Sebanyak 32 item atau buku ditemukan

Consumer Behavior and Culture

Consequences for Global Marketing and Advertising

The Second Edition of this popular text brings up-to-date Marieke de Mooij's important analysis of the impact of culture on consumer behavior worldwide. The author shows how it is increasingly vital for marketing students—tomorrow's marketing professionals—to understand the limits of consistent brand identities and universal advertising campaigns. Consumer behavior is not converging across countries, and therefore it is of even greater importance to understand, and be able to respond to, differences in behavior. This edition offers a new chapter, Chapter 7, on culture, communication, and media behavior that extends the prior edition's discussion on communication theories and advertising styles to cover differences in media usage worldwide, particularly the use of the Internet.

he previous chapters described how the mental and social processes that drive
behavior vary across cultures. This chapter deals with various consumer
behavior domains. The consumer behavior domains related to communication,
such as ...

The Ashgate Research Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility

The term corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gained prominence both in business and in the media and has become one of the most debated management issues. Yet there is still a lack of consensus on what the concept means, what it entails, why it should be embraced and how. This companion offers scholars and graduate students a valuable guide to current thinking and a comprehensive reference to this increasingly important field.

Sustainability and its Place in CSR Research Kumba Jallow Introduction
Sustainability requires that we tread lightly on ... where appropriate, likely to
engage with the principles of sustainability, whereas the practical applications of
CSR will ...

The Business Student's Guide to Sustainable Management

Principles and Practice

Aimed at undergraduates, this is the first textbook to offer a full introduction to sustainable management, covering all subject areas relevant to business students. The book includes chapters and seminars on subjects such as: Corporate Sustainable Strategy Sustainable Marketing Sustainability Reporting Supply Chain Management Human Resources Management: Supporting Sustainable Business Environmental Economics Sustainable Operations Management Greenhouse Gas Management System Thinking in Sustainable Management The book contains nearly 30 ready-made seminars employing various teaching methods. Each chapter follows the same, easy-to-use format. This book provides a true treasure chest of materials to support staff wanting to integrate sustainability into their teaching and provides support to effectively embed sustainability in the curriculum. The chapters also offer a starting point in developing teaching units for Masters and MBA students. The material is not just useful to people in business schools, but to those involved in wider scale curriculum change, and those looking to make links between different disciplines.

"Aimed at undergraduates, this is the first textbook to offer a full introduction to sustainable management with innovative teaching material, covering all subject areas relevant to business students.

Substance Use and Older People

Tan, W.C., Lo, C., Jong, A. et al. (2009) Marijuana and chronic obstructive lung
disease: a population-based study. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association
Journal/journal de l'Association Medicale Canadienne, 180(8), 814–820. 109.
Dutra, L.

Fresh Update Buku Pintar Kimia SMA/MA IPA Kelas 1, 2, & 3

Sukses Belajar Kimia Tanpa Guru

1. Materi disajikan dengan mendetail. Jadi, untuk kalian yang belum paham sama sekali tidak perlu khawatir, karena semua disajikan dengan jelas dan ringkas. Asalkan ada niat, pasti bisa.... 2. Pembahasan soal dibuat runut disertai penjelasan yang mendetail, jadi mudah dipahami. 3. Terdapat "Rumus Praktis", yaitu rumus cepat yang jika dikerjakan dengan cara biasa memerlukan 4 sampai 5 langkah, tapi dengan rumus praktis cukup 2 atau 3 langkah saja. 4. Terdapat "Trik Menghafal" untuk beberapa materi yang harus dihafal. 5. Bank soal lengkap, mulai dari Ulangan Harian, Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS), Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS), Ujian Nasional (UN), SBMPTN, SIMAK UI, UM-UGM, dan lain-lain. 6. Terdapat "Trik Pintar", yaitu penyelesaian soal dengan cara cepat, tetapi tidak keluar dari konsep dasar. 7. Buku terbitan dari Bintang Wahyu ini didesain gaul, enak dibaca, dan simpel. Jadi, pastinya gak akan ngebosenin deh.... 8. Terdapat "Kumpulan Rumus Pintar Fisika". Jadi, jika dalam mengerjakan soal kemudian lupa rumusnya, buka aja kumpulan-kumpulan rumus pintar,tanpa perlu mencarinya di dalam buku....easy bukan.... 9. Plusss, komik lucu yang membuat otak kamu kembali freshhh..... -Bintang Wahyu-

Diharapkan nantinya siswa menguasai berbagai macam tipe soal dari berbagai
sumber. Tidak hanya paham tips dan trik tetapi paham konsep dasarnya. Di
bagian akhir setiap bab diberikan soal-soal latihan yang akan menguji
kemampuan ...

Digital Imaging and Deconvolution

The ABCs of Seismic Exploration and Processing

Covers the basic ideas and methods used in seismic processing, concentrating on the fundamentals of seismic imaging and deconvolution. Many of the seismic methods in popular use today go back to the work of some of the great scientists of past centuries. The ideas are developed from the ground up. Most chapters in the book are followed by problem sets. Some exercises are designed to supplement the material presented in the text; others are meant to stimulate classroom discussions. There are few industrial-grade illustrations. Instead, both the text and the exercises deal mostly with simple examples that often can be solved with nothing more than a pencil and paper. Each chapter is as self-contained as possible to make it easier for a reader to concentrate on topics of particular interest. The book covers such basic topics as wave motion; digital imaging; digital filtering; various visualization aspects of the seismic reflection method; sampling theory; the frequency spectrum; synthetic seismograms; wavelets and wavelet processing; deconvolution; the need for continuing interaction between the seismic interpreter and the computer; seismic attributes; phase rotation; and seismic attenuation. The last of the 15 chapters gives a detailed mathematical overview. Digital Imaging and Deconvolution, nominated for the Association of Earth Science Editors award for the best geoscience publication of 2008-2009, will be of interest to professional geophysicists as well as graduate students and upper-level undergraduates in geophysics. The book also will be helpful to scientists and engineers in other disciplines who use digital signal processing to analyze and image wave-motion data in remote-detection applications. In particular, the methods described in this book are important in optical imaging, video imaging, medical and biological imaging, acoustical analysis, radar, and sonar.

Chapter. 2. Digital. Imaging. A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or
taste not the Pierian spring. — Alexander Pope ... Prestack depth migration is a
3D imaging process that is computationally extensive but mathematically simple.

Musical Theatre

A History

This is a comprehensive history of stage musicals from the 1840s all the way up to Andrew Lloyd Webber and Broadway as it we know it today. Wide-ranging in content, it covers Europe, the UK, and North American traditions and developments.

This is a comprehensive history of stage musicals from the 1840s all the way up to Andrew Lloyd Webber and Broadway as it we know it today. Wide-ranging in content, it covers Europe, the UK, and North American traditions and developments.

People Get Ready!

A New History of Black Gospel Music

From Africa through the spirituals, from minstrel music through jubilee, and from traditional to contemporary gospel, "People Get Ready!" provides, for the first time, an accessible overview of this musical genre.

From Africa through the spirituals, from minstrel music through jubilee, and from traditional to contemporary gospel, "People Get Ready!" provides, for the first time, an accessible overview of this musical genre.