Sebanyak 67 item atau buku ditemukan

Dasar falsafah adat Minangkabau

Oleh sebab itu dasar kesatuan, „ika" dari negara Republik Indonesia itu, harus
diisi sebanjak mungkin dengan unsur- unsur jang memperkokoh kesatuan itu,
jaitu unsur-unsur keindonesiaan djuga. Persatuan Sebelum bangsa Indonesia ...

Rencana pembangunan PLTN di Indonesia

anotasi bibliografi

Annotated bibliography of nuclear-power electric generator plan in Indonesia.

Biaya pembangunan reaktor penelitian pada tahun '85/86 sebesar Rp. 22 milyar,
sedang dalam tahun anggaran 1986/ 1987 alokasi biaya yang dikelola antara
BATAN dan Pusppitek mencapai Rp. 19,5 milyar. Sementara itu studi kelayakan

Health Potential and Safety of Strobilanthes Crispus Juice

Nutritional Composition, Antidiabetic, Hypolipidemia, Wound Healing, Safety

Herbal medicine as the major remedy in traditional medical systems, have been used in medical practice for thousand of years and have made a great contribution to maintaining human health. Herbal medicine is a booming industry in many countries including Malaysia. The herbal market is viewed as an emerging sector with big commercial opportunities by manufacturers. Strobilanthes crispus is used widely in the herbal and traditional medicinal preparations in this part of the world, especially among the Indonesians and the Malays. Strobilanthes crispus has great medicinal properties to treat diabetes mellitus and wound healing.This book, therefore, showing that Strobilanthes crispus juice has high nutritional value and safety which potential as antidiabetic drink and additional nutraceutical supplement in wound healing for diabetic patients in the future.

Strobilanthes crispus has great medicinal properties to treat diabetes mellitus and wound healing.This book, therefore, showing that Strobilanthes crispus juice has high nutritional value and safety which potential as antidiabetic drink and ...

Programming Sudoku

Sudoku is a wildly popular puzzle game. Sudoku puzzles are 9x9 grids, and each square in the grid consists of a 3x3 subgrid called a region. Your goal is to fill in the squares so that each column, row, and region contains the numbers 1 through 9 exactly once. And some squares already contain numbers or symbols, which lend clues toward the solution. Programming Sudoku provides you with great approaches to building and solving Sudoku and other similar puzzles. Using ingenious artificial intelligence and game theory techniques, you’ll learn how to get a computer to solve these puzzles for you. This is a fun, intriguing read, whether you're a novice or advanced programmer. It acknowledges the .NET platform as a base, but you’ll find this book interesting whatever your programming background. The core techniques in the book enable you to solve Sudoku on any programming platform.

This is a fun, intriguing read, whether you're a novice or advanced programmer. It acknowledges the .NET platform as a base, but you’ll find this book interesting whatever your programming background.

Physical Education Upper Sec

MllSCleS and Tendons Muscles are responsible for essentially all body
movement and can be viewed as the 'machines' of the body. Elaine N. Marieb
Specific Instructional Objectives At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
• Classify ...

Strategic Issues in International Retailing

This important text takes a strategic approach, examining in-depth studies of a variety of retailers and marrying theory with practice to provide comprehensive coverage for students at every level. Illustrating and evaluating the strategies of international retailers, developing concepts and theories that enable an understanding of international retailing and showing the contrasts in the approaches adopted by major firms in their international operations, this important text is a must-read for all those studying or working in international retail.

This important text takes a strategic approach, examining in-depth studies of a variety of retailers and marrying theory with practice to provide comprehensive coverage for students at every level.

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Certified Developer Study Guide

This is the definitive exam study guide that will help you review what you need to know to pass the Certified Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Developer Exam. Designed specifically to simplify exam preparation for intermediate to advanced Dreamweaver developers, each subject is presented in clear and direct language, with useful and well-explained code examples. The guide includes 24 concise, focused chapters with extensive notes, tips, and cautions. Each chapter concludes with sample questions and answers designed to facilitate review. Intermediate Dreamweaver developers will get the grounding they need to complete the Macromedia certification process, and veteran users will find coverage of all the new Dreamweaver 8 features you need to keep your certification up to date: visual authoring with XML data, improved CSS support for media types (unified panel, rendering improvements, layout visualization, and style rendering toolbar), integrated accessibility, improved WebDAV, and more. Coverage of the following Dreamweaver topics: Design basics Library items and extensions Team collaboration Layers and tables in page layout

Behaviors. and. Hyperlinks. Depending upon which object you have selected
and which behavior you are applying, you may see the <a> tag preceding some
behaviors in the menu. The <a> tag indicates that those behaviors are ones that
are ...