Sebanyak 710 item atau buku ditemukan

11. Symposium "Tektonik, Struktur- und Kristallingeologie"

Zusammenfassung der Tagungsbeiträge

Nautchny Mir, Moscow, (in Russian) The significance of fractures in Europe
Poster Philipp S. Jonas1 Colin D. Ranten1 Analytical modelling of geological
fractures is now at an exciting stage. In view of the ever-mounting amount of
fracture data ...

Global Governance And The Quest For Justice

Corporate Governance

This book - one in the four-volume set, Global Governance and the Quest for Justice - focuses on the role of corporations in an increasingly globalised world. Against the backcloth of perceived abuse of corporate power - alleged violations of human rights, degradation of the environment, abuse of labour, Enron-style financial scandals, and the like - the papers in the first part of this collection examine the nature and function of the corporation as well as the way in which we should understand "corporate governance and the "power of transnational corporations. Central to the question is the issue of accountability, as well as the questions of social and environmental responsibility - here the authors ask whether corporations should be more accountable relative to the broader public interest, and suggest that public law approaches to accountability may offer a way forward. The second part of the book considers the most appropriate regulatory locus (local, regional, or international) and the most effective form of response to the deficit in corporate responsibility and the abuse of corporate power. For example, are transnational corporations most effectively regulated internationally (e.g., by the United Nations), regionally (e.g., by the EU or NAFTA) or locally (e.g., through stringent reporting requirements and implementation of triple bottom line standards)?

51 See A Simpson, 'Money Talks: The Rise of Socially Responsible Investors' in
R Cowe (ed), No Scruples? (London, Spiro Press, 2002) 21, 22; Arthur D Little,
Speaking the Same Language-.lmproving Communications between Companies

Fundamental Research at Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2002-2005: Arts

Frequent floods that occur in Kulim River Catchment has caused extensive
damage and inconvenience to the community especially floods event in October
2003 which exceeds 100 year ARI. Previous study for Kulim River (DID 1996;
Yahaya 1999; Lee 2001; Koey 2003) are limited to a flood event, therefore it is
not able to predict river stability efficiency. Thus, a long-term simulation by using
two computer models (FLUVIAL-12 and InfoWorks RS) is proposed for this river
stability study.

Fundamental Research at Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2002-2005: Life sciences

111. | 12. 113. 114. 115. Piah A.R.M. and Chew P.C. (2004). Generating G'Fonts
Using Cubic Ball Functions with Weight. In Banissi E., Piah A.R.M. and Sarfraz M.
(Eds.). Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization, pp. 115–119. Los
Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society. Rahman I.A., Saad B., Ariffin R., Saleh M.I.,
Yusof A.T.M. and Azahari A. (2003). Perincian Nanotiub Silika yang Disediakan
Secara Sol-Gel. Seminar Kimia Analisis Ke-16, Kuching, Sarawak, September 9–
11, 2003.

Fundamental Research at Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2002-2005: Physical sciences

Computer-Aided Design 10(6), 350. 2. Goodman T.N.T. (1991). Closed
biquadratic surfaces. Constructive Approximation 7, 149. 3. Lee S.L. and Majid
A.A. (1992). Closed smooth piecewise bicubic surfaces. ACM Transactions of
Graphics 10(4), 342. 4. Piah A.R.M. (1992). Construction of smooth surfaces by
piecewise tensor product polynomials. In: Lyche T. and Schumaker L.L. (Eds.).
Mathematical Methods in Computer Aided Geometric Design II. San Diego:
Academic Press, 441. 5.

Plantation Technology in Tropical Forest Science

This book is intended to be a record of the Biotechnology-Assisted Re/Afforestation Project in the Asia-Pacific Region (BIO-REFOR) since 1992, conducted in coop eration with the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (lUFRO). The purpose of the project is to promote exchanges of information of fundamental research on indigenous species in the Asia-Pacific Region in order to restore natural forests. The production, cultivation, and maintenance of forest tree species provide highly sustainable production systems that conserve soils, the microenvironment, and biodiversity The key technology for biomass production of forests is propagation via micropropagation or traditional propagation. However, there are many recalci trant species among useful forest trees to be propagated in large numbers. Recent advances in mycorrhizal technology and in vitro culture have made it possible to commercially propagate useful trees for re/afforestation. In this book, comprehensive information is provided on propagation, mycor rhizal inoculation, and reforestation of economically and environmentally impor tant forest trees, information that usually is available only in widely scattered re sources. Here, we include a wide area of the ecology and physiology of dipterocarps as a general overview, and then cover propagation techniques, mycorrhizal symbio sis, man-made forests, and biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific region.

26 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forests:
Socioeconomic Problems with Farm- Forestry of Rainforest Timber Production in
North Queensland N. Stork1, S. Harrison12, J. Herbohn3, and R. Keenan4 26.1
Introduction Although it is now six years since the signing of the Convention on
Biological Diversity and Agreement on Forest Principles, there seem to have
been few improvements in the sustainable management of biodiversity in forests.
In reality, most ...