Sebanyak 1029 item atau buku ditemukan

Electronic Marketing Plan for the International Office, SCU

The Internet has changed the way the world disseminates information since the introduction of the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1995. It became a global medium for the distribution and exchange of information among the users. Especially for Universities, competing for attention of international students, it is a crucial tool to reflect their programs and services offered in a highly competitive environment of thousands of Universities worldwide. As prospective students tend to inform themselves primarily over the Internet, the quality of the presentation in combination with different techniques and technologies determines the success or failure of getting international students. This report presents an Internet Marketing Plan for improving the existing website of the International Office, Southern Cross University (SCU), Lismore, New South Wales, Australia. The International Office’s website’s objective is to reflect their services and the programs offered by the SCU in the best way. As the environmental analysis shows, they are acting in a highly competitive environment with 47 Australian institutions for higher education with an increasing demand on the part of international students, representing an increase of 17.5 percent in 2001 with increasing tendency since 1992. A reason for this is that study abroad experience is nowadays a “required” experience for a successful career. The SWOT analysis shows, that the website is not using their whole competencies as the information displayed does not take into consideration the needs of international students. Additional lacking or not updated information confuses and often frustrates the International Offices target market: The potential international student. Therefore, objectives are to improve the website and to increase enrolments of international students at SCU from 7 per cent up to 10 per cent in 2005. Underlying goals for those objectives are to create a more informative and importantly up to date site, to offer a forum for feedback from students, as well as a system for identifying how often the site is used and to reinforce corporate identity with the SCU homepage. The improved site will service students throughout their experience with the University, developing a long-term relationship with the office staff, students, and prospective Universities.

A reason for this is that study abroad experience is nowadays a “required” experience for a successful career.

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English 1

Examination Papers from the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English 1 contains four complete tests for the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) examination from Cambridge ESOL. These past examination papers provide the most authentic exam preparation available. They allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the examination and to practise useful examination techniques. Attractive colour visual material for Paper 5 is included with each test, enabling students to prepare thoroughly for the paired interview. The Student?s Book is also available as a ?with answers? edition which contains a comprehensive section of keys and transcripts, making it suitable for self study.

Sample. B. (Test. 2. Question. 1). Nowadays it is common knowledge that
computers have entered not only our personal and professional lives, but they
have also prevailed in certain fields of the public sector, including education.
According to ...

The Integration of Information and Communication Technology in Visual Arts Education

A Malaysian Experience

The central aim of Malaysia's policy document Vision 2020, which is to see this country become fully developed by the year 2020, has required a major transformation of its education system. The robust advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has demanded its integration into that system. As a subject that places its emphasis on creativity, innovation and critical thinking, Visual Arts Education (VAE) has urged its teachers to utilize the full potential of ICT. The positive impact of integrating ICT in visual art classrooms has been acknowledged in previously published research. However, despite its huge potential and advantages, the present study found that many VAE teachers were not integrating ICT into their art classrooms and that there were many factors influencing their decision not to do so.

The central aim of Malaysia's policy document Vision 2020, which is to see this country become fully developed by the year 2020, has required a major transformation of its education system.