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Strategic Leadership and Strategic Management

Leading and Managing Change on the Edge of Chaos

Leaders and managers face tremendous pressure to keep their organizations moving forward successfully. It can seem like an impossible task amid economic uncertainty and hyper-competition. The roles of leader and manager tug us in opposite directions: managers seek stability and predictability, and leaders usually opt for turbulence and change. With so many companies asking their best employees to be both leaders and managers, it’s no wonder that so much of the business world is dysfunctional. This guidebook explains how leader-managers work—and how to succeed in both roles. You can learn how to • leverage competing requirements for leading and managing change; • formulate effective operational and developmental strategies; • make decisions that address complex challenges and opportunities; and • help people through the anxiety and trauma of change. Whether you are a student seeking to understand the workplace, an employee rising up the ranks or an active leader or manager, Strategic Leadership and Strategic Management provides you with tools and knowledge to help your organization succeed.

Whether you are a student seeking to understand the workplace, an employee rising up the ranks or an active leader or manager, Strategic Leadership and Strategic Management provides you with tools and knowledge to help your organization ...

Strategic Planning: Readings

Strategic management is a dynamic subject as it deals with organizations' survival strategies in an increasingly volatile business environment. Articles, chosen for their relevance and clarity, cover components of strategic management in this guide.

Strategic Business Partner

Aligning People Strategies With Business Goals: Easyread Super Large 24pt Edition

A Strategic Approach to the Environmentally Sustainable Business

The Essence of the Dissertation

The global environmental crises motivated many companies to investigate and develop the concept of environmentally sustainable business. The objective of traditional business strategy is to maximize profit but, with real imagination and a fresh approach to business strategies, environmental sustainability can actually increase both annual profit and long term shareholder value. This article analyzes several examples of such strategies, not only for companies operating in a capitalist economy, but also for companies based in countries that retain a traditional economy. These strategies are illustrated by matrices that show when to apply which strategies.

The global environmental crises motivated many companies to investigate and develop the concept of environmentally sustainable business.

Webometric Network Analysis

Mapping Cooperation and Geopolitical Connections Between Local Government Administration on the Web

Webometric Analysis of Links Between African and World Universities

African universities have much to learn from world class universities. According to Judge Albie Sachs (Pistorius, 2004), 'a true Afro-centered universe is not one cut off from Europe or the rest of the world, but one that enriches its own civilization with the best that the rest of the world has to offer'. Hyperlinks have facilitated such relationships between universities. Hence, African universities must create links with world class universities. But to what extent are these links created between African and world universities? What is the motivation for creating these links and the disciplinary distribution pattern? The monograph, "Webometric Analysis of Links between African and World Universities" examines these.

What is the motivation for creating these links and the disciplinary distribution pattern? The monograph, "Webometric Analysis of Links between African and World Universities" examines these.

Agama Agenda Demokrasi dan Perubahan Sosial

Agama mengajarkan kedamaian dan mewujudkan kesejahteraan. Namun, kenyataannya antar pemeluk agama terkadang terjadi konflik dalam pemahaman agamanya. Dalam menjalankan kehidupan beragama seseorang diharapkan mendapat pencerahan dan semakin meyakini ajaran agama jika diterapkan dengan kejakinan yang benar akan dapt mencerahkan batin spiritual dan pemikirannya. Padahal pada hakikatnya menjadi umat beragama akan membawa pada pencerahan dan ketenangan kehidupan manusia. --Penerbit Deepublish, Deepublish, Agama, Muhammad Julijanto, S.Ag., M.Ag --

Padahal pada hakikatnya menjadi umat beragama akan membawa pada pencerahan dan ketenangan kehidupan manusia. --Penerbit Deepublish, Deepublish, Agama, Muhammad Julijanto, S.Ag., M.Ag --