Sebanyak 2 item atau buku ditemukan

Afghan Guerrilla Warfare

In the Words of the Mjuahideen Fighters

Provides reports from Mujahideen veterans and maps depicting locations and troop movements to explore how the Afghans fought a successful guerrilla war against their better-equipped and numerically superior Soviet enemies.

In the Words of the Mjuahideen Fighters Ali Ahmad Jalali, Lester W. Grau. The
Soviets painted numbers on boulders and ... Mohammad Shah's deputy, Haji Nur
Ahmad Khairkhaw, was in charge. We had gathered in the darkness discussing ...

Afghan Guerrilla Warfare

In the Words of the Mjuahideen Fighters

DIVWhen the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, few experts believed the fledgling Mujahideen resistance movement had a chance of withstanding the modern, mechanized onslaught of the Soviet Army. But somehow, the Mujahideen prevailed against a larger and decisively better equipped foe. No one predicted the Soviet Union would withdraw in defeat in 1989. With more than 100 first-hand reports from Mujahideen combat veterans and maps illustrating locations and disposition of forces, this book is a tactical look at a decentralized army of foot-mobile guerrillas as they wage war against a superior force. Learn about Mujahideen ambushes, raids, shelling attacks, fights against heliborne insertions, attacks on Soviet strong points, and urban combat in this rare look at the Soviet-Afghan conflict./div

In the Words of the Mjuahideen Fighters Ali Ahmad Jalali. The Soviets painted
numbers on boulders and rocks to ... Mohammad Shah's deputy, Haji Nur Ahmad
Khairkhaw, was in charge. We had gathered in the darkness discussing what to ...