Sebanyak 383 item atau buku ditemukan

Evapro (Evaluasi Proyek) : Teori dan Aplikasi pada Usaha Pembesaran Ikan Sidat (Anguilla sp)

Potensi sumberdaya perikanan ikan sidat masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan, padahal ikan sidat ini baik dalam ukuran benih maupun ukuran konsumsi kuantitasnya cukup melimpah. Sebagai akibat belum banyak dikenal umum terhadap ikan sidat ini, maka tingkat pemanfatannya masih sangat rendah. Sehingga pada umumnya penduduk Indonesia belum mengenal dalam mengkonsumsinya. Untuk mengoptimalkan sumberdaya ikan sidat ini dalam pengelolaannya, maka diupayakan beberapa langkah strategis, yaitu pertama mengenali daerah yang mempunyai potensi sumberdaya benih dan ukuran konsumsi kemudian upaya selanjutnya adalah pemanfatannya untuk dikonsumsi, baik untuk pasar local maupun pasar eksport. Evapro (Evaluasi Proyek) adalah suatu studi untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap instansi pada proyek tertentu yang sedang atau akan dilaksanakan. Studi ini digunakan untuk memberikan arahan apakah investasi pada proyek tertentu itu layak dilaksanakan atau tidak. Atas dasar risk and uncertainty (risiko dan ketidakpastian) dimasa yang akan datang, diperlukan studi Evapro secara multidisipliner sebelum pengambilan keputusan. Hal ini berdampak bahwa untuk melakukan studi Evapro ini melibatkan team work dari berbagai keahlian disiplin ilmu yang kuat misalnya: managerial skill, rekayasa teknologi (teknokrat), hukum (advokat), ekonomi, policy maker (birokrat), akuntan, psikologi kesehatan dan lain-lain yang terkait dengan investasi proyek tertentu.

Potensi sumberdaya perikanan ikan sidat masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan, padahal ikan sidat ini baik dalam ukuran benih maupun ukuran konsumsi kuantitasnya cukup melimpah.

Aplikasi Teori Pemasaran pada Komoditi Perikanan dan Kelautan

Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara yang kaya akan sumberdaya alamnya, terutama kekayaaan hasil kelautannya yang bisa dilihat dari 70 % perairan. Ditinjau dari aspek sosial dan lingkungan berkaitan dengan rencana investasi di bidang usaha penangkapan ikan dan pengolahannya, terutama di sekitar lokasi wilayah rencana pengembangan investasi, secara tidak langsung akan terjadi. Penyerapan tenaga kerja yang cukup banyak di bidang usaha penangkapan ikan dalam skala besar, yang dimulai sejak tahap awal atau tahap persiapan sampai dengan tahapan berikutnya, yaitu tahap pelaksanaan dan produksi. Dalam hal ini, tenaga kerja yang terserap tidak hanya dari sekitar lokasi saja akan tetapi besar kemungkinan tenaga kerja dari wilayah lain pun akan turut terserap dalam kegiatan di sektor ini. Hal ini secara tidak langsung memberikan dampak positif dalam memberikan kontribusi meningkatnya pendapatan masyarakat sekitar lokasi maupun pendapatan daerah (Padarmono, 2012).

yang paling dipertimbangkan konsumen dalam membeli ikan bandeng segar
atribut aroma atau bau. Selanjutnya urutan kedua adalah atribut keadaan daging
, urutan ketiga adalah atribut kebersihan sisik, urutan keempat adalah atribut
harga, urutan kelima adalah keadaan mata, urutan keenam adalah warna insang
, urutan ketujuh dan kedelapan adalah ukuran ikan dan keadaan kulit. 6.2.5.
Implikasi Perilaku Konsumen Terhadap Komoditi Perikanan Ikan Bandeng
Beberapa ...

Advanced Computer and Communication Engineering Technology

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Communication and Computer Engineering

This book covers diverse aspects of advanced computer and communication engineering, focusing specifically on industrial and manufacturing theory and applications of electronics, communications, computing and information technology. Experts in research, industry, and academia present the latest developments in technology, describe applications involving cutting-edge communication and computer systems and explore likely future directions. In addition, access is offered to numerous new algorithms that assist in solving computer and communication engineering problems. The book is based on presentations delivered at ICOCOE 2014, the 1st International Conference on Communication and Computer Engineering. It will appeal to a wide range of professionals in the field, including telecommunication engineers, computer engineers and scientists, researchers, academics and students.

