Sebanyak 341 item atau buku ditemukan

Communicating Systems with UML 2

Modeling and Analysis of Network Protocols

This book gives a practical approach to modeling and analyzing communication protocols using UML 2. Network protocols are always presented with a point of view focusing on partial mechanisms and starting models. This book aims at giving the basis needed for anybody to model and validate their own protocols. It follows a practical approach and gives many examples for the description and analysis of well known basic network mechanisms for protocols. The book firstly shows how to describe and validate the main protocol issues (such as synchronization problems, client-server interactions, layer organization and behavior, etc.) in an easy and understandable way. To do so, the book considers and presents the main traditional network examples (e.g. unidirectional flows, full-duplex com-munication, error recovering, alternating bit). Finally, it presents the outputs resulting from a few simulations of these UML models. Other books usually only focus either on teaching UML or on analyzing network protocols, however this book will allow readers to model network protocols using a new perspective and integrating these two views, so facilitating their comprehension and development. Any university student studying in the field of computing science, or those working in telecommunications, embedded systems or networking will find this book a very useful addition.

This book gives a practical approach to modeling and analyzing communication protocols using UML 2.

Real Time UML Workshop for Embedded Systems

This practical new book provides much-needed, practical, hands-on experience capturing analysis and design in UML. It holds the hands of engineers making the difficult leap from developing in C to the higher-level and more robust Unified Modeling Language, thereby supporting professional development for engineers looking to broaden their skill-sets in order to become more saleable in the job market. It provides a laboratory environment through a series of progressively more complex exercises that act as building blocks, illustrating the various aspects of UML and its application to real-time and embedded systems. With its focus on gaining proficiency, it goes a significant step beyond basic UML overviews, providing both comprehensive methodology and the best level of supporting exercises available on the market. Each exercise has a matching solution which is thoroughly explained step-by-step in the back of the book. The techniques used to solve these problems come from the author’s decades of experience designing and constructing real-time systems. After the exercises have been successfully completed, the book will act as a desk reference for engineers, reminding them of how many of the problems they face in their designs can be solved. Tutorial style text with keen focus on in-depth presentation and solution of real-world example problems Highly popular, respected and experienced author

This practical new book provides much-needed, practical, hands-on experience capturing analysis and design in UML.

Advances in UML and XML-based Software Evolution

"Reports on the recent advances in UML and XML based software evolution in terms of a wider range of techniques and applications"--Provided by publisher.

"Reports on the recent advances in UML and XML based software evolution in terms of a wider range of techniques and applications"--Provided by publisher.

Langkah Jitu Membuat Kompos dari Kotoran Ternak & Sampah

Sampah dan kotoran ternak merupakan persoalan lingkungan yang hingga kini belum teratasi sepenuhnya. Sering kali limbah sampah dan kotoran ternak dibuang sembarangan ke selokan dan sungai. Akibatnya, bau tak sedap menyebar ke mana-mana. Kondisi ini sebenarnya bisa diatasi jika limbah tersebut diolah menjadi kompos. Selain membawa dampak positif bagi lingkungan, kompos juga bisa dijadikan usaha penghasil rupiah yang cukup lumayan. Buku ini layak dijadikan panduan, terutama bagi Anda yang ingin mempelajari teknik pengomposan secara benar. Bagi yang tertarik menekuni bisnis pengomposan juga pantas membaca buku terbitan AgroMedia Pustaka ini karena diulas juga mengenai manajemen usaha pengomposan, baik skala kecil maupun besar. #AgromediaPeduliSampah

tenaga kerja, dan potensi pendapatan bersih. Anggaran dibuat berdasarkan
harapan hasil jangka panjang, harga, dan biaya. Jadi, anggaran komparatif
hanya bersifat semu. c. Anggaran Setahun Anggaran harus mengarahkan tiap
sistem ...

Bijak dan Cerdas Mengolah Sampah

Membuat Kompos dari Sampah Rumah Tangga Aneka Teknik dan Cara Pengomposan Aneka Tipe Komposter untuk Sampah Rumah Tangga Teknis Pembuatan Komposter If there's a will, there's a way. Begitulah kiranya semangat dan perjuangan Teti Suryati menyosialisasikan pengolahan sampah rumah tangga menjadi kompos. Banyak rintangan yang dihadapi oleh kader kebersihan Dinas Kebersihan DKI Jakarta ini, tetapi semuanya dijadikan sebagai tantangan. Keberhasilannya memberdayakan warga di sekitar tempat tinggalnya, membuahkan sejumlah prestasi yang sangat membanggakan. RW 15 tempat ia berdomisili, terpilih sebagai RW percontohan di Jakarta Timur, bahkan juara nasional RW Bersih 2007 yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementrian Negara Lingkungan Hidup. Selain itu, guru biologi ini juga berhasil membawa sekolah tempatnya mengajar terpilih sebagai sekolah berwawasan lingkungan tingkat nasional, melalui kegiatan muatan lokal pengolahan sampah sekolah. Srikandi lingkungan ini pun sukses mengembangkan komposter untuk membuat kompos dari sampah rumah tangga. Bahan pembuatan komposter ini pun tetap memanfaatkan barang bekas di sekitar kita. Dalam buku ini, Teti Suryati berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan pengolahan sampah, khususnya pembuatan kompos dari sampah rumah tangga. Tak ketinggalan, dibahas pula pembuatan berbagai tipe komposter beserta penggunaannya dalam menghasilkan kompos. Kini, saatnya kita yang ambil bagian untuk peduli pada sampah yang kita produksi. Kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi? Mari, selamatkan bumi kita! -AgroMedia- #AgromediaPeduliSampah

