Sebanyak 47 item atau buku ditemukan

Menggagas revolusi kebudayaan tanpa kekerasan

Karena gejala yang tampak adalah munculnya raja-raja kecil di daerah,
sehingga substansi persoalan efektivitas manajemen politik dan efisiensi
birokrasi pemerintahan tidak dipecahkan. Padahal yang. hendak dicapai adalah
bagaimana manajemen politik dan birokrasi pemerintahan dapat berjalan efektif
dan efisien untuk menjamin terwujudnya keadilan dan kemakmuran rakyat,
bukan hanya memindahkan kekuasaan yang kenyataanya sama saja, yaitu
penyelenggaraan ...

UML Explained

Introduces the Unified Modeling Language, explains the fundamentals of modeling elements, structures, and the behaviors of object-oriented software systems, and offers real-world examples.

Introduces the Unified Modeling Language, explains the fundamentals of modeling elements, structures, and the behaviors of object-oriented software systems, and offers real-world examples.

Recent Advances Towards Improved Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Pollution

Heavy metal pollution represents a global challenge to both public health and environmental sustainability. Any means to reduce heavy metal pollution in the environment is of considerable economic significance. The use of green plants to clean up heavy metal pollution is an environmentally friendly as well as a low-cost approach to the problem. This plant-based biotechnology is commonly known as ‘phytoremediation’. Presently, there is limited application of this technology because useful plants with enhanced heavy metal resistance/tolerance are still needed to assist remediation of environments polluted with heavy metals. A key to improved phytoremediation of heavy metal pollution lies in research seeking for a better understanding of the mechanism(s) of heavy metal resistance/tolerance in plants. This E-book presents a unique treatment of the topics that have never been comprehensively brought together before in a single advanced reference. The volume explores aspects of plant biology that are critical for employing phytoremedation techniques to combat heavy metal contamination such as the specific plant biology, seed biology, plant tissue culture and enzymology. This E-book will be a useful reference to plant biologists, biotechnologists and environmental engineers seeking information about phytoremediation of heavy metals from the environment.

Recent Advances Towards Improved Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Pollution,
2013, 55-67 55 Effect of Nitric Oxide Donors on Metal Toxicity in Plants David
W.M. Leung* School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Private Bag

Buku pegangan Pusat Latihan L.S.D. golongan AI (rehabilitasi tunanetra).

Pelatih/pembantu guru/guru dsb. jang umumnja dipergunakan sendiri oleh
pemerintah. Kesemuanja ini ketjuali jang telah direhabilitir oleh Pemerintah
sebagai petugas tetap, memerlukan uluran tangan dari masjarakat melalui Desa
dan ...

Le Califat Bien-Guidé

Historique des califats des nobles Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman et 'Ali

Historique minutieusement investigué et faisant autorité de l'Islam sous les quatre premiers Califes vertueux, Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman et 'Ali. Réfute le mythe selon lequel l'Islam fut propagé par l'épée. Merveilleusement libre de toute influence sectaire.

La Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore (USA) a produit une littérature
inestimable vouée à la renaissance de l'Islam. Elle présente les véridiques,
pacifiques et magnifiques enseignements de l'Islam, et ôte beaucoup d'idées
fausses au ...