... accuracy rate of 99.38% using Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO)
algorithm. This performance criteria result indicated that this model is an efficient
worm response model. Keywords Worm response. Á. Security metrics. Á.
Apoptosis. Á. Static analysis. Á. Dynamic analysis. Á. Sequential minimal
optimization (SMO) M.M. Saudi (&)Á B.M. Taib Faculty of Science and
Technology, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), 71800 Bandar Baru Nilai,
Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia e-mail: ...

Computer Networks & Communications (NetCom)

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Networks & Communications

Computer Networks & Communications (NetCom) is the proceedings from the Fourth International Conference on Networks & Communications. This book covers theory, methodology and applications of computer networks, network protocols and wireless networks, data communication technologies, and network security. The proceedings will feature peer-reviewed papers that illustrate research results, projects, surveys and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the diverse areas of computer networks & communications.

... Czech Republic Jadavpur University, India Aalborg University, Denmark
Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea Wroclaw University
of Technology University of Aegean, Greece Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Griffith School of Engineering, Australia National Institute of Technology
Karnataka (NITK), India vii Solange Rito Lima Sherif S. Rashad Dhinaharan
Nagamalai David C. Computer Networks & Communications(NetCo m):
Organization Committee.

Computer Science and Convergence

CSA 2011 & WCC 2011 Proceedings

Computer Science and Convergence is proceedings of the 3rd FTRA International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA-11) and The 2011 FTRA World Convergence Conference (FTRA WCC 2011). The topics of CSA and WCC cover the current hot topics satisfying the world-wide ever-changing needs. CSA-11 will be the most comprehensive conference focused on the various aspects of advances in computer science and its applications and will provide an opportunity for academic and industry professionals to discuss the latest issues and progress in the area of CSA. In addition, the conference will publish high quality papers which are closely related to the various theories and practical applications in CSA. Furthermore, we expect that the conference and its publications will be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this important subject. The main scope of CSA-11 is as follows: - Mobile and ubiquitous computing - Dependable, reliable and autonomic computing - Security and trust management - Multimedia systems and services - Networking and communications - Database and data mining - Game and software engineering - Grid, cloud and scalable computing - Embedded system and software - Artificial intelligence - Distributed and parallel algorithms - Web and internet computing - IT policy and business management WCC-11 is a major conference for scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present the latest research, results, ideas, developments and applications in all areas of convergence technologies. The main scope of WCC-11 is as follows: - Cryptography and Security for Converged environments - Wireless sensor network for Converged environments - Multimedia for Converged environments - Advanced Vehicular Communications Technology for Converged environments - Human centric computing, P2P, Grid and Cloud computing for Converged environments - U-Healthcare for Converged environments - Strategic Security Management for Industrial Technology - Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Surveillance Systems

Workshop Organizers Sang-Soo Yeo, Mokwon University, Korea (Chair) Wen-
Chung Kao, NTNU, Taiwan (Co-Chair) Sang Oh Park, Chung-Ang University,
Korea Won Woo Ro, Yonsei University, Korea James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Seoul
National University of Science and Technology, Korea Young-Sik Jeong,
Wonkwang University, Korea Seung-Ho Lim, Hankuk University of Foreign
Studies, Korea Min Choi, Wonkwang University, Korea Seungmin Rho, Korea
University, Korea ...

Proceedings (British Crop Protection Conference - Weeds)

In the present studies, the interaction of asulam and aalapon resulted i.n greater
uptake of 14C~seulam during first 24 h of treatment '£118-H 14C-asulam applied
alone. It is possible that asulam in the mixture may interact to increase the ...
Problems and control of Alang-alang (lmgrata cylindrica (L.) Beam/.5 in
Indonesia, Proceedings 5th Asian Pacific Heed Science Society Conference,
Tokyo, Japan, 58-65. i-LA)':-E.RTCIi, J.L. (1968). The environment and herbicide

Tropical Forest Conservation and Industry Partnership

An Experience from the Congo Basin

Historically, the conservation of forests and wildlife has focused on the creation of national parks and reserves. However, only 9% of protected areas are larger than 14,000 hectares, likely making them too small to conserve ecosystem services and prevent loss of wide-ranging keystone species such as elephant and leopard. New approaches are needed that extend conservation beyond protected area boundaries into areas where economic considerations prevail. The book describes one such emerging model of conservation: the integration of the private sector into partnerships to protect biodiversity and improve forest management. While such partnerships are being created in nearly every sector of resource extraction, detailed analyses of how such partnerships work and whether they benefit biodiversity conservation are rare. Using a case study from the Congo Basin, the book examines principles of conservation and partnership, and provides technical and methodological details to replicate an innovative conservation model. It presents concrete solutions for expanding conservation across multi-use landscapes, a necessary action as industry expands to all the corners of the globe.

