen Server-Komponenten konfigurieren, wie Sie die Umgebung absichern und wie Sie darauf aufsetzende Applikationen in Betrieb nehmen. Fast 400 Seiten kompaktes Praxis-Know-how! # Inhaltsverzeichnis Vorwort 1 Quickstart 2 Apache im Griff 3 Mit MySQL arbeiten 4 XAMPP-Tool phpMyAdmin 5 ProFTPD 6 FileZilla-Server 7 E-Mail mit XAMPP für Windows 8 Mehr PHP-Power dank eAccelerator und PEAR 9 MySQL-Alternative SQLite 10 Logfile-Analyse mit dem Webalizer 11 Mehr Sicherheit für Ihre XAMPP-Installation 12 Einsatzszenarien – Magento, WordPress & Co. 13 Tipps&Tricks für die tägliche Arbeit Anhang A – More Info Anhang B – Wichtiges zu HTTP Anhang C – Wissenwertes über FTP

Wollten Sie nicht auch schon immer einmal Ihr eigener Web-Administrator sein, der für die Verwaltung einer Apache-Umgebung zuständig ist?

Embedded Android

Porting, Extending, and Customizing

Embedded Android is for Developers wanting to create embedded systems based on Android and for those wanting to port Android to new hardware, or creating a custom development environment. Hackers and moders will also find this an indispensible guide to how Android works.

Hackers and moders will also find this an indispensible guide to how Android works.