Keuntungan dari penjualan komposter juga dimasukkan ke kas RW dan PKK
setempat. Pada tahun 2006, Teti menggagas muatan lokal lingkungan hidup
sebagai materi pelajaran di sekolah tempatnya mengajar. Usulan tersebut

Pembesaran Lele di Berbagai Jenis Kolam

Dalam buku ini, penulis menjabarkan proses pemeliharaan lele di berbagai jenis kolam, dari metode pembuatan kolam, pemberian pakan hingga pencegahan dan penanggulangan serangan penyakit dan hama. Melalui informasi yang disajikan dalam buku ini, Anda bebas memilih jenis kolam untuk usaha pembesaran lele sesuai dengan kondisi lokasi dan permodalan yang dimiliki. -AgroMedia-

Selama pemeliharaan, pakan yang diberikan berupa 3. pakan buatan pelet dan
pakan alternatif, seperti keong. Selama pemeliharaan mutlak diaplikasikan
probiotik 4. dengan dosis dan cara penggunaan sesuai label petunjuk. Jumlah
benih ...

The Economics of Telecommunications Systems

The process of formulating and implementing telecommunications policy in the United States often seems chaotic and disorganised, with overlapping responsibility and frequent conflicts among federal and state regulators, Congress, the Administration, and the Federal judiciary. There has never been a consensus on what should change and what should remain unaltered. Telecommunications policy has evolved gradually over a relatively long period of time, resulting in a cumulative major transformation. It is still tied, however, to the Communications Act of 1934. Actions have been taken that have gradually moved policy from traditional public utility regulation of a monopoly to greater reliance on market forces and encouragement of competition. The policies are an amalgam incorporating elements from a wide range of political and economic views. There is nothing endemic in this transformation process to guarantee that the resulting policies have led to greater economic efficiency or that they are better in some subjective sense than alternatives that are available. This being the case, what is very useful is an ex post assessment of the policies that have been implemented in order to evaluate their impact. An objective evaluation of the impact of a policy affords an opportunity to make adjustments to it based on the realised economic consequences. This approach to policy making can be looked upon as a learning-by-doing exercise. In this book a number of objective studies based on data from various telecommunications systems are presented. These studies discuss and evaluate policies that have been implemented. In a number of instances, the policies have been misguided. Recommendations to correct the most egregious problems are offered.

The Malmquist index approach is based on physical measures of inputs and
outputs and thereby avoids many of the biases (previously noted) that are
associated with the conventional growth accounting approach to measuring the
rate of ...

The Economics of Salmon Aquaculture

First published in 1990, The Economics of Salmon Aquaculture was the first book to systematically analyse the salmon aquaculture industry, from both a market and production perspective. Since publication of the first edition of this book, the salmon aquaculture industry has grown at a phenomenal rate, with salmon now being consumed in more than 100 countries worldwide. This second edition of a very popular and successful book brings the reader right up to date with all the major current issues pertaining to salmon aquaculture. Commencing with an overview of the production process in aquaculture, the following chapters provide in-depth coverage of the sources of the world’s supply of salmon, the growth in productivity, technological changes, environmental issues, markets, market structure and competitiveness, lessons that can be learnt from the culture of other species, optimal harvesting techniques, production planning, and investment in salmon farms. Written by Frank Ashe and Trond Bjørndal, two of the world's leading experts in the economics of aquaculture, this second edition of The Economics of Salmon Aquaculture provides the salmon aquaculture industry with an essential reference work, including a wealth of commercially important information. This book is also a valuable resource for upper level students and professionals in aquaculture and economics, and libraries in all universities and research establishments where these subjects are studied and taught should have copies of this important book on their shelves.

In Canada and Chile there is generally a lower share of marine input as
differences in regulations allow a higher share of animal meals, because several
retail chains in Europe require a minimum share of marine inputs in the feed. One
may ...

The Economics of Animal Health and Production

Annotation. Illustrated with review studies on animal health economics, this book presents information on the most important economic tools applied to livestock, covering both theory and practical applications. Topics covered include gross margin analysis, partial budgeting, investment and financial appraisal and cost-benefit analysis. There are also sections on decision tree analysis, optimisation methods, value chain analysis, new institutional economics, DALYs and a range of policy analysis tools. International experts contribute on important theoretical and practical aspects of animal health and production economics, with global themes on livestock and poverty.

the expected output levels for the inputs displayed, but provide no information on
what would happen to the level of output with a change in any one of the inputs.
Terminology for Production Economics The generalized equation for expressing

Soil Heavy Metals

Human activities have dramatically changed the composition and organisation of soils. Industrial and urban wastes, agricultural application and also mining activities resulted in an increased concentration of heavy metals in soils. How plants and soil microorganisms cope with this situation and the sophisticated techniques developed for survival in contaminated soils is discussed in this volume. The topics presented include: the general role of heavy metals in biological soil systems; the relation of inorganic and organic pollutions; heavy metal, salt tolerance and combined effects with salinity; effects on abuscular mycorrhizal and on saprophytic soil fungi; heavy metal resistance by streptomycetes; trace element determination of environmental samples; the use of microbiological communities as indicators; phytostabilization of lead polluted sites by native plants; effects of soil earthworms on removal of heavy metals and the remediation of heavy metal contaminated tropical land.

Introduction. Heavy metals are considered one of the major sources of soil
pollution (Huang and Shindo 2000). Heavy metal pollution of the soil is caused
by various metals, especially Cu, Ni, Cd, Zn, Cr, and Pb (Effron et al. 2004). Zeng
et al.