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Getting Started with Couchbase Server

Do you know what to do if your web application goes viral and usage suddenly explodes? This concise guide introduces you to Couchbase Server, an extremely fast NoSQL database that automatically distributes data across a cluster of commodity servers or virtual machines. You’ll learn hands-on how to build a Couchbase cluster without changing your application, and how to expand your database on the fly without interrupting service. Discover how this open source server can help your application gain scalability and performance. Learn how the server’s architecture affects the way you build and deploy your database Store data without defining a data structure—and retrieve it without complex queries or query languages Use a formula to estimate your cluster size requirements Set up individual nodes through a browser, command line, or REST API Enable your application to read and write data with sub-millisecond latency through managed object caching Get a quick guide to building applications that integrate Couchbase’s core protocol Identify problems in your cluster with the web console Expand or shrink your cluster, handle failovers, and back up data

This concise guide introduces you to Couchbase Server, an extremely fast NoSQL database that automatically distributes data across a cluster of commodity servers or virtual machines.

Enterprise Search

Is your organization rapidly accumulating more information than you know how to manage? This book helps you create an enterprise search solution based on more than just technology. Author Martin White shows you how to plan and implement a managed search environment that meets the needs of your business and your employees. Learn why it’s vital to have a dedicated staff manage your search technology and support your users. In one survey, 93% of executives said their organization is losing revenue because they’re not fully able to use the information they collect. With this book, business managers, IT managers, and information professionals can maximize the value of corporate information and data assets. Use 12 critical factors to gauge your organization’s search needs Learn how to make a business case for search Research your user requirements and evaluate your current search solution Create a support team with technical skills and organizational knowledge to manage your solution Set quality guidelines for organizational content and metadata Get an overview of open source and commercial search technology Choose an application based on your requirements, not for its features Make mobile and location-independent search part of your solution

This book helps you create an enterprise search solution based on more than just technology. Author Martin White shows you how to plan and implement a managed search environment that meets the needs of your business and your employees.

Sakai OAE Deployment and Management

Open Source Collaboration and Learning for Higher Education

The Sakai Open Academic Environment (OAE) provides a unique collaboration system for university campuses: a social network that helps students discuss class materials, pursue research, communicate with faculty, and discover the risks and benefits of sharing personal information—all in a private, rather than public, forum. This example-driven guide will get you up to speed on various methods used to deploy, customize, and manage OAE, whether you’re an IT specialist in an educational institution, or an academic or instructional technologist. Learn how to work with OAE’s source code to modify key areas such as profiles, courses, permissions, and content. You’ll soon adapt this network to support the culture and needs of your campus. Create research projects and online companions for lecture courses Learn about the range of OAE’s public and privacy settings Customize OAE’s look and feel, including the welcome screen, drop-down menus, and sign-up pages Connect to a local LDAP to work with accounts and authentication Install widgets to extend and customize OAE’s core functionality Integrate OAE with a web server and backend database Get a checklist for deploying your custom OAE to production

This example-driven guide will get you up to speed on various methods used to deploy, customize, and manage OAE, whether you’re an IT specialist in an educational institution, or an academic or instructional technologist.

HLSL and Pixel Shaders for XAML Developers

Pixel shaders are some of the more powerful graphic tools available for XAML programmers, but shader development bears little resemblance to traditional .NET programming. With this hands-on book, you’ll not only discover how to use existing shaders in your Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight applications, you’ll also learn how create your own effects with XAML and Microsoft’s HLSL shading language. In the process, you’ll write, compile, and test custom XAML shaders with the Shazzam Shader Editor, a free utility developed by author Walt Ritscher. The book includes XAML and C# sample code, and Shazzam contains all of the sample shaders discussed. Learn how shaders help you extend the GPU’s rendering capabilities Explore prevailing shader types, such as color modification, blurring, and spatial transformation Get a quick tour of the shader features, and use pre-built effects on image elements in your application Examine the XAML ShaderEffect class to understand how WPF and Silverlight use shaders Learn about the shader-specific tools available in Visual Studio and Expression Blend Get up to speed on HLSL basics and learn how to create a variety of graphics effects

With this hands-on book, you’ll not only discover how to use existing shaders in your Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight applications, you’ll also learn how create your own effects with XAML and Microsoft’s HLSL ...

Just Spring Integration

Get started with Spring Integration, the lightweight Java-based framework that makes designing and developing message-oriented architectures a breeze. Through numerous examples, you’ll learn how to use this open source framework’s basic building blocks to work with both inter- and intra-application programming models. If you’re a Java developer familiar with the Spring framework (perhaps through O’Reilly’s Just Spring tutorial) and want to advance your skills with Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) patterns, and messaging systems in particular, this book is ideal. Learn Spring Integration fundamentals, including channels, endpoints, and messages Use message channels to decouple applications, separating producers from consumers Discover how common endpoint patterns separate a messaging application’s business logic from integration details Create a seamless integration between the endpoints, using Transformers Implement Spring Integration’s flow components to design your messaging application’s business flow Configure the framework’s File, FTP, JMS, and JDBC adapters to integrate with external systems

If you’re a Java developer familiar with the Spring framework (perhaps through O’Reilly’s Just Spring tutorial) and want to advance your skills with Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) patterns, and messaging systems in ...

Manajemen Minimarket

Salah satu bisnis yang meningkat dari tahun ke tahun adalah bisnis minimarket. Bisnis minimarket yang dimaksud bukanlah bisnis minimarket waralaba yang sudah dibatasi perkembangannya, melainkan minimarket individual, minimarket mandiri. Banyak orang masih salah langkah dalam memulai bisnis minimarket individual. Padahal, bisnis minimarket mandiri tak kalah menguntungkan dari minimarket waralaba. Oleh karena itu, kehadiran buku ini dapat menjadi panduan bagi wirausahawan dalam hal-hal berikut. • Perkembangan dunia bisnis ritel modern di Indonesia • Landasan hukum bisnis ritel dan minimarket • Langkah-langkah persiapan pembukaan toko • Perencanaan dan perancangan toko • Penanganan barang dagangan • Kegiatan operasional harian minimarket • Konsep penetapan dan struktur harga • Pemasaran dan promosi minimarket • Kunci sukses bisnis minimarket

Salah satu bisnis yang meningkat dari tahun ke tahun adalah bisnis minimarket.

SPSS: a Practical Guide Version 20.0

This practical and highly visual text introduces students to a range of commonly used statistical procedures typically included in the curricula of undergraduate applied statistics and research methodology units. The text takes a hands-on approach to the subject matter, working through each procedure in an illustrated, step-by-step fashion. As well as a focus on a doinga , the authors also emphasise interpretation and reporting throughout using many examples with annotated SPSS output and explanations of how specific research findings can be communicated clearly and concisely.

The text takes a hands-on approach to the subject matter, working through each procedure in an illustrated, step-by-step fashion.

Pedoman umum ejaan bahasa Madura yang disempurnakan

Guidelines for orthography and spelling of Madurese language of Indonesia.

Guidelines for orthography and spelling of Madurese language of Indonesia.