Sebanyak 160 item atau buku ditemukan


Practical Applications of Psychodramatic Methods, Third Edition

Psychodrama can be one of the most powerful tools used in psychotherapy. Charmingly illustrated with a wealth of case examples, this volume presents current training techniques and shows how to use them, whether as a complement to traditional verbal approaches, in individual or group therapy, in educational or community settings, or in many other contexts. Thoroughly updated and expanded, this third edition reviews the most recent developments in psychodrama theory, clarifies various new psychodramatic processes, and features extensive new references and an updated bibliography. In this volume, Dr. Blatner continues to provide the best practical primer of basic psychodramatic techniques.

Moreno (1957) was aware of the ethical aspects of leading psychodrama and
promulgated one of the first codes of ethics for group therapists.
Psychodramatists, whether they engage in therapy or work in a non-clinical
context, must become ...

Handbook of Cognitive Aging

Interdisciplinary Perspectives

"Provides a unique perspective. I am particularly impressed with the sections on innovative design and methods to investigate cognitive aging and the integrative perspectives. None of the existing texts covers this material to the same level." —Donna J. La Voie, Saint Louis University "The emphasis on integrating the literature with theoretical and methodological innovations could have a far-reaching impact on the field." —Deb McGinnis, Oakland University The Handbook of Cognitive Aging: Interdisciplinary Perspectives clarifies the differences in patterns and processes of cognitive aging. Along with a comprehensive review of current research, editors Scott M. Hofer and Duane F. Alwin provide a solid foundation for building a multidisciplinary agenda that will stimulate further rigorous research into these complex factors. Key Features Gathers the widest possible range of perspectives by including cognitive aging experts in various disciplines while maintaining a degree of unity across chapters Examines the limitations of the extant literature, particularly in research design and measurement, and offers new suggestions to guide future research Highlights the broad scope of the field with topics ranging from demography to development to neuroscience, offering the most complete coverage available on cognitive aging

Finally, the process of instrument design must consider the generalizability of
performance in experimental tasks to real world abilities. Research on attention
has primarily relied on tightly controlled and thus necessarily contrived
experimental ...

The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Cognitive Development

This definitive volume is the result of collaboration by top scholars in the field of children's cognition. New edition offers an up-to-date overview of all the major areas of importance in the field, and includes new data from cognitive neuroscience and new chapters on social cognitive development and language Provides state-of-the-art summaries of current research by international specialists in different areas of cognitive development Spans aspects of cognitive development from infancy to the onset of adolescence Includes chapters on symbolic reasoning, pretend play, spatial development, abnormal cognitive development and current theoretical perspectives

Interestingly, there is a high degree of individual variability in the tendency to
think what one has imagined has become real (Bourchier & Davis, 2000;
Johnson & Harris, 1994). In short, when it comes to pretense involving frightening
entities, ...

The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Operant and Classical Conditioning

This combined survey of operant and classical conditioning provides professional and academic readers with an up-to-date, inclusive account of a core field of psychology research, with in-depth coverage of the basic theory, its applications, and current topics including behavioral economics. Provides comprehensive coverage of operant and classical conditioning, relevant fundamental theory, and applications including the latest techniques Features chapters by leading researchers, professionals, and academicians Reviews a range of core literature on conditioning Covers cutting-edge topics such as behavioral economics

The effects of real versus hypothetical reward on delay and probability
discounting. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,y 63,3 1072–
1084. Holt, D. D., Green, L., & Myerson, J. (2003). Is discounting impulsive?
Evidence from ...

Kompilasi Latihan Psikotes Lengkap

Kegagalan seseorang dalam sebuah psikotes tidak menunjukkan bahwa ia kurang pandai. Gagal psikotes lebih banyak disebabkan persiapan dan niat yang pas-pasan. Sekali lagi, psikotes merupakan alat yang umum dipakai untuk menguji kompetensi, integritas, dan intelegensi seseorang untuk kemudian dicocokkan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan. Jadi, tidak ada jaminan pasti bahwa Anda akan gagal atau pasti lolos psikotes. Maka, cara terampuh untuk lolos ialah berlatih mengerjakan berbagai jenis soal, menjawab dengan penuh strategi, dan percaya pada petensi diri. Lebih dari 40 jenis psikotes populer, kunci jawaban, pembahasan, serta tips cepat selesaikan soal menjadi nilai plus buku ini. Ujilah kesiapan Anda, intiplah saran penting dari pendahuluan Anda yang telah sukses, dan terus perbaiki etos kerja Anda. Masa depan cerah sebentar lagi dalam genggaman. Buku Penerbit Jogja Bangkit (Galangpress Group).

1. Gips 21. Ekspedisi 2. Sakura 22. Pantomim 3. Bangsa 23. Analisis 4. Wayang
24. Net 5. Restorasi 25. Eksplorasi 6. Kusir 26. Musang 7. Bogor 27. Delegasi 8.
Fauna 28. Tanduk 9. Tembaga 29. Adaptasi 10. Menteri 30. Aus 11. Gelombang

