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An Inquiry Into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States ...

In eonsidering therefore the Senate's time of serviee, we ought to be guided, not
by a false, but by the true motive for its form ; and to diseern that the question is
not whether a long or a short offieial tenure is best to sustain an aristoeratieal ...

Mega Bank Soal Matematika & Fisika SMA Kls 123

Untuk menguasai mata pelajaran matematika dan fisika, tidak cukup dengan memahami konsep dan rumusnya saja, tetapi harus dibarengi dengan latihan soal-soal. Dengan banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal, kita akan memahami konsep dan rumus yang digunakan dalam menyelesaikan soal. Selain itu, kebiasaan mengerjakan soal-soal akan membuat kita siap dalam menghadapi ujian di sekolah. Buku ini menyajikan soal-soal latihan matematika dan fisika yang dibutuhkan siswa. Soal-soal diambil dari soal-soal yang sering muncul dalam berbagai ujian di sekolah, baik itu ulangan harian, ujian semester, ujian nasional, maupun ujian masuk perguruan tinggi negeri. Buku ini juga menyajikan materi pelajaran matematika dan fisika yang diringkas berdasarkan poin-poin penting yang harus dikuasai siswa. Sebagai bahan pemantapan dalam menghadapi ujian nasional, buku ini dilengkapi dengan paket ujian nasional beserta pembahasannya. Selamat belajar dan semoga sukses -CMedia-

Untuk menguasai mata pelajaran matematika dan fisika, tidak cukup dengan memahami konsep dan rumusnya saja, tetapi harus dibarengi dengan latihan soal-soal.

The Linux Programmer's Toolbox

Master the Linux Tools That Will Make You a More Productive, Effective Programmer The Linux Programmer's Toolbox helps you tap into the vast collection of open source tools available for GNU/Linux. Author John Fusco systematically describes the most useful tools available on most GNU/Linux distributions using concise examples that you can easily modify to meet your needs. You'll start by learning the basics of downloading, building, and installing open source projects. You'll then learn how open source tools are distributed, and what to look for to avoid wasting time on projects that aren't ready for you. Next, you'll learn the ins and outs of building your own projects. Fusco also demonstrates what to look for in a text editor, and may even show you a few new tricks in your favorite text editor. You'll enhance your knowledge of the Linux kernel by learning how it interacts with your software. Fusco walks you through the fundamentals of the Linux kernel with simple, thought-provoking examples that illustrate the principles behind the operating system. Then he shows you how to put this knowledge to use with more advanced tools. He focuses on how to interpret output from tools like sar, vmstat, valgrind, strace, and apply it to your application; how to take advantage of various programming APIs to develop your own tools; and how to write code that monitors itself. Next, Fusco covers tools that help you enhance the performance of your software. He explains the principles behind today's multicore CPUs and demonstrates how to squeeze the most performance from these systems. Finally, you'll learn tools and techniques to debug your code under any circumstances. Coverage includes Maximizing productivity with editors, revision control tools, source code browsers, and "beautifiers" Interpreting the kernel: what your tools are telling you Understanding processes–and the tools available for managing them Tracing and resolving application bottlenecks with gprof and valgrind Streamlining and automating the documentation process Rapidly finding help, solutions, and workarounds when you need them Optimizing program code with sar, vmstat, iostat, and other tools Debugging IPC with shell commands: signals, pipes, sockets, files, and IPC objects Using printf, gdb, and other essential debugging tools Foreword Preface Acknowledgments About the Author Chapter 1 Downloading and Installing Open Source Tools Chapter 2 Building from Source Chapter 3 Finding Help Chapter 4 Editing and Maintaining Source Files Chapter 5 What Every Developer Should Know about the Kernel Chapter 6 Understanding Processes Chapter 7 Communication between Processes Chapter 8 Debugging IPC with Shell Commands Chapter 9 Performance Tuning Chapter 10 Debugging Index

Master the Linux Tools That Will Make You a More Productive, Effective Programmer The Linux Programmer's Toolbox helps you tap into the vast collection of open source tools available for GNU/Linux.

PHP i MySQL. Dla każdego. Wydanie II

Źródłem takim jest książka "PHP i MySQL. Dla każdego. Wydanie II" . Dzięki niej początkujący twórcy serwisów bez kompleksów mogą wkroczyć w świat nowoczesnych technologii internetowych i nauczyć się sprawnie używać bezpłatnych narzędzi do pisania, testowania czy wdrażania aplikacji WWW, a bardziej zaawansowani - usystematyzować i rozszerzyć posiadaną wiedzę. Podręcznik krok po kroku prezentuje sposoby instalacji i konfiguracji środowiska pracy, omawia składnię i możliwości języka PHP, a także wskazuje, jak poprawnie projektować i tworzyć bazy danych działające w oparciu o mechanizm MySQL. Z książki dowiesz się, jak posługiwać się językiem SQL oraz jak połączyć możliwości PHP i MySQLa, a ponadto jak za ich pomocą tworzyć praktyczne serwisy WWW.

Źródłem takim jest książka "PHP i MySQL.