Sebanyak 369 item atau buku ditemukan

Jurnal ekonomi dan pembangunan

Akhir-akhir ini muncul keluhan dari dunia kerja (Perusahaan/lndustri) tentang
keterampilan manajerial yang dimiliki oleh lulusan Politeknik. Para lulusan
Politeknik dinilai terampil dalam bidang pekerjaan teknis. Hal ini dapat tercermin
dari banyaknya mahasiswa Politeknik menjelang kelulusannya yang telah
dipesan perusahaan/pihak industri. Namun setelah mereka bekerja dan
ditempatkan pada tingkat manajerial tertentu, pihak industri mengeluhkan
lemahnya keterampilan ...

Too many toothbrushes

What would you do if you had 99 toothbrushes? That's what Annie wants to know, so C.J. and Jake come to the rescue with math.

What would you do if you had 99 toothbrushes? That's what Annie wants to know, so C.J. and Jake come to the rescue with math.

The great button hunt

Annie and Herman need help as they hunt for buttons hidden in the pages of this book. When they're through, the button-loving friends make a graph to sort and compare their fabulous finds.

Annie and Herman need help as they hunt for buttons hidden in the pages of this book. When they're through, the button-loving friends make a graph to sort and compare their fabulous finds.