Bank Soal Paling Update CPNS Sistem CAT

Informasi Penting Sistem Computer Assisted Test (CAT) Sama seperti tahun sebelumnya, ujian penerimaan CPNS akan menggunakan perangkat komputer, yang disebut dengan sistem Computer Assisted Test (CAT). Di bagian awal buku dijelaskan apa dan bagaimana sistem CAT, komposisi, jumlah soal, dan kisi-kisi soal dalam sistem CAT, penilaian (skor), serta penetapan kelulusan CPNS. Ringkasan Materi Masing-masing Tipe Soal Dalam buku ini terdapat ringkasan materi untuk masing-masing soal yang diujikan, terdiri dari contoh-contoh soal, tip dan trik menjawab, rumus-rumus soal hitungan, ringkasan materi bahasa Indonesia, dan pengetahuan umum yang berhubungan dengan wawasan kebangsaan. Bank Soal CPNS Sistem CAT, Kunci Jawaban, dan Pembahasan Semua soal dalam buku ini diambil dari soal-soal CPNS terbaru dan soal-soal yang sering keluar dalam tes CPNS, lengkap dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasannya. Memuat 2 Paket Prediksi Soal Tes CPNS Selain bank soal, buku ini juga memuat dua paket prediksi soal CPNS, sebagai bekal untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi tes CPNS. Jenis, komposisi, dan jumlah soalnya disesuaikan berdasarkan standar CAT. Bonus CD Software CAT Soal CPNS CD software ini dapat digunakan sebagai sarana berlatih, sehingga Anda akan lebih siap dan tidak akan merasa gugup lagi saat tes sebenarnya. Anda juga dapat mengukur sampai sejauhmana ketepatan dan kecepatan menjawab soal, karena waktu dan skornya dapat ditampilkan. Bonus Soal Tes Kompetensi Bidang Guru dan Tenaga Medis Buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan soal-soal tes kompetensi bidang. Anda dapat mengintip jenis dan karakteristik soal-soal yang biasa diujikan untuk formasi guru dan tenaga medis. Dilengkapi Tes Paper and Pencil Meliputi tes menggambar orang, rumah, dan pohon. Kemudian ada juga wartegg test dan tes pauli (tes koran). Ini adalah jenis-jenis tes yang selalu diujikan dalam proses rekrutmen pegawai. Anda dapat berlatih secara mandiri tes ini berdasarkan petunjuk dan tips yang terdapat dalam buku persembahan dari penerbit Ruang Kata ini.

Membahas dan menindaklanjuti hasil pemeriksaan atas pertanggungjawaban
keuangan negara yang disampaikan oleh BPK. ... KOMISI XI Keuangan,
Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, Perbankan dan Lembaga Keuangan
bukan Bank.

The Male Sexual Machine

An Owner's Manual

Everything men (and women) should know about male sexual equipment - what it does, how it works and how to keep it healthy.

Everything men (and women) should know about male sexual equipment - what it does, how it works and how to keep it healthy.

Developmental Psychology

Dahsyatnya Otak Tengah

Jadikan Anak Anda Cerdas Saat Ini Juga

Otak tengah dasyat? Jika dicermati dengan bijak, aktivasi otak tengah bermuara pada terciptanya keseimbangan otak kanan dan kiri. Namun, ternyata di balik "keseimbangan" yang diharapkan, aktivasi terhadap anak berumur 5-15 tahun memunculkan aneka keajaiban tak terduga: anak menjadi cerdas, inovatif, kreatif, intuitif, dan memiliki jiwa sosial yang tinggi! Dari nilai akademis yang melonjak drastis, melihat dengan mata tertutup, melihat sesuatu dari balik dinding, menebak warna dan jumlah bola di dalam kotak kardus yang tertutup rapat, memperdiksi kejadian pada masa yang akan datang, hingga mendeteksi dan mengobati penyakit menjadi "efek samping" yang menakjubkan dari aktivasi otak tengah. *** Riset tentang otak merupakan topik yang menarik perhatian seluruh dunia sekarang ini. Saya sangat senang membaca dan meneliti isi buku praktis mengenal aktivasi otak tengah di dalam buku ini. Ini adalah sebuah buku yang sangat bagus! (David Ting, Bapak Aktivasi Otak Tengah di Indonesia, GMC International, Malaysia) Buku ini adalah salah satu bacaan wajib bagi keluarga yang ingin memiliki anak yang genius dan baik hati. Jadikan buku ini sebagai pedoman dalam mendidik anak Anda. (Donny Satiya, pakar aktivasi otak tengah di Indonesia yang perkataan dan arahnya menjadi inspirasi bagi seluruh penyelenggara training aktivasi otak tengah di Indonesia) -VisiMedia-

Otak tengah dasyat?

Running on Empty

A Novel about Eating Disorders for Teenage Girls

`I would recommend Running on Empty to young people suspecting they or someone they know may have an eating disorder' - Signpost `The book is easy to read and deals with the issue of eating disorders in a matter of fact style, offering sensible advice' - Educational Psychology in Practice `A book to recommend to any young person to increase understanding, as well as to sufferers, their families and friends' - Times Educational Supplement WINNER OF TES/NASEN BEST ACADEMIC BOOK AWARD 2002 Running on Empty is a fictional work about three teenage girls who have some eating problems. Anna Paterson, who runs a support Internet service, has drawn on her extensive experience to explore the different effects on each girl. She describes the difficulties they face as secrets are disclosed and treatment is embarked upon. Anna's hope is that young people who suffer from an eating disorder anorexia, bulimia or bingeing will recognise the condition, feel safer talking to someone and that the stories will provide a means of support. It is also a useful book for peers who are free of eating difficulties but who can gain insight and compassion from the book. An essential teenage read. This is Anna's third book about eating disorders.

One was a diary and the other was a very well thumbed magazine entitled "
Getting To Know Your Calories". Opening the diary, she wrote: "Three quarters of
a slice of dry toast — 50 calories". When she had finished writing, she shut the
diary ...