Sebanyak 30533 Textbook ditemukan

Manajemen SDM Berbasis Proses

strategis jika kedua kondisi berikut ini terpenuhi: (a) terdapat alignment antara
strategi SDM dan strategi bisnis, dan (b) ada integrasi antara berbagai
komponen dalam manajemen SDM. Lebih lanjut dalam buku the HR
Scorecard mengatakan bahwa alignment antara strategi SDM dan strategi bisnis
terletak pada output dari strategi SDM {HR deliverables) yang digunakan
sebagai input dalam implementasi strategi bisnis. Untuk dapat menghasilkan HR
deliverables ...

Manajemen Potensi Diri (Rev)

Selain aktif mengajar, penulis juga aktif dalam penelitian-penelitian, pengabdian
masyarakat, seminar, dan pelatihan-pelatihan serta konsultansi di bidang
akuntansi, keuangan, kewirausahaan, dan pengembangan potensi diri.

Manajemen syariah dalam praktik

Dalam pameo bisnis disebutkan bahwa konsumen adalah raja. Meskipun dalam
Islam konsumen bukanlah raja, tetapi penghargaan kepada konsumen tetap
harus dilakukan. Budaya amanah dapat tercermin pada bagaimana seorang
produsen menjual produk-produknya kepada konsumen. Apa- kah yang tertulis
pada kemasan produk sesuai dengan kenyata- an? Budaya bisnis yang benar
pernah dicontohkan oleh Rasu- lullah saw. sehingga beliau berhasil
membangun ...

Manajemen strategik pengembangan SDM perguruan tinggi

studi kasus tentang pengembangan dosen melalui kepemimpinan visioner dan budaya organisasi yang kondusif di UHAMKA, Jakarta

Manajemen Alhamdulillah

Melejitkan Kepemimpinan Diri dengan Teori Quranik

Memandang hidup dgn mindset mudah & indah akan membentuk sikap, tindakan, & pola pikir yg bermuara pd prinsip religius: hidup itu indah, segala puji bg Allah yg memberikan keindahan.

A Conceptual Guide to Statistics Using SPSS

Bridging an understanding of Statistics and SPSS. This unique text helps students develop a conceptual understanding of a variety of statistical tests by linking the ideas learned in a statistics class from a traditional statistics textbook with the computational steps and output from SPSS. Each chapter begins with a student-friendly explanation of the concept behind each statistical test and how the test relates to that concept. The authors then walk through the steps to compute the test in SPSS and the output, clearly linking how the SPSS procedure and output connect back to the conceptual underpinnings of the test. By drawing clear connections between the theoretical and computational aspects of statistics, this engaging text aids students’ understanding of theoretical concepts by teaching them in a practical context.

This unique text helps students develop a conceptual understanding of a variety of statistical tests by linking the ideas learned in a statistics class from a traditional statistics textbook with the computational steps and output from SPSS ...

A Simple Guide to SPSS for Version 17.0

This no-nonsense book teaches you everything you need to know about the newest version of SPSS for Windows so you can effectively use the program in your statistics class. The guide’s simple, straightforward style frees you to concentrate on learning basic statistical concepts, while still developing familiarity with SPSS. In no time, you’ll be using SPSS to do homework problems and conduct statistical analyses for research projects. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

This no-nonsense book teaches you everything you need to know about the newest version of SPSS? for Windows? so you can effectively use the program in your statistics class.

Categorical Data Analysis With Sas and Spss Applications

This book covers the fundamental aspects of categorical data analysis with an emphasis on how to implement the models used in the book using SAS and SPSS. This is accomplished through the frequent use of examples, with relevant codes and instructions, that are closely related to the problems in the text. Concepts are explained in detail so that students can reproduce similar results on their own. Beginning with chapter two, exercises at the end of each chapter further strengthen students' understanding of the concepts by requiring them to apply some of the ideas expressed in the text in a more advanced capacity. Most of these exercises require intensive use of PC-based statistical software. Numerous tables with results of analyses, including interpretations of the results, further strengthen students' understanding of the material. Categorical Data Analysis With SAS(R) and SPSS Applications features: *detailed programs and outputs of all examples illustrated in the book using SAS(R) 8.02 and SPSS on the book's CD; *detailed coverage of topics often ignored in other books, such as one-way classification (ch. 3), the analysis of doubly classified data (ch. 11), and generalized estimating equations (ch. 12); and *coverage of SAS(R) PROC FREQ, GENMOD, LOGISTIC, PROBIT, and CATMOD, as well as SPSS PROC CROSSTABS, GENLOG, LOGLINEAR, PROBIT, LOGISTIC, NUMREG, and PLUM. This book is ideal for upper-level undergraduate or graduate-level courses on categorical data analysis taught in departments of biostatistics, statistics, epidemiology, psychology, sociology, political science, and education. A prerequisite of one year of calculus and statistics is recommended. The book has been class tested by graduate students in the department of biometry and epidemiology at the Medical University of South Carolina.

This book covers the fundamental aspects of categorical data analysis with an emphasis on how to implement the models used in the book using SAS and SPSS.