Sebanyak 77 item atau buku ditemukan

Networks English 1

Networks is a complete graded English course, specially designed for learners of English as a Second Language (ESL). The Networks series aims to make the books user-friendly by using apt-themes, a wealth of stories, factual pieces, plays and poems; graded according to reader appeal to develop English Language skills and their effective usage, and transference of these skills to other curriculum areas. Also available Teacher s Handbooks and web support at

1. *. Sports. Day. uniform sash breakfast whistle winners medals prizes Sheela
got up early one day. She was very happy. Today was the Junior School Sports
Day. Her father ironed her white uniform. She wore a red sash. You see, Sheela ...

Living in the Lyte

Lessons on Life, Love, and Truth

Lana "MC Lyte: Moorer pens her most poignant and transparent thoughts to date about her journey as a woman, entertainer, artist, friend, sister, daughter, and child of God.In a form true to her reputation of sharing knowledge through the art of words, MC Lyte shares some of her greatest triumphs and trials with dignity and poise. Living in the Lyte is a powerful work of art and a how-to-guide for those who want to get or stay on the path of truth, embrace the power of love, and live in the light of God's grace.

Living in the Lyte is a powerful work of art and a how-to-guide for those who want to get or stay on the path of truth, embrace the power of love, and live in the light of God's grace.

Bunga Rampai Hukum dan Filsafat di Indonesia: Sebuah Catatan Pemikiran

Hukum adalah sistemn yang terpenting dalam pelaksanaan atas rangkaian kekuasaan kelembagaan. Dari bentuk penyalahgunaan kekuasaan dalam bidang politik, ekonomi dan masyarakat dalam berbagai cara dan bertindak, sebagai perantara utama dalam hubungan sosial antar masyarakat terhadap kriminalitas dalam hukum pidana, hukum pidana yang berupayakan cara negara dapat menuntut pelaku dalam konstitusi hukum menyediakan kerangka kerja bagi penciptaan hukum, perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan memperluas kekuasaan politik serta cara perwakilan di mana mereka yang akan dipilih. Dimana buku ini akan membahas beberapa tema bab, adapun dengan judul korupsi lebih berbahaya dibandingkan terorisme, penyalahgunaan narkotika dikalangan remaja, anak dan perlindungan terhadap anak, filsafat ilmu dan penindakan tegas terhadap perusak lingkungan hidup. [Penerbit Deepublish, Deepublish, H. Santhos Wachjoe Prijambodo, S.H., M.H.]

Dimana buku ini akan membahas beberapa tema bab, adapun dengan judul korupsi lebih berbahaya dibandingkan terorisme, penyalahgunaan narkotika dikalangan remaja, anak dan perlindungan terhadap anak, filsafat ilmu dan penindakan tegas ...

SQL Server Integration Services

SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) lets you build high-performance data integration solutions. SSIS solutions wrap sophisticated workflows around tasks that extract, transform, and load (ETL) data from and to a wide variety of data sources. This Short Cut begins with an overview of key SSIS concepts, capabilities, standard workflow and ETL elements, the development environment, execution, deployment, and migration from Data Transformation Services (DTS). Next, you'll see how to apply the concepts you've learned through hands-on examples of common integration scenarios. Once you've finished this Short Cut, you'll have the background and understanding you need to start building your own SSIS integration solutions.

SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) lets you build high-performance data integration solutions.

Deploying OpenStack

OpenStack was created with the audacious goal of being the ubiquitous software choice for building public and private cloud infrastructures. In just over a year, it's become the most talked-about project in open source. This concise book introduces OpenStack's general design and primary software components in detail, and shows you how to start using it to build cloud infrastructures. If you're a developer, technologist, or system administrator familiar with cloud offerings such as Rackspace Cloud or Amazon Web Services, Deploying OpenStack shows you how to obtain and deploy OpenStack software in a few controlled scenarios. Learn about OpenStack Compute (known as “Nova”), OpenStack Object Store ("Swift"), and OpenStack Image Service ("Glance") Understand common pitfalls in architecting, deploying, and implementing your cloud infrastructure with OpenStack Determine which version of the OpenStack code base best suits your deployment needs Define your deployment scenario and finalize key design choices Install Nova on a single node with either the StackOps distro or an Ubuntu package Be familiar with important configuration options and important administrative commands

This concise book introduces OpenStack's general design and primary software components in detail, and shows you how to start using it to build cloud infrastructures.

JavaScript with Promises

If you're a developer moving to an environments that make heavy use of asynchronous APIs, such as Node, WinRT, or Chrome packaged apps, this book teaches you how to make use of promise constructs. JavaScript routinely supports asynchronous code, calling a function with no expectation of when a response might come back. Unfortunately, writing code in that style is difficult for humans, and promises are a key tool for bridging that gap. This book shows you how to use these tools, and also demonstrates techniques that enable you to use features like IndexedDB or WebRTC.

If you're a developer moving to an environments that make heavy use of asynchronous APIs, such as Node, WinRT, or Chrome packaged apps, this book teaches you how to make use of promise constructs.