Sebanyak 42 item atau buku ditemukan

Genealogical and Personal History of the Upper Monongahela Valley, West Virginia

Among the descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield was Rear-Admiral Hull Foote,
U. S. N., whose "Unconditional Surrender" message at Fort Henry was duplicated
a few hours later by the message of General Grant at Fort Donelson. Among the
descendants of Mr. and Mrs. English was Hon. James E. English, twice governor
of Connecticut and in 1875 elected United States senator. Another descendant of
Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield was Hon. E. D. Mansfield, of Cincinnati, a noted author, ...


Dengan demikian secara ekonomi lebih menguntungkan ditinjau dari aspek
pengelolaan dan pemasaran. 4) Pengelolaan, mencakup kegiatan seperti
pengolahan tanah, pemupukan, dan pemberian makanan tambahan.
Pengolahan tanah, khususnya dasar kolam, sangat penting karena dengan
adanya pengolahan menjadikan tanah dasar kolam terbebas dari gas-gas
beracun yang berdampak negatif bagi udang. Selain itu perlu dilakukan
pemupukan, baik penggunaan pupuk ...

Articles on UML Tools, Including: Microsoft VISIO, Astah*, Objecteering, I-Ooa, List of Unified Modeling Language Tools, UML Tool, Monouml, Poseidon F

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Hephaestus Books represents a new publishing paradigm, allowing disparate content sources to be curated into cohesive, relevant, and informative books. To date, this content has been curated from Wikipedia articles and images under Creative Commons licensing, although as Hephaestus Books continues to increase in scope and dimension, more licensed and public domain content is being added. We believe books such as this represent a new and exciting lexicon in the sharing of human knowledge. This particular book is a collaboration focused on UML tools.More info: A UML tool or UML modeling tool is a software application that supports some or all of the notation and semantics associated with the Unified Modeling Language (UML), which is the industry standard general purpose modeling language for software engineering.

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online.