Sebanyak 30 item atau buku ditemukan

Prosidings Seminar V Ekosistem Mangrove, Jember, 3-6 Agustus 1994

Mangrove ecology in Indonesia; proceedings.

Jalan akan memudahkan tranportasi dan komunikasi , meningkatkan mobilitas
penduduk , mempermudah berbagai upaya pelayanan , membuka keterisolasian
, memudahkan upaya pengembangan usaha / bisnis masyarakat dan ...

Proceedings, 23rd Annual Meeting, Aquatic Plant Control Research Program

14-17 November 1988, West Palm Beach, Florida

Mangoendihardjo, S., and Narosh, A. 1976. "Proxenus sp. (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae), a Promising Natural Enemy of Waterlettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.),"
Proceedings, 5th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, October 5-11,
1975, Tokyo, Japan. Mangoendihardjo, S., Setyawati, O., Syed, R. A., and
Sosromarsono, S. 1977. "Insects and Fungi Associated with Some Aquatic
Weeds in Indonesia," Proceedings, 6th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society
Conference, July 11-17, 1977, ...

Tropical Rain Forest

Describes tropical rain forests, including where they are located and the various plants and animals that live and interact there.

Describes tropical rain forests, including where they are located and the various plants and animals that live and interact there.

Hubungan timbal balik antara manusia dengan lingkungan hidup

prosiding seminar nasional, Samarinda, 6-9 Februari 1990

Interrelation between man and environment, with reference to Indonesia; proceedings of a seminar.

Interrelation between man and environment, with reference to Indonesia; proceedings of a seminar.