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Business Data Communications and Networking, 12th Edition

Over the past few years, many fundamental changes have occurred in data, communication, and networking that will shape the future for decades to come. Updated with the latest advances in the field, Jerry FitzGerald, Alan Dennis and Alexandra Durcikova's 12th Edition of Business Data Communications and Networking continues to provide the fundamental concepts and cutting-edge coverage of applications that students need to succeed in this dynamic field. Authors FitzGerald, Dennis and Durcikova have developed a foundation and balanced presentation from which new technologies and applications can be easily understood, evaluated, and compared.

Updated with the latest advances in the field, Jerry FitzGerald, Alan Dennis and Alexandra Durcikova's 12th Edition of Business Data Communications and Networking continues to provide the fundamental concepts and cutting-edge coverage of ...

A Lawyer's Guide to Networking

This hands-on workbook is an invaluable tool for lawyers at all stages of their professional life, from law students to high-level professionals transitioning careers. Filled with practical advice, folk wisdom, academic theory and tips from some leading members of the bar, this book covers networking from the basics of an elevator pitch to the role it plays in business development, internal relations, job searches and leadership in the profession and in the community.

This hands-on workbook is an invaluable tool for lawyers at all stages of their professional life, from law students to high-level professionals transitioning careers.

Wireless Networking in the Developing World

The massive popularity of wireless networking has caused equipment costs to continually plummet, while equipment capabilities continue to increase. By applying this technology in areas that are badly in need of critical communications infrastructure, more people can be brought online than ever before, in less time, for very little cost. We hope to not only convince you that this is possible, but also show how we have made such networks work, and to give you the information and tools you need to start a network project in your local community.This book was created by a team of individuals who each, in their own field, are actively participating in the ever-expanding Internet by pushing its reach farther than ever before. This book documents our efforts to build wireless networks in the developing world.Download the PDF for free from

This book documents our efforts to build wireless networks in the developing world.Download the PDF for free from

Computer Networking

A Top-down Approach

Overview: Building on the successful top-down approach of previous editions, the Sixth Edition of Computer Networking continues with an early emphasis on application-layer paradigms and application programming interfaces, encouraging a hands-on experience with protocols and networking concepts. With this edition, Kurose and Ross have revised and modernized treatment of some key chapters to integrate the most current and relevant networking technologies. Networking today involves much more than standards specifying message formats and protocol behaviors-and it is far more interesting. Professors Kurose and Ross focus on describing emerging principles in a lively and engaging manner and then illustrate these principles with examples drawn from Internet architecture.

With this edition, Kurose and Ross have revised and modernized treatment of some key chapters to integrate the most current and relevant networking technologies.

Empowering Marginal Communities with Information Networking

"This book details how new technologies can help people living in poverty improve their livelihood, increase productivity, improve the quality of services, and empower them if technologies are used in ways that are appropriate to their context and needs"--Provided by publisher.

"This book details how new technologies can help people living in poverty improve their livelihood, increase productivity, improve the quality of services, and empower them if technologies are used in ways that are appropriate to their ...

Networking in Multinational Enterprises

The Importance of Strategic Alliances

Focuses on the importance of strategic alliance building for economic viability in global markets.

Focuses on the importance of strategic alliance building for economic viability in global markets.

30 Minutes - to Improve Your Networking Skills

A handy guide for all the many people who are failing to exploit their unique network of professional and personal contacts, showing that it takes only half an hour to start building on your network to attract new business, change your job or win promotion.

A handy guide for all the many people who are failing to exploit their unique network of professional and personal contacts, showing that it takes only half an hour to start building on your network to attract new business, change your job ...

Computerization and Networking of Materials Database

Papers presented at the symposium on the Computerization and Use of Materials Property Data, held in Cambridge, UK, September 1991, sponsored by the ASTM and the (UK) National Physical Laboratory. The volume is divided into four sections: standards and data representation, integration of materials i

The volume is divided into four sections: standards and data representation, integration of materials i


The Complete Reference

The most comprehensive reference for Network Professionals, providing in-depth and up-to-date coverage of the latest networking topics with more than 200 pages of new material. 600 illustrations.

Clearly-written, thorough, and logically-organized, this book is an invaluable reference--offering a wealth of both conceptual and technical information on all aspects of networking.Learn how to design and set up an effective network ...