Sebanyak 38 item atau buku ditemukan

An Introduction to Object-oriented Systems Analysis and Design with UML and the Unified Process

Overview: This text will be the first to present an object-oriented methodology from the outset for beginning Systems Analysis and Design students. It is the first book to introduce object-oriented methods without relying on classical methods to introduce key concepts or without requiring students to know Java or C++. It will presume no knowledge whatsoever about process modeling or data modeling. The widely used UML notation (unified modeling language) will be used throughout the book for all diagrams and model renderings. The key benefit to this approach is that it makes the course easier to teach and learn since many students come to this course with limited backgrounds having only taken one introductory MIS course. Also, this approach is appealing because object-oriented methodology is widely used in industry.

Overview: This text will be the first to present an object-oriented methodology from the outset for beginning Systems Analysis and Design students.

Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML

"Building on their classroom teaching experiences over the years, Dr Jeya Mala and Dr Geetha have deployed an innovative approach and student-friendly style to explain Object Oriented Analysis and Design concepts, thereby ensuring that the interest of the readers is maintained. The textbook covers case studies, activity models, and diagrams using the latest version of UML 2. The book contains adequate span to cover the curriculum requisites and rich pedagogical features to cater to the needs of undergraduate students."--Back cover.

The book contains adequate span to cover the curriculum requisites and rich pedagogical features to cater to the needs of undergraduate students."--Back cover.

Practical Object Oriented Design

"Practical object Oriented design deals with the designing of software systems in the 'solution space' using the Unified Modelling language (UML 2.0). This book builds on the analysis models created in it's precursor, Practical Object Oriented Analysis, and iteratively creates architectural and solution models." -- Book jacket.

design. with. class. and. sequence. diagrams. What You Will Learn: •
Understanding and incorporating persistence in OO designs • Discussing
relational and OO databases • Mapping class diagrams to relational databases •
Considering ...