Sebanyak 35 item atau buku ditemukan

100 % Pasti Lulus Psikotes dan TPA 2015

Anda simak dan Pelajari setiap soal dan pembahasannya, karena soal-soal di buku ini adalah soal-soal yang Paling Sering Muncul dan juga paling banyak Tidak Terjawab oleh para peserta tes dari tahun ke tahunnya. Maka dengan menguasai semua soal di dalam buku ini, dapat dipastikan kamu akan memiliki persiapan yang Lebih Siap dari peserta lain, karena artinya kamu sudah menguasai soal-soal yang selalu gagal dan menjadi Kendala para peserta lain. Bisa dikatakan inilah buku Wajibnya para peserta Tes, karena dengan buku yang diterbitkan oleh KUNCI KOMUNIKASI ini peserta Tes mana pun akan merasa Lebih Siap. Siapa pun kamu, baik untuk menghadapi perusahaan Swasta mau pun Negeri, ada baiknya menggunakan buku ini sebagai pegangannya. Selain sebagai panduan, buku ini dapat menjadi bahan latihan sebelum hari, yaitu hari dimana ujian Tes pun tiba, karena kalau hari itu sudah tiba, Tidak Ada yang bisa membantu dirimu selain dirimu sendiri. -Lembar Langit Indonesia Group-

M. Ardiansyah Ramadhan adalah seorang pria kelahiran Padang yang berhasil
masuk ke Universitas Indonesia melalui jalur SIMAK UI. Dengan kerja keras dan
semangatnya dalam mempelajari soal-soal yang akan diujikan, dia sukses ...

Hukum ekonomi dan hukum internasional

bunga rampai

On economic law and international law in Indonesia; collected articles.

On economic law and international law in Indonesia; collected articles.

A Handbook of Real Variables

With Appllications to Differential Equations and Fourier Analysis

This concise real analysis handbook takes into account the fundamentals of the classical theory of the subject and sheds light on its significant applications to differential equations and Fourier analysis. It de-emphasizes proofs and instead stresses concepts, examples and insights.

7=0 This fact may be verified just by long division. The series converges neither
at 1 nor at — 1 . In fact one may check by hand that f has a convergent power
series expansion about any point xq in the real line except 1 . Thus f is real
analytic ...

Financial Distress, Corporate Restructuring and Firm Survival

An Empirical Analysis of German Panel Data

Philipp Jostarndt studies distress-induced changes in ownership and control, success factors in distressed equity infusions, and firms’ choice between in- and out-of-court debt restructurings. In addition, he analyzes the determinants of survival, acquisition, and bankruptcy as alternative paths to exit financial distress. He includes both the firm perspective as well as the market valuations of the undertaken restructurings and, where applicable, relates the findings to the microstructure of Germany’s revised bankruptcy legislation.

the resulting industry distribution of firms in the distress sample broadly
corresponds with the overall distribution of industries in the universe. The
industry distributions of the distress sample and the underlying WORLDSCOPE
universe are ...

American Christians and Islam

Evangelical Culture and Muslims from the Colonial Period to the Age of Terrorism

Pointing to many evangelicals' unwillingness to acknowledge Islam's theological commonalities with Christianity and their continued portrayal of Islam as an "evil" and false religion, Kidd explains why Christians themselves are ironically to blame for the failure of evangelism in the Muslim world."

He offers an important chapter in the story of American attitudes toward Muslims. This book fills a gap in the scholarship of American religious culture.

Guerrilla Marketing Field Guide

30 Powerful Battle Maneuvers for Non-Stop Momentum and Results

Build marketing momentum, outsmart your competitors, and win the long-term war for mindshare and sales in 30 maneuversuall inside, battle-tested, and ready to employ. The Father of Guerrilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson, and Jeannie Levinson, President of Guerrilla Marketing International, deliver a no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners plan to producing immediate marketing results without consuming your cash or wasting your time. From delivering a powerhouse elevator pitch to mastering media, each maneuver is a marketing mission accomplished.

AY CONRAD LEVINSONis the author of the bestselling marketing seriesin history
, Guerrilla Marketing, plusover 100 other business books.His books have sold
more than21 million copies worldwide, and hisguerrilla concepts have influenced

The Gardener's Year

a literary masterpiece, still more seldom that a book on gardening

a literary masterpiece, still more seldom that a book on gardening

Agenda dan penataan keamanan di Asia Pasifik

New regional international order in the Asia Pacific, security aspects, and the role of ASEAN, papers.

... ASEAN meningkatkan dan meluaskan kerja sama di berbagai bidang antara
lain pertanian, perdagangan, enerji, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, bank dan
keuangan, hukum, informasi dan kebudayaan, pembangunan sosial, turis, buruh.