Naughton-Treves, L. and Weber, W. (2001) Human dimensions of the African rain
forest, in African Rain Forest Ecology and Conservation (eds W. Weber, L.J.T.
White, A. Vedder and N. Naughton-Treves). Yale University Press, New Haven,
CT, 22–46. Nelson. A and Chomitz, K.M. (2009) Protected area effectiveness in
reducing tropical deforestation: A global analysis of the impact of protection
status. Independent Evaluation Group Evaluation Brief7, The World Bank,
Washington, DC, ...

Plantation Technology in Tropical Forest Science

This book is intended to be a record of the Biotechnology-Assisted Re/Afforestation Project in the Asia-Pacific Region (BIO-REFOR) since 1992, conducted in coop eration with the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (lUFRO). The purpose of the project is to promote exchanges of information of fundamental research on indigenous species in the Asia-Pacific Region in order to restore natural forests. The production, cultivation, and maintenance of forest tree species provide highly sustainable production systems that conserve soils, the microenvironment, and biodiversity The key technology for biomass production of forests is propagation via micropropagation or traditional propagation. However, there are many recalci trant species among useful forest trees to be propagated in large numbers. Recent advances in mycorrhizal technology and in vitro culture have made it possible to commercially propagate useful trees for re/afforestation. In this book, comprehensive information is provided on propagation, mycor rhizal inoculation, and reforestation of economically and environmentally impor tant forest trees, information that usually is available only in widely scattered re sources. Here, we include a wide area of the ecology and physiology of dipterocarps as a general overview, and then cover propagation techniques, mycorrhizal symbio sis, man-made forests, and biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific region.

26 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forests:
Socioeconomic Problems with Farm- Forestry of Rainforest Timber Production in
North Queensland N. Stork1, S. Harrison12, J. Herbohn3, and R. Keenan4 26.1
Introduction Although it is now six years since the signing of the Convention on
Biological Diversity and Agreement on Forest Principles, there seem to have
been few improvements in the sustainable management of biodiversity in forests.
In reality, most ...

Tropical Rain Forests

An Ecological and Biogeographical Comparison

The popular view of the tropical rainforest as a monolithic tangle of rain-soaked trees, vines, birds, monkeys and big cats is a widespread myth. Tropical Rain Forests: An Ecological and Biogeographical Comparison explodes that myth by showing that rain forests in different tropical regions are unique despite superficial similarities. Written by two leading figures in the field, this essential new volume: Emphasizes the distinctive characteristics of rain forests in tropical Asia, tropical America, Africa,Madagascar,New Guinea, and Australia Begins with an introduction to the climate, biogeographic history, and environment of tropical rain forests Presents an extended cross-continental treatment of major animal and plant groups Outlines a research program involving cross-continental comparisons Considers the impact of people on tropical forests and discusses conservation strategies based upon the characteristics of particular regions rather than a one-size-fits-all approach Includes natural history examples, figures, and a stunning collection of color photographs

Managing the Future of Southeast Asia's Valuable Tropical Rainforests

A Practitioner's Guide to Forest Genetics

This book provides current knowledge about tropical rain forest genetics and its implications for the profitable and sustainable management of forest resources in Southeast Asia. Each chapter covers a major topic in the evolutionary biology of tropical rain forest trees and how management systems interact with these natural dynamics. Authors provide an up-to-date and insightful review of important scientific findings and conclude with practical recommendations for the modern forester in Southeast Asia. Several chapters provide compelling discussions about commonly neglected aspects of tropical forestry, including the impact of historical dynamics of climate change, anthropogenic threats to genetic viability, and the important role of wildlife in maintaining genetic diversity. These discussions will promote a deeper appreciation of not only the economic value of forests, but also their mystery and intangible values. The silvicultural industry in Southeast Asia is a major contributor to the regional economy but the connection between scientific research and the application and development of policy could be improved upon. This book will help bridge that gap. This book will prove beneficial reading for forestry students, professional forest managers, and policy makers, who do not have technical training in genetics. It is also intended for non-specialists who are involved in the tropical timber industry, from the local forest manager to the international timber purchasing agent.

Southeast Asian forests are largely known for their unique and highly diverse
biological resources, valuable timber and non-timber species and natural
products of medicinal value yet to be exploited. Sustainable management of
these forests has become an international agenda since the signing of the
Convention on Biological Diversity in Rio de Janeiro 1992, requiring actions at
the regional and national levels. International and national funding for research
on biodiversity and ...