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Buku Panduan Praktikum Audit Kontemporer ini berisi tentang landasan teori, standar dan prosedur audit serta contoh-contoh kertas kerja pemeriksaan dan studi kasus audit. Dalam pandangan kami, audit merupakan proses yang sistematis untuk mengumpulkan bukti-bukti yang cukup dan relevan dalam rangka menilai suatu asersi dengan kriteria standar akuntansi yang berterima umum semestinya dipelajari dengan teknik memadukan konsep teoritis, standar professional audit, prosedur audit dengan praktek simulasi senyatanya. Hal ini diharapkan agar peserta didik bisa memahami secara komprehensif baik teori-teori audit maupun prakteknya. Peserta didik dan pengguna buku panduan ini diharapkan dapat mengetahui dan memahami bagaimana mengaudit laporan keuangan, mulai tahap pra-penugasan, perencanaan, pengujian-pengujian audit serta pelaporan. Selain itu peserta didik juga diharapkan mampu menyusun dan mendokumentasikan kertas kerja pemeriksaan yang merupakan dokumen penting audit sebagai dasar menetapkan kesimpulan opini audit. Buku panduan ini adalah buku referensi akademik sekaligus panduan praktikum audit modern (kontemporer) berbasis risiko bagi para mahasiswa, peserta diklat maupun professional terkait dengan audit laporan keuangan. Di dalam buku panduan ini, cara penyusunan dan pendokumentasian kertas kerja pemeriksaan terkait dengan tahap pra- perikatan, pemahaman struktur pengendalian intern, penjualan dan piutang, pembelian dan kewajiban/hutang, aset tetap dan aset tidak berwujud, harga pokok penjualan, persediaan, hutang jangka panjang, modal saham dan Saldo Laba, perpajakan, kas dan biaya – biaya operasional, tahap pelaporan sertu perumusan opini audit. peserta didik juga diberikan gambaran studi kasus audit riil yang diselesaikan dengan aplikasi audit yang digunakan dalam perpektif kontemporer. Teks dalam buku panduan ini diadaptasi dari berbagai referensi yang mencakup banyak keistimewaan dan dirancang untuk mening-katkan minat peserta didik dalam memahami substansi audit. Beberapa keistimewaan dalam buku panduan ini adalah adanya template kertas kerja pemeriksaan sebagai media latihan audit serta simulasi studi kasus audit yang didasarkan atas kasus riil di lapangan.

Buku Panduan Praktikum Audit Kontemporer ini berisi tentang landasan teori, standar dan prosedur audit serta contoh-contoh kertas kerja pemeriksaan dan studi kasus audit.

New Directions in Rough Sets, Data Mining, and Granular-Soft Computing

7th International Workshop, RSFDGrC'99, Yamaguchi, Japan, November 9-11, 1999 Proceedings

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular-Soft Computing, RSFDGrC'99, held in Yamaguchi, Japan, in November 1999. The 45 revised regular papers and 15 revised short papers presented together with four invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions. The book is divided into sections on rough computing: foundations and applications, rough set theory and applications, fuzzy set theory and applications, nonclassical logic and approximate reasoning, information granulation and granular computing, data mining and knowledge discovery, machine learning, and intelligent agents and systems.

When people try to communicate their concepts with words, the difference in the
meaning and usage of words can lead to misunderstanding in communication,
which can hinder their collaboration. In our approach each granule of knowledge

Foundations and Novel Approaches in Data Mining

Data-mining has become a popular research topic in recent years for the treatment of the "data rich and information poor" syndrome. Currently, application oriented engineers are only concerned with their immediate problems, which results in an ad hoc method of problem solving. Researchers, on the other hand, lack an understanding of the practical issues of data-mining for real-world problems and often concentrate on issues that are of no significance to the practitioners. In this volume, we hope to remedy problems by (1) presenting a theoretical foundation of data-mining, and (2) providing important new directions for data-mining research. A set of well respected data mining theoreticians were invited to present their views on the fundamental science of data mining. We have also called on researchers with practical data mining experiences to present new important data-mining topics.

Workflow. Mining. Kwang-Hoon Kim1 and Clarence A. Ellis2 1 Collaboration
Technology Research Lab. Department of Computer Science KYONGGI
UNIVERSITY San 94-6 Yiuidong Youngtongku Suwonsi Kyonggido, South Korea
, 442-760 ...

Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining

"This book presents probable solutions when discovering the spatial sequence patterns by incorporating the information into the sequence of patterns, and introduces new classes of spatial sequence patterns, called flow and generalized spatio-temporal patterns, addressing different scenarios in spatio-temporal data by modeling them as graphs, providing a comprehensive synopsis on two successful partition-based algorithms designed by the authors"--Provided by publisher.

"This book presents probable solutions when discovering the spatial sequence patterns by incorporating the information into the sequence of patterns, and introduces new classes of spatial sequence patterns, called flow and generalized ...

Foundations of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

"Foundations of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery" contains the latest results and new directions in data mining research. Data mining, which integrates various technologies, including computational intelligence, database and knowledge management, machine learning, soft computing, and statistics, is one of the fastest growing fields in computer science. Although many data mining techniques have been developed, further development of the field requires a close examination of its foundations. This volume presents the results of investigations into the foundations of the discipline, and represents the state of the art for much of the current research. This book will prove extremely valuable and fruitful for data mining researchers, no matter whether they would like to uncover the fundamental principles behind data mining, or apply the theories to practical applications.

This book will prove extremely valuable and fruitful for data mining researchers, no matter whether they would like to uncover the fundamental principles behind data mining, or apply the theories to practical applications.

Advanced Data Mining Technologies in Bioinformatics

"This book covers research topics of data mining on bioinformatics presenting the basics and problems of bioinformatics and applications of data mining technologies pertaining to the field"--Provided by publisher.

"This book covers research topics of data mining on bioinformatics presenting the basics and problems of bioinformatics and applications of data mining technologies pertaining to the field"--Provided by publisher.

Computer Architecture

Software Aspects, Coding, and Hardware

With the new developments in computer architecture, fairly recent publications can quickly become outdated. Computer Architecture: Software Aspects, Coding, and Hardware takes a modern approach. This comprehensive, practical text provides that critical understanding of a central processor by clearly detailing fundamentals, and cutting edge design features. With its balanced software/hardware perspective and its description of Pentium processors, the book allows readers to acquire practical PC software experience. The text presents a foundation-level set of ideas, design concepts, and applications that fully meet the requirements of computer organization and architecture courses. The book features a "bottom up" computer design approach, based upon the author's thirty years experience in both academe and industry. By combining computer engineering with electrical engineering, the author describes how logic circuits are designed in a CPU. The extensive coverage of a micprogrammed CPU and new processor design features gives the insight of current computer development. Computer Architecture: Software Aspects, Coding, and Hardware presents a comprehensive review of the subject, from beginner to advanced levels. Topics include: o Two's complement numbers o Integer overflow o Exponent overflow and underflow o Looping o Addressing modes o Indexing o Subroutine linking o I/O structures o Memory mapped I/O o Cycle stealing o Interrupts o Multitasking o Microprogrammed CPU o Multiplication tree o Instruction queue o Multimedia instructions o Instruction cache o Virtual memory o Data cache o Alpha chip o Interprocessor communications o Branch prediction o Speculative loading o Register stack o JAVA virtual machine o Stack machine principles

5.1 ADDRESSING MODES The instruction set repertoire depicts the architecture
of a computer. Besides opcode, there are two major issues in designing an
instruction: first, how many addresses are placed in an instruction, and second,
where ...