Sebanyak 132 item atau buku ditemukan

Peranan tokoh agama dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan, 1945-1950 di Aceh

History of the role

Van Langen, K.F.H.,, *'De' Inrichting Van Het Atjehsche Staatbestuur Onder het
Sultanaaf , BKI, 1888. Van't Veer, Paul. Perang Aceh, Jakarta: PT. Grafiti Pers,
1985. Verslag, Pertemoean Oelama-Oelama di Sungai Lipah, Oktober, 1936.
Vleer, A.J., "De Positie Van Den Toeha Peut Atjehsche Staatbestel'\ Kolonial
Studien, 1935. Zainuddin, H. M. Srikandi Atjeh, Medan : Pustaka Iskandar Muda,
1966. Zamzam i, Amran, Jihad Akbar di Medan Area. Jakarta : Bulan Bintang,

Buku kisah inspiratif generasi sehat dan cerdas (GSC)

Government program on public health development in rural areas in Indonesia.

Government program on public health development in rural areas in Indonesia.

Proceedings of Second Asian Conference on Mycorrhiza

Bogor, Indonesia, 11 - 15 March 1991

Paper presented at the First National Seminar on Leucaena leucocephala. BPPT,
Jakarta 23-25 August 1981. Ministry of Research and Technology. Nuhamara,
S.T. 1982b. Fungi associated with Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese Plantation.
BIOTROP/AR/82/464. Bogor, Indonesia. Nuhamara, S.T. 1984. Mycorrhizae, new
dimension on weed control in agricultural land. Paper presented on Seventh
Indonesian Weed Science Association (HIGI) Conference, 14 - 16 February 1984

Proceedings of the symposium on biology and management of weeds and fourth tropical weed science conference, Bogor, Indonesia 22-24 November 1994

Soekisman Tjitrosemito, Ishemat Soerianegara, Regional Center for Tropical
Biology (Bogor, Indonesia). 2. Density and fertilizer rates Fertilizers may ...
According to Alkamper (1976) weeds are generally capable of absorbing
nutrients faster and in relatively bigger amounts than crops and thus benefit more
from fertilization. In the presence of high densities of Cyperus iria, ... Proc. of the
First International Weed Control Congress, Melbourne : p. 127 - 133. Lubigan,
R.T. AND M.R. Vega.

Proceedings of the Symposium on Aquatic Weed Management, Bogor, Indonesia, 15-17 May 1990

Peter R. Cary, Regional Center for Tropical Biology (Bogor, Indonesia).
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like ... Proc. of the First Tropical Weed Science
Conference (1984). MANSOR, M.A. IsMAn. AND M.N. NORDIN. 1986. Factors
governing the distribution of Eichhornia V crassipes along Sungai Perak. Proc. of
Weed Science in the Tropics (1983). NATIoNAL ACADEMIC or SCIENCE. 1976.
Making Aquatic Weeds Useful. Washington Press. p, 15-23. SAHARAN, H.A.
1978. Rice Weed ...