Sebanyak 18 item atau buku ditemukan

Buku Ajar Praktek Kerja Lapang Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan (PKL MPK)

Buku Ajar ini adalah buku acuan untuk mahasiswa yang menempuh Praktek Kerja Lapang Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan (PKL MPK). Materi yang ada didalamnya mencakup Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan baik di Rumah Sakit maupun Puskesmas dan di bagian akhir dilampirkan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa serta Form Penilaian. Buku ini sangatlah penting untuk dimiliki mahasiswa sebagai referensi dalam melaksanakan Praktek Kerja Lapang, disamping untuk menambah Wawasan Keilmuan, juga dapat mempraktekkan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan baik di Rumah Sakit maupun Puskesmas.

Praktik bidan desa merupakan tempat pelaksanaan rangkaian kegiatan pelayanan kebidanan oleh bidan yang ditugaskan di satu desa atau kelurahan dalam wilayah kerja Puskesmas. Penempatan bidan di desa utamanya adalah dalam upaya percepatan ...

An Abridgement of the History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Death of George the Second ...

And Continued by an Eminent Writer to the Present Period

Among these, the success of the Russian army in Italy, under sield-marshal
Suwarrow, gave the greatest check to the progress of the French arms. The
greater part of the Milanese and Piedmont were wrested from the republicans ;
and before the end of the campaign, most of the Italian states were regained,
althbugh the confusion of invasion and anarchy have hitherto prevented their
retufn to their former modes of government and allegiance. Upon the whole,
however, the strength of ...

Temporal Data Mining

Temporal data mining deals with the harvesting of useful information from temporal data. New initiatives in health care and business organizations have increased the importance of temporal information in data today. From basic data mining concepts to state-of-the-art advances, Temporal Data Mining covers the theory of this subject as well as its application in a variety of fields. It discusses the incorporation of temporality in databases as well as temporal data representation, similarity computation, data classification, clustering, pattern discovery, and prediction. The book also explores the use of temporal data mining in medicine and biomedical informatics, business and industrial applications, web usage mining, and spatiotemporal data mining. Along with various state-of-the-art algorithms, each chapter includes detailed references and short descriptions of relevant algorithms and techniques described in other references. In the appendices, the author explains how data mining fits the overall goal of an organization and how these data can be interpreted for the purpose of characterizing a population. She also provides programs written in the Java language that implement some of the algorithms presented in the first chapter. Check out the author's blog at

The book also explores the use of temporal data mining in medicine and biomedical informatics, business and industrial applications, web usage mining, and spatiotemporal data mining.

UML 2 par la pratique

études de cas et exercices corrigés

Septième édition augmentée : un cours pratique magistral sur UML 2 Cette septième édition mise à jour et augmentée de l'ouvrage UML 2 par la pratique constitue un support de cours exemplaire sur UML 2. Il traite les axes fonctionnel, statique et dynamique de la modélisation UML par des études de cas et des exercices corrigés donnant les bases d'une démarche méthodique. Chaque choix de modélisation est minutieusement commenté ; des conseils issus de l'expérience de l'auteur ainsi que de nombreux avis d'experts sont donnés. En fin d'ouvrage, un glossaire reprend les définitions des principaux concepts étudiés. Les nouveaux concepts et diagrammes UML 2 sont traités en détail : diagramme de structure composite, nouveautés du diagramme d'activité et du diagramme de séquence, etc., en tenant compte des méthodes de développement agiles. Enfin, une étude de cas complète illustre le processus de développement itératif depuis la modélisation métier jusqu'à la conception détaillée en Java et C#.

Septième édition augmentée : un cours pratique magistral sur UML 2 Cette septième édition mise à jour et augmentée de l'ouvrage UML 2 par la pratique constitue un support de cours exemplaire sur UML 2.

An Introduction to Object-oriented Systems Analysis and Design with UML and the Unified Process

Overview: This text will be the first to present an object-oriented methodology from the outset for beginning Systems Analysis and Design students. It is the first book to introduce object-oriented methods without relying on classical methods to introduce key concepts or without requiring students to know Java or C++. It will presume no knowledge whatsoever about process modeling or data modeling. The widely used UML notation (unified modeling language) will be used throughout the book for all diagrams and model renderings. The key benefit to this approach is that it makes the course easier to teach and learn since many students come to this course with limited backgrounds having only taken one introductory MIS course. Also, this approach is appealing because object-oriented methodology is widely used in industry.

Overview: This text will be the first to present an object-oriented methodology from the outset for beginning Systems Analysis and Design students.

Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML CD

This text is the first to present an object-oriented methodology from the outset for beginning Systems Analysis and Design students. It is the first book to introduce object-oriented methods without relying on classical methods to introduce key concepts and without requiring students to know Java or C++. The widely used UML notation --unified modeling language-- will be used throughout the book for all diagrams and model renderings. The key benefit to this approach is that it makes the course easier to teach since many students come to this course with limited backgrounds having only taken one introductory MIS course. Also, this approach is appealing because object-oriented methodology is widely used in industry.

This text is the first to present an object-oriented methodology from the outset for beginning Systems Analysis and Design students.