Sebanyak 213 item atau buku ditemukan

Kedudukan dan fungsi bahasa Mandar

On the status and function of the Mandar language, spoken in Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan.

Mclalui tabel di atas dapat dilihat persentase pemakaian bahasa Man- dar, yaitu
81% dari 137 responden, pemakai bahasa campuran bahasa Mandar dengan
bahasa Indonesia sebesar 16,5%, dan pemakai bahasa Indonesia 1,5%, dalam

Fungsi bahasa Sumbawa

On the use and function of the Sumbawa language spoken in Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat.

Angka-angka yang menunjukkan persentase bahasa Sumbawa , bahasa
Indonesia, bahasa campuran (bahasa Sumbawa + bahasa Indonesia), bahasa
campuran (bahasa Indonesia + bahasa Sumbawa), dan bahasa lain dalam
Tabel 23 di ...

Shakespeare's Women

A Playscript for Performance and Analysis

Serves both as a script for performance and as a text for high school and college theater and English classes. This self-contained script brings together different scenes from Shake­speare’s plays to portray women “in all their infinite variety.” Two narrators, a man and a woman, introduce and com­ment on these scenes, weaving together the different characters and situations. This book combines literary and theat­rical techniques in examining Shake­speare’s women. Its promptbook format provides clear, helpful stage directions on pages facing each of the scenes. Also help­ful are concise glosses and footnotes to define difficult words and phrases plus a commentary to explain each scene in its dramatic context. Other features include sheet music for each song in the play, a bibliography on the topic of women in Shakespeare’s plays, and suggestions for directors who wish to stage the play.

A Playscript for Performance and Analysis William Shakespeare, Libby Appel,
Michael Flachmann. tesque turn of events, Angelo propositions Isabella and
offers the woman her brother's freedom in return for her virginity. In this scene,
Isabella ...

Consumer Behavior

Implications for Marketing Strategy

Mendocino National Forest (N.F.), Land and Resource(s) Management Plan (LRMP)

Environmental Impact Statement

#50. #63 Dixsrsimfiermage .Goals“ Vegetation Type Minimum Acreage Goals
Hardwood 220 Mixed Conifer 380 * Minimum acreage for each seral stage within
type. Elmfiizeilbimii yes. anLSuppressJon. Strategi es Maximum Fire Fire
Intensity ...

Certain Fresh Atlantic Groundfish from Canada

Determinations of the Commission in Investigation No. 701-TA-257 (preliminary) Under the Tariff Act of 1930, Together with the Information Obtained in the Investigation

701-TA-257 (preliminary) Under the Tariff Act of 1930, Together with the
Information Obtained in the Investigation United States International Trade
Commission, David Coombs, Holly Glenn, J. Fred Warren. On June 10, 1977, the
Fishermen's ...

Dampak sosial budaya akibat menyempitnya lahan pertanian Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh

Sociocultural impact due to restriction of agricultural land in Aceh Province.

Sociocultural impact due to restriction of agricultural land in Aceh Province.