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Super Schnoz and the Invasion of the Snore Snatchers

Andy Whiffler—aka Super Schnoz—is the world’s loudest snorer. His snoring is so thunderous that on most nights it registers a 4.5 on the Richter scale. However, the most dangerous effect of Super Schnoz’s snoring happens in outer space, millions of light-years away, where aliens are harvesting his snores to prepare for an invasion of Earth!

An Apnean had shot me in the butt at close range with a lighting wand! “Owww!” I
screeched and yanked my nose from the ground. Mucky soil had packed into my
nostrils like cement. My face scrunched up, my eyes closed tightly, and I sneezed.
The sludge lodged inside my nose discharged directly into a platoon of Apneans.
They must not have been wearing their invisible shields, because the expulsion
sent the invaders tumbling into the forest. The Booger Blobs were on me fast.