Sebanyak 315 item atau buku ditemukan

The Gaia Atlas of Planet Management

This work updates a decade of environmental and political change. There is information on a wide range of issues that affect the well-being of the living planet, Gaia. A structured approach presents the problems, as well as what can be done towards prevention and a cure.

This work updates a decade of environmental and political change.

Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary

An ideal first dictionary that gives learners all the help they need to use new vocabulary correctly.

An ideal first dictionary that gives learners all the help they need to use new vocabulary correctly.


Environment and Development

Indonesia has been remarkably successful in achieving its development objectives over the past 25 years. Although it is still a low-income country, its tradition of sound economic management has laid the foundations for continued progress in the decades ahead. As the Indonesian government formulates its second long-term development plan, issues of environmental quality and sustainability raise new concerns. This report examines environmental issues, assesses their implications for the achievement of development goals, and suggests an action plan that would help to ensure that those goals will be met. The analysis of current environmental conditions and trends and of the likely impact of future growth leads to three main conclusions: - Future growth will depend increasingly on Indonesia's stock of key natural resources and the sustainability of critical ecosystems. -The industrial sector will continue to expand in urban areas, where growing congestion and industrial pollution pose an immediate threat to health and human welfare. This will eventually lead to negative effects on the economy. -As a result of rapid growth, environment- related issues of equity among the population will become increasingly important.

... Pemerintah Indonesia telah mempersiapkan suatu "Tropical Forest Action Plan
" dan telah menyatakan maksudnya untuk menjamin bahwa "pengelolaan hutan
secara berkelanjutan" akan tercapai selambat-lambatnya pada tahun 2000.

Rescue mission--planet earth

a children's edition of Agenda 21

In an anthology of stories, poems, paintings, photographs, interviews, case studies, and drawings, children from around the world share their ideas on how to implement the proposals set forth in Agenda 21, the document that resulted from the 1992 Earth Summit.

In an anthology of stories, poems, paintings, photographs, interviews, case studies, and drawings, children from around the world share their ideas on how to implement the proposals set forth in Agenda 21, the document that resulted from ...

Laporan pengkajian tentang beberapa aspek hukum perjanjian keagenan dan distribusi

Aspects of agency and distributor contracts; provisions in Indonesian legislation; study.

Aspects of agency and distributor contracts; provisions in Indonesian legislation; study.