Sebanyak 73 item atau buku ditemukan

Customer Service Training 101

If you think that knowledgeable, confident, motivated, and positive service representatives will help your organization and its customers---today and well into the future---this book is for you! --Book Jacket.

If you think that knowledgeable, confident, motivated, and positive service representatives will help your organization and its customers---today and well into the future---this book is for you! --Book Jacket.

Kamus Liturgi Sederhana

Kaidah umum untuk tata bangun gereja tertuang misalnya dlm buku *Tata Ruang
Ibadat. Tata Cara (2) Rangkaian acara yg harus diikuti dlm penyelenggaraan
suatu *liturgi. Misalnya Tata Cara Inisiasi. Tata Cara Inisiasi Kristen Orang
Dewasa (2) Rangkaian acara yg harus diikuti dlm penyelenggaraan ""inisiasi
Kristen orang dewasa. *Kate- kumenat. *Katekumenat Bertahap. Tata Cara
Perkawinan (2) Rangkaian acara yg harus diikuti untuk pengukuhan perkawinan
antara dua orang ...

Penegakan hukum sebagai sarana untuk mewujudkan keadilan sosial berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945

Evaluation of the implementation of law enforcement and justice based on Pancasila, the state philosophy of Indonesia and 1945 Constitution; paper.

Evaluation of the implementation of law enforcement and justice based on Pancasila, the state philosophy of Indonesia and 1945 Constitution